Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day 51, free from booze, weed and benzos. Today I’m feeling a lot better than yesterday. I’m still pretty depressed and sad, full of fear, but I can manage my feelings, I can live with them. I just took a walk and soon I’m gonna eat something and then go for another walk because it’s a beautiful sunny day. I love being sober, it’s the best feeling after all those years while being wasted and destroying so many things and relationships.

I attached that picture because it resonates on my feelings lately. I’m listening really beautiful songs by Max Richter. I hope ya’ll got a great sober day/evening/night!


Day 287. Im up at work and waiting to wish addie a happy birthday, this weekend i believe the girls are goint to come down and we are goint to stay at heathers and have ourselves a great time. I feel pretty good, i am grateful for much, some days still feel off and thats ok. Thats how it goes, but i know compared to where i was it is very good. Much love and thank you @JazzyS


Hey all, checking in on day 1536. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Jazz! I will definitely share a pic.

Checking in day 163.
I’ve almost finished rearranging my shed, tomorrow I have a bit of work to do to finish up but hopefully by Friday I can relax for the last few days of my parental leave. Back to work next week! Kind of looking forward to it. I’m putting myself first from here on.


My Day 180 plan begins (and perhaps ends) with scrubbing grasshopper innards off of my black SUV. 2000 miles worth! It’s rather horrific-looking at the moment :face_with_peeking_eye: I can be seen nowhere like this :laughing: It may take all day. Should I buy some Bug Ex? Do they make that? Haha, most people would pay someone but not me. Always hand wash the car. Then I can be seen in public…haha

Got some neighbor compliments on my front yard removal. Just grass on the edges, and new plants/rocks instead. It’s very sharp. And saves water. Water is scarce here. It will pay for itself soon.

New life is coming together. I have a feeling :heart:



Two days in my new work done :white_check_mark:
I really like it. Collegues are nice, kids are funny and lovely. Crazy how I was never into kids until I got my own. I also never wanted to have my owns and look at me now, I have so many of them :sweat_smile: And I work with kids too :sweat_smile:

Everything is going fine in my life except the tiredness I feel 24/7. I suspect antidepressants withdrawal. Probably bad diet doesn’t help. Well, I tell myself it’s temporary. Maybe tomorrow I will wake up feeling normal. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t3:

Love you people! Enjoy your day/night :blue_heart:


Huge congrats on 6 months!! :tada::tada:


Eyup folks, checking in,

Tomorrow, my roadtrip continues… :sun_with_face:

I’ve noticed by far my best days are after I meditate and work out in the morning, so I’m beginning to appreciate and even look forward to the mental and physical value they bring to the rest of the day.

I’m pretty stoked how my guitar songs are coming along, and will share them here once I manage to properly record them (the wind is too noisy around here!)

Time to cook something up now before it gets too late.

Stay sober friends, every day is an opportunity to try, one small but intentional step at a time, to slowly push our comfort zones in order to find & develop our true selves! :muscle::heart: Have as good a day or night as you can whoever and wherever you are reading this… :seedling:


Day 431. Nice day. Not working too hard. Getting ready for my course in Sept. Not working over the weekend. All good

Day 431:) every day is a chance to screw up or keep moving forward. I am going to keep moving forwards


146 days sober
It was a typical day here. Morning hike and exercise, working on the translation project and did my usual chores. I wrapped up the plans for the Dutch doctor that will come to town next week and have everything set up for him. And I was happy to hear his wife will also come. I’m looking forward to that. Also can’t wait to be able to take off this arm brace and have both of my arms to use again! It’s so annoying here feeling limited in what I can do and needing help with the most basic things when the most basic things are already challenging to do when in normal physical condition. Hope everyone else is having a good sober day!


@Tyland I’m sorry for the rollercoaster of emotions. I know how hard they can be to deal with. Grateful you were able to get yourself feeling better. Hope changing your number does help reduce stress
@acromouse oh I like this change and new mindset. I know you have good intentions and are putting in 100% effort in mindful eating. :muscle:t4::people_hugging: I am sending so much healing soothing energy your daughter’s way.:pray:t4::pray:t4: welcome back Kelly. Freelance sounds like fun and I hope it’s a good fit. Slowing down has given me the chance to start healing - hope it’s the same for you :people_hugging:
@Mischa84 oh I’m so glad you are enjoying your new job. They say being around kids does keep you young :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Hoping you do regain your energy soon…will need it to keep up with the wee ones.

