Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Hey all, checking in on day 1522. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 166

Up way too early but my mind was so chatty. Shhh. Need a little mindfulness today. :thinking: How do I do that? Is there a mindful outfit I can wear?



No Holidays this Summer. Gotta enjoy what you have :parasol_on_ground:


256 days
Another low key day in between nightshifts. Got to the gym early then had someone to eat and a nap. Slept longer than I had intended but it was good one.
Back at work tonight, last shift before a few days off. Did some refresher training to help get ready for this course. Will try do more work on my days off and then Iā€™ll have a couple of dayshifts to get some training done too. Will still feel underdone but its all I can do.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 168.

Thinking of maybe taking a break from here.
I love you guys and is very grateful that Iā€™m a part of this community.

Iā€™m just not sure that itā€™s the right thing for me to do or the right place to be at the moment.

I used to love to log in,check in and communicate with all of you. Now it just feels like an obligation.

I donā€™t want to live like that. The ones whoā€™ve been following around a while knows that I donā€™t like rules or anything that limitates or restric me.

I want to have a good life, but most of all I want freedom. Freedom to be whoever I want to be, and freedom to do whatever I want to do.

Everything has changed so much in a very short time, I just need to find myself in it.

I used to be married with my Best friend, an equal but Iā€™m leaning more and more towards a caregiver.

Thinking about giving God another chance, even of I donā€™t want to join church again. I donā€™t really want to think that Iā€™ve got through all s**t for nothing. Even if Iā€™m not buying church brainwashing ideology either.

Deep thoughts today.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.


Thanks @acromouse I admire your journey and openness to explore. We can be a million places inside ourselves and benefit from that.


Day 2336. Worked an hour out in the garden. Now getting ready for work. I forgot, while an unpopular opinion by some on here, how much manual labor was crucial to my recovery. My friends, if you are at a place in your recovery where you are stuckā€¦get out and get your hands dirty, your muscles tired and sore.

Stay sober friends!


Yeah, you are probably right. Iā€™m feeling better today. How about you?


Thank you, Jazzy! Yeah meditation helped and today is a much better day.


You for sure will be missed Sophia but this is your journey and you need to feel good in doing it. Your days are stacking up so I do hope you find some kind of connection to help you stay on track as you are dealing with all of lifeā€™s stresses.

You know as they say the door here is always open and lights are always on so do come back when you feel more comfortable.

Wishing you love, happiness and a peace of mind :people_hugging::heart:


Checking in day 94. Still dealing with cravings but they have become easier to work through. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not around people who drink. The temptation would be too great.
Anyway, taking a day for me today. Nothing planned, just taking it easy.

Have a great day all!


Oh I love it ā€“ nothing planned is even better - just go with the flow love. Sorry the cravings are high ā€“ you are closing in on triple digits which could contribute to them. Keep strong and pushing ahead :muscle:
Have a wonderful ā€œmeā€ day


Checking in. When will I get a break? So tired. Life keeps throwing at me.My muscels in the back of my shoulders Are so pain.

You need to try to eat the doctor say. Take this two types liquid vitamin and omega3 morning and evening. Smoothie, avokado and so on, and try easy food Potato, boiled vegetabels and sauce.

He put togheter a lot of whats been going in my life last one two years and says you are exhausted and Im sure thats why you feel and struggle with everthing you have been struggeling and still are struggeling with. You need eat and try to only relaxe also not be in on modus all the time.


Just sad todayā€¦. Not so much anger. :pray:t2:.


Sorry to hear youā€™re sad. But good youā€™re not anger anymore. Sending you hugs, you got this!


132 days sober
I got so much done today. Worked on the trauma workbook this morning then had a long walk after to walk out my stress and anxiety which I was relatively successful at. I did a solid few hours of translation work in the afternoon. Iā€™m making good progress on the project and still feel like Iā€™m learning a lot from it. The man who will build my new toilet came today and got started. He said I made good progress on the digging already- he only needs to go another 2 meters then can lay the foundation before building up so hoping itā€™ll be finished in the next week or two.
I also visited my neighbors and brought them some food. We had a good visit but I could tell they are really having a difficult time.
Iā€™m in for the night and am relaxing. Hope Iā€™ll have dreamless sleep tonight- I notice I sleep bad after working on the trauma workbook or having a counseling session.



I would go with extremely comfortable on the outfit choice!


Wednesday morning workday check in. Life is hard this week; I am over-scheduled and extremely exhausted.
Sticking with the plans and doing my best though.
Have a good rest of your day :+1:t2:


Perfect! The penguin tourist look for the day. Iā€™m so uptight. My uptight outfit would be a suffocating dress with heels :laughing:. No, I must dress mindfully. Vacation penguin during the day, and mindful kimono after 5. Do I need a singing bowl? Flute? Haha


New here. Read your post. Amazing to see how long youā€™ve been on the road of sobriety.
Had a question about quitting cannabis. Did you seek professional help? What has helped you keep going? Ive been using for more than half my life and struggle to stop