Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Hey guys :slightly_smiling_face:

Stuck to my plan yesterday and it turned out to be a really nice and productive day! Got a nice haircut too for which Iā€™m grateful.

Looking forward to what I can accomplish today :seedling::sunflower:

Try to have as good a day or night as you can whoever you are reading thisā€¦ Thatā€™s what your prescious, temporary spark of life is for! :muscle::heart:


Checking in Day 36. Had a solid day. Started off with a lifting session bright and early. Followed by a walk with my dogs. Worked all day. Cooked myself a nice lunch. Watered my plants. Sat and had dinner with the wife and then took the dogs to the local park for a walk while I sipped on a Hop Wtr (been loving this as a replacement to beer and even soda).

Sometimes a simple day is all the doctor ordered. Time to eat some Ben & Jerryā€™s and watch a documentary on the Roman Empire :metal:t3:


Beautiful pic. Iā€™d love to get there some day.
Iā€™m running out of time :upside_down_face:

Love the numbers


Yes it is. Itā€™s constant


Day 437 AF
My back feels a bit better. I am feeling restless and irritated with everything. My former property management company has yet to return my deposit. Iā€™ve had to put in three change of addresses. Why is everything always such an issue. Iā€™d like something to just go smoothly. Going to bed. Sleep well everyone.



Typical Tuesday. Except just as busy at work as last week, which is unusual. I was actually given a busser, but all the tables came at once and I still needed extra help. A couple tables noticed I was the only server/bartender and said that wasnā€™t right. Glad the GM was there to see what sheā€™s been doing to me. I donā€™t even know if the money is worth my body feeling like this anymore. Meh.

Tomorrow morning is my daughters middle school orientation. I havenā€™t stepped foot in that school since I was her age, and it was never even my school bc it was a different district back then(considering itā€™s all the way across town). Sheā€™s excited to get a locker and meet some teachers. Then itā€™s school supply shopping afterwards. I still need to look thru what we already have bc I probably wonā€™t need to buy everything brand new. Just one week away now. I hope we easily adapt to the new schedule :crossed_fingers:

Anyway. My neckā€™s still pretty sore from the chiropractor and the air quality and ragweed has me feeling blah, so I think Iā€™m calling it an early night. Have a good one :heart:



Itā€™s going to be a hot one today. Iā€™ll try and take it easy. Too bad I have to work but Iā€™ll make do. Being sober and clean will help. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you can all. Clean and sober or nothing will come from it. Love.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober, and Iā€™m happy.

Nice milestone to wake up to.
I sure needed it, this night was rough.

Had not really a fight but a heated discussion with Ma yesterday.
Earlier this spring the wind broke a window, the company who was supposed to come and change it wants to triple cost for what it would cost to change it privatly, because they claim insurance company clients works like that.
We pay a shitload of money for that insurance and I sure as heck wonā€™t pay them out of my own pocket to change a window.

My brother in law who works part time at a window company says the same.
So we found a window only for not even half the price and his coming to our it in at the end of next month.

That coat should go on the house account, where they should be a little over a million after all those years. Itā€™s not because my PĆ„ got tricked in an online scam and lost all those money years ago. Since then I thought the rest was saved. But now when we tried to get $200 for the window, which is extremely cheap,a said that thereā€™s not really enough money left on the house account.

I asked why, and she simply said because there ainā€™t.
I told her that sheā€™s only supposed to use a part of it, which she knows but she got really upset.
I told her that itā€™s probably best to sell the house, cause I ainā€™t paying more for renovations out of my own pocket. Those money shouldā€™ve been there from the start. And that weā€™re paying a really high rent to make sure there is enough money for when things break. I also told her that my uncle had told her multiple times that the house doesnā€™t even cost half of what weā€™re paying.

Then my 14 y/o overheard me saying that she should sell the house and got sad because he doesnā€™t want to move away from all the memories.
When we talked about it he realized that he might need to move soin anyway because he doesnā€™t want to go by bus to the gymnasium in two years. Which would be in another village or a city.

After that he had nightmares and couldnā€™t sleep probably, and now weā€™re up extra early to take him to the dentist.

Honestly I canā€™t wait to move out. We already have a couple of friends who owns half the village and rent out apartments. Theyā€™re on the lookout for a bottom floor apartment with a small garden for us.

Problem will probably appear if we get the apartment before the house is sold. Because I ainā€™t paying double. But we canā€™t sell the house without no where to ge either. And if it doesnā€™t get sold Ma will probably become even more mad. Iā€™m so tired of all this. I just want ti be free.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.


Day 1046 AF

Sup, gang.

Not a whole lot going on today. Dropped off the kids at school, had a slow day at work, watched a baseball game, and chilled at the apartment. Took a break from exercising today. Iā€™ll jump back on it tomorrow.

Have a great sober day/night! ODAAT :heart:

Take care.

@MrsOdh Congrats on 6 months sober! :tada:


Congratulations on achieving 6 months sober, you are doing amazing! :partying_face::muscle:


Good morning. Iā€™m on day 9 now and I can say it does get better. The tiredness does pass, sleep and energy returns. You can do this!





Day 688

Still hanging on :people_hugging:


Great work on 6 months Sophia! Thatā€™s awesome work :+1:t4::clap:t4::tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:
Iā€™m sorry to hear about all that. Sounds frustrating and exhausting to deal with. Hope you are able to sort it out without further stress / tension


270 days
Halfway through shift at work. Not as busy as yesterday during the day. Got some training in.
Got into the gym this afternoon as well. So far the start of the nightshift has been quiet, will look to get a bit of downtime. Will probably hide away and watch some training videos or something for a bit.


@MrsOdh Congratulations on your milestone! Sounds like a lot is going on for you. Well done for staying sober through it.


Hey everyone today has been a roller coster for me started out pretty good and took a nap and then i felt just down and driving to my appointment started crying put myself together again but dont feel right it feel like i have my moods back from the time of coming off thr drugs weird i just know i want them to stop. Changed my number today see what happens


280 days no sugar
144 UPF
18 gluten
18 dairy

I decided to remove my counter for ā€˜overeating/compulsive eatingā€™. Instead I am going to focus on setting the intention to stay present with eating, keeping heart and mind open, investigating this area on a daily basis until I have gained more clarity.

I did my morning run. My daughter seems to be having another migrain episode. They have been increasing over the years in frequency, length and strength. This does worry me. There will be a way with that like with everything else.
I want to work on the game today, yoga in the afternoon and I am going to co-host a Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening.

Whatever else the day may bring I will keep my heart and mind open for today :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


Saying hi. Still here. More time now, lost my job and decided to slow down and just freelance. Focus on me. Iā€™m still healing from everything of the past 2 decades.

Want to do more online meetings. There was one I used to drop in on, an AA one that did meditation.

Need to get a sponsor again.

Dreamt about AA last night and Iā€™m going thru this shift with losing my job so need to get back to meetings sooner rather than later.

Basically just saying hi. :sweat_smile:


@Tragicfarinelli congrats on 8 months :tada: good luck with the job application :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Shel75 that sounds so frustrating! I still have situations I rehash from years ago and I hate how my mind does that. I hope today goes better :crossed_fingers:t2:
@tailee17 congrats on 6 months :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope the meeting goes well and puts your mind at ease :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Brittc welcome back :people_hugging:
@Wakikki congrats on quadruple digits :tada::trophy::star2:
@SadMemeQueen ouch! Sending healing vibes :sparkles: :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@MrsOdh congrats on 6 months :tada:

1478 days no alcohol.
943 days no cocaine.
458 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

Yesterday I discovered a lot of small bugs at the entrace porch to the flat, although a lot appeared to be dead, there were a few on the walls and ceiling so I knew some were alive. It really freaked me out :grimacing::nauseated_face: I contacted a pest control company but they didnā€™t get back to me, so I went to the shopping centre and bought some spray. The closest thing they had was ant and cockroach killer, so I also ordered a crawling insect spray from Amazon and thatā€™s coming today. Thankfully there is a door between the porch and the rest of the flat so that should keep them from wandering further in.

Apart from checking-in here and reading a chapter of a book, I havenā€™t been doing the rest of my daily routine things, so today I plan to get back on track with that.
