Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

A new dog? We need pictures of proof! :wink::pray:


@MrsOdh ugh, that sucks! I hope the school do find a way around it :crossed_fingers:t2:
@icebear a new dog :dog2: :smiley: we do need a photo :camera_flash:

1479 days no alcohol.
944 days no cocaine.
459 days no vape.
3 days no binge-eating.

Yesterday I managed to catch-up here, read 2 chapters of the book Iā€™m reading, do some meditations, do my morning routine, go for a haircut, and go for a walk around the first lake, resting halfway for 5mins. Then I listened to a podcast and went to sleep.

Today Iā€™m hoping to have a similar day. I also need to deal with the mould in the bathroom. Iā€™ve got the mould remover and prevention kit, so Iā€™m good to go.


  1. Checking in.

*Day 2171 :walking_woman:
Mental all good but feeling a bit sick and got an injury at my feet. Cannot walk painfree and do not know what caused it.
Tomorrow I go away for a shopping and museum weekend with a friend. A lot of walking involved. So I hope it will be a bit better then.
Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:
BBQ yesterday evening was fun but I left early because I felt sick.
Today? Work and that means walk all day too :face_with_peeking_eye:
For today I share no photo but this ā€œgifā€ I found and I liked it so much so I share it here as well.
I think it suits here because we all celebrate eachothers milestones here and support eachother. We are all doing it together!
So letā€™s shine together today!
We deserve it! Yes you too!


Day 1349,

Just checking in, taking some more rest

have a good sober day :pray:




Good morning, you lovely sober people!
Yesterday was the most amazing day. I decided to splurge some cash and take the kids to Alton Towers a theme park in UK. Theyā€™ve never been before, Iā€™ve never fancied it hungover so I suppose Iā€™ve put it off. We all had the most amazing time and laughed and giggled all day. Today my body aches a bit from the rides and walking 30,000 steps yesterday BUT Iā€™m so happy, proud of myself and in a good place.
10 days today!!! Wahoo!!!
It will be a quiet day today, getting on with housework and recharging. Iā€™m so happy to be sober and tonight as the urge creeps in I will reach for this app and a book Iā€™m reading and remember yesterday to get me through it.
Have a lovely day everyone. Sending my happy smiles your way.


@zzz I wished the next elevator I take will be like that! :joy:
@SoberWalker So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Sending you a nice soothing wave of comort for body, mind and soul :lotus: :ocean: :mending_heart:

281 days no sugar
145 UPF
19 gluten
19 dairy

Already yesterday was a headache weather day for my daughter and me. I even had to skip co-hosting a meeting due to the headache.
Today is not really better. So I allowed my daughter to stay at home with her school building being hot as an oven.
Iā€™m going to take a bike ride to couples counceling in a few, and then stay in for the rest of the day and engage in a lot of soothing self care. There is the parentsā€™ evening for this school year this evening. I might go there or ask my ex to attend if the headache gets worse.

Whatever the day may bring I will keep my heart and my mind open as good as I can :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


@Vanessa8 sending loads of energy your way
@MrsOdh fudgcicles! That is an awful system and Iā€™m sorry your son is caught up in the middle. Hope you are able to sort it out. Look forward to seeing the new cut :smiling_face:

I hear that. When Iā€™m on a roll I get thoughts and urges to stop the things that helped me get to that pointā€¦ knowing that if I stop then I could undo it all. F off bad juju! We know better :people_hugging:
@Lighter I love it all and love the out of the box thinking. Hope you are able to network and get something started :hugs:
@Bomdhil oh thatā€™s great a Thomas. So happy to hear thatā€¦ keep going friendā€¦know we are right by your side :people_hugging:
@Butterflymoonwoman ah man Iā€™m sorry to hear of the overnightā€¦glad you made it through and are now going to be getting back to your routine. Hopr you had a wonderful gym session :hugs:
@Mira_D it does suck when we are exhausted cause everything is irritating. Sending you calming vibes and energy. Hope you are able to see calmer days soon :people_hugging:

Ahhh yes! Love this and reading it made me smile. Grateful that you are sober and clear minded to take care of her :pray:t4::people_hugging:
@Tyland more calls? Oh man does that suckā€¦ sorry friend. At least they will be all bs calls that you can ignore or muteā€‹:thinking:ā€¦ The change in number also helps tell yourself that you are moving in and not a part of your old eats. Psychological victory :raised_hands:t4:


@mno sorry the bad dreams are leeching the negative energy into your day. Hope you are able to find more positive notes to focus on. Sending you loads of happy thoughts and vibesā€¦ What a beautiful calming pic :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Dustysprungfield oh I love it! Keep working on your journey friendā€¦ grateful for the change in mindset. Iā€™m not sure how it happens but was grateful that this time I was different too and am now going on 617 days where 2 days was super difficult. Letā€™s conquer this beast :muscle:t4:
@SoberWalker oh Iā€™m sorry you are feeling sickā€¦hope itā€™s just a quick bug and leaves you soon. Oof- foot pain is so hard to deal with as you need to talk and move. I hope you are not in too much pain and are able to figure out how to heal you feet :pray:t4::people_hugging:. Loved the gif and this beautiful community
@Alicat22 way to go with your double digits :muscle:t4: :tada: :confetti_ball:ā€¦sounds like an amazing day yesterday. Glad you were able to enjoy it sober and happy.

Checking inā€¦went to sleep super early so am up very early and trying to be quiet. At least I have my coffee.
Not feeling great these days and not as mobile so Iā€™m very grateful that my sister has offered to help next week with a festival. Love my family and all the support.
I am gonna enjoy some quiet reading time - birds arenā€™t even up :rofl:.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Well, I know why the system look the way it does. Itā€™s shaped to give the kids the right to both their biological parents. It fails big when one parent actually donā€™t want to be a parent. So it would need some remodeling.
Basically itā€™s to stop one parent from disappearing, running away or withhold contact.

Anyway, I spoke to his teacher today. She said heā€™s not the only one in that situation in year 8, and that we will definitely find a solution.
So I really hope they do.
Good thing with living in a small village where everyone knows you is that everyone is aware of the situation. And that theyā€™ve tried to contact him for the past 8 years too, without success. So they know I ainā€™t making things up.


Iā€™m working on a new habit - start day with short meditation and then guided breathing exercise. Itā€™s great - I visualize a warm healthy energy coming from Jesus while breathing in, and then anything bad my body and mind need to get rid off while breathing out. Realized I love the basic concept of having a plan and finishing my goals. Forgot to use a new tool, which I find very powerful in risky situations - imagine myself next to me when I was around 7 years old and smiles at me and hugs me with love saying ā€œwhy would you? You deserve love and good things in your lifeā€


Second check in for today.

School solved the problem with the trip.
They re-did the policy because there was a few more students with the same issue.

For this yearā€™s trip (theyā€™re going to be away for 24 hours only) itā€™s enough with one parents signature. And that parent alone will be held responsible for anything that might break or if their kids donā€™t follow the rules.

Iā€™m not worried about either because Iā€™ve got a mini Sheldon Cooper. He always follow the rules. :blush:

So glad they managed to do that.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:


271 days
Gym in the morning with the wife. Then home to hang out with the daughter who was home sick. Got a nap in then back to work for nightshift. Got some good training in, getting work mate ready for a training course.
Bit of a thunderstorm around the city tonight. Hoping for a quiet night and get to the gym in the morning


Thank you Aga and @JazzyS as well!:pray:
Seems like itā€™s going fine enough with CBD sportgel for my feet and Ibuprofen for the pain and sickness in general :sunglasses:


I absolutely love drop it like itā€™s hot by Snoop Dog x PorquĆ© Te Vas by Jeanette. It is one of the very few songs that can make me feel like I am having fun completely sober. :rose:



Feeling anxious, and irritable. Lots of catatrophising and getting angry and feeling guilty. For no good external reason. Sometimes I wish I could get a personality transplant. I get so tired of being me.
Today was actually cool as a big typhoon is coming so it was cloudy and rainy all day, but not that humid. Took a break from tidying and watched some Netflix. Just a few days before the kids go back to school.


Big huge hugs my friend. Sending calmness and loving energyā€¦itā€™s frustrating when we are frustrated with ourselves but canā€™t find our way out of it. Hope you have a relaxing fulfilling day :people_hugging::heart:ā€¦


Hey all, checking in on day 1537. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 164!
Enjoy your end of week everyone.