Checking in on Wednesday morning
616 days free of alcohol and weed
1031 days free of cigarettes
Have enjoyed a lovely morning sitting on the deck listening to instrumental jazz and reading with my hot coffee. Glad I was able to enjoy before the rain came. Going to have lunch with Mom and aunt. Play the day by ear…didn’t sleep well last night and am trying to fight the urge to stay in bed
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Checking in with 143 days sober.
Been feeling very lethargic lately. It’s the opposite of how I usually am, always keeping busy. Got most of the things done that I wanted to yesterday but it took a lot of pushing on my part. Hope this passes. It’s weird.
I’ll stay sober today. Looking forward to hitting 5 months.


Second check in today again.

Starting to think that I live in Idiot county.
My 14 y/o year is going to Stockholm with school in a few weeks. His biological father who is supposed to sign the papper to let him go can’t be reached. Not by us, not by school, not by authorities, they even sent him an online approval he haven’t cared to sign.

If he doesn’t sign our 14 y/o won’t be able to go. So now me and the school are trying to get a way around it.

I don’t understand why this lost sock still has custody. It’s amazingly stupid.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Checking in 183… Slept well finally. Already up, ran dog, fed dog put in some office work and now soon off to AA Meeting. Strange feelings…I keep thinking I have too much to do and may skip AA today. I believe this is some “bad juju” trying to F*ck Me Up. I have no cravings and feel great. What is up with that? I love AA and can get my stuff done eventually. My hubby commented I have no sense of urgency for the tasks he wants done. Well maybe he is right but everything is not URGENT. My sobriety (AA Meetings) and health (gym time) is however the most important tasks for me today. I know balance is the key… Did not get into kitchen yesterday another of my desires that makes me happy. By early evening yesterday I was actually exhausted. I have some gardening to do which also is a Happy Task. Once the important deeds are done I can’t find the energy to do what I want…anyway… striving for progress not perfection.

Love to you all.


Hey there :wave:t2:
If you enjoy meetings with meditations I recommend trying some Recovery Dharma meetings. They usually include a meditation.


Checking in! :wave:t2:
I went for a walk this morning, too late… as always!! :exploding_head: I got home almost by noon, way too hot!
My mom came over for lunch, and we spent some nice time together. Yesterday it has been 3 months since my dad past away, but she seemed happy. She was all busy making plans with friends for BBQ, playing tennis etc… this lady has more social life than I do! :rofl::rofl: (not too hard either, to be honest…) I’m so happy for her! I also helped set up a smart watch that my dad used to wear, it’s almost new, and now she’s all excited about counting her steps, and how many calories she’s burned, and that she receives her WhatsApp on her watch! :grin::rofl:
Other than that, not much to report! Feeling at peace with myself right now!



I think I just came up with a new business idea. I’m going to house sit. And pet sit. I’ve had so many local people tell me they are looking for this. Boarding is expensive, and a neighbor that does this at your house might just work. I’ve been networking. Don’t want to go back to an office job full-time. I have a clean record and references. Hmmmm. :grinning:. I’m a sole prop kinda lady. Not the corporate type at all. I’ve been an accountant, a counselor and an IT system administrator. Lots of shifts there. I know how to start up a business, tax-wise and keep books. I will create a world-wide house/ pet sitting empire!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Or just a local one…hehehe

I’m going to keep talking to people. Maybe I’ll sell houses, who knows? Considering my real estate license. My neighbor is also a single lady who quit her job and got hers. I’m just about ready to ramp up again. Life is getting better after 6 months, so much better


Nice long walk today in the Oxfordshire countryside. Cleared my brain box a bit. Still sober. Down but not out.


Checking in day 240 AF :blush:


Day 1348,

This picture totally represents how I felt and feel when I became and being a father. I messed up by drinking, but I firmly belief I still somehow succeed in doing so…….:pray: