Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

@Alicat22 thank you!!! day 4 ended. Congratulations in your day 9. I feel committed today and with more energy


@JazzyS thank you sister. today I am much better. I am learning patience and humility


Checking in Day92. Thankful for another day sober.
Hope all is well with everyone #ODAAT


Day 927
Last night was rough as we had no care for my son. So i ended up doing the awake overnight shift instead. But the school mtg went well :slight_smile: We met a bunch of new people (new teacher, new school nurse for my son, new principal). Everyone was sooo friendly and knowledgeable. I feel really good about the way things were set up for this year. Only uneasy part for me is the bus nurses as they will be changing quite often. So ill have to get used to that and trust their abilities.

I am excited for getting back to routine :slight_smile: Tmrw mrng once my son gets on the bus, I have to take a cab to grab my sons supplies from the hospital, and then ill be off to the gym!!! Im sooo excited :slight_smile: Its been a minute since ive had a really good workout.

Just putting my boy to bed now and then I can relax and hopefully get a good rest tonight. Have a great evening everyone :butterfly:


Congrats on the 6 months!!! Way to go :sunglasses: woot woot


Oh my goodness I am exhausted! Just burnt to a little crisp over here. Had myself feeling unappreciated today, but truth is Im just beat and hubby starting his new job is a big change.

Having issues with my daughter being rude and my patience is thin. Im snapping instead of guiding. Dear Lord bring me some patience tomorrow, the little Miss deserves it.

Xo everyone. Missing you guys and looking forward to things calming down a bit so I have more energy :slight_smile: xo.


Checking in sober. Took the new dog for a run today and wow is she fast. Much better mile pace than mine :rofl: Scared of bikes though. Today was crazy busy and just winding down for the night. Wishing everyone peace and serenity :blue_heart:


Day 6
No shopping

Day 10
No binge eating



You are doing great!


Thank you so much!


Checking in before bed. I was in a horrible mood still for most of the day. Still mad about the other night and having a pity party because my arthritis is flaring and im still waiting for my insurance to approve a new medication. Tonight was the first night of bowling and i almost didn’t go because i was feeling sorry for myself. Decided to take some pain meds and give it a go. I had two mediocre games and one fantastic game - highest score ever. I had a great time and laughed and joked with everyone. Sometimes i just need to get out of my own way.



Pretty average day. Nice weather and relaxing. Not much else to speak of :+1:


Pre-bed check-in.
A long busy day of work and parenting, but my daughter is at maximum cuteness these days, so it’s “all” worth it.
I only did half the kitchen tidying; the rest is a tomorrow me problem. the laundry sorting will have to wait.

My wife is working overnight tonight. Old me up til a couple of years ago would be crushing beers and blasting vinyls, and exhausted all day tomorrow.

Glad to be going to sober and setting myself up better for the overnight baby wakeups and workday tomorrow.
Have a good one, soberfolks.


Thanks i appreciate your in put lol sents i change my number im getting more phone calls more than ever before :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

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Well its been a day for sure still in a funk but this days i have just started to count the good moments in the day wish everyone the best


I’m here, I’m alive, I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 183.

Thank y’all for the 6 months congratulations.
I appreciate every one of you, and I’m happy to be here. You guys make my day, and some days you’re the only reason I want to get out of bed.

Not much to tell today. We’ll see how the day unfolds. It’s supposed to be a really nice and warm day. Looking forward to that.

Going to the hairdresser for the first time in about 10 years tomorrow, been cutting my own hair for that time.

Feels like I’m going to change my life with that haircut, still trying to decide how to look.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


Congratulations for your time sober!, great work.

Sometimes happens nothing in life, but being sober in our daily tasks is a real present and a challenge.

Good luck!


560 days is a great number. Congrats!



Bad night. Crazy dreams. One had to do with a table full of booze. Not sure I drank in it. Another one with being an impostor at work. Waking up with lots of negative vibes but will make this is as good a day as I can. I’ll be sober and clean and that’s already something good and positive. Glad I don’t feel or believe drinking or using would mean anything good. Never again. Have a good one all. Sorry for missing all these milestones, well, I didn’t miss them but I don’t feel the energy to go back and read and congratulate you all individually. Know I love and admire you. Love from my old hood.


I’m being quite capable lately. I’m not sure what the secret sauce is at the minute. I’m at 36 days but I’ve had longer in the past but this time feels different. Not just capable of staying sober but also I’m effective at day to day life and particularly in work. I’ve committed to myself that I will not slip and I feel resigned to that in a positive demeanor.
I’ve also committed to some bigger goals for my family and in work which seems to be coming to fruition a little easier than in the past.
Mabye I’ve had a mind shift or my solid commitment has shifted something in my thought process and now I’m more focused on what I want without the interference of trying to stay sober as it’s just a done deal or default setting and I’m now free to focus on my family or myself.
Whatever it is I’ll nurture it and continue to build.
Much love to you my friends. And as always I’m here thinking of those struggling on day zero or day one. It will get better. Stay the course :pray: