Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

212 days…
Still doing it sober :cherry_blossom::rabbit::metal:t2:


Checking in during my lunch break. Feeling so much better today. All that anger and anxiety i was carrying around since Monday evening has dissipated. I thought i needed to be alone, but it turns out i started feeling better once I quit avoiding people.
I’m leaving for vacation in a little over a week. I’m really looking forward to some beach time.


Checking in.351 SAF / 337 no smokes. Haven’t been feeling all that hot the last couple days, and found out today I have COVID. (Fucking COVID). Explains a lot though cause I been really extra tired and losing my wind quick, whenever I try and do anything. Plus this pounding headache. I see the doc later today anyways, and I’m off work today and tomorrow, so I’ll just lay around. I’m sure it’ll pass quick. Have a good day guys :v::green_heart:


Sorry you got covid Joe.
I just got over it myself. I wasn’t bad. Just a little gunky and ya tired. 5 days later I tested negative. My wife got it. Not too bad but she can’t seem to shake it. Same symptoms but she’s still testing positive. The lovely friend that gave it to us she was just tired a lot. She got over after a short spell too. Hopefully yours won’t last long either.


Congratulations on day 10 AC

Walking is a great idea. I use to plug in Eminem and do an angry power walk twice a day. I was so pissed off and just couldn’t stop romanticizing the wine. I think I was more angry I couldn’t stop thinking about it rather than the fact I can’t drink it. Cuz we all know what happens after that first one. Walk your ass off friend. And a nice long hot shower.
We got your back
:pray:t2: :heart_eyes_cat:


Hmmm, you got me thinking there! I did dream last night, and I remember some parts of it (I sometimes do, usually a whole lot of BS), but maybe that had something to do with my bad vibes. Anyhow, this afternoon I went to the pool for a while, and after that I finally went for my walk, and those 2 things lifted my mood! And then there is little Peanut! He’s so funny, right now he’s chasing Moka all the time because he thinks he can catch a good dinner, and Moka is not into a little baby chasing him for his tits! :rofl::rofl:


Ah hell… sorry Joe. I hope the symptoms aren’t bad and you are able to feel better and rest negative quickly. Do take care of yourself and take the time to recover :pray:t4:
Sending healing vibes your way :hugs:


Glad to hear your mood is lifting :smiling_face:

Omg…that imagery of the cats running about is priceless…glad they are having some fun together :heart:


Day 432. Felt like a beer today but didn’t. Watching the peaky blinders. Off now till Monday :slight_smile: have a fab evening. Feeling quite healthy which is nice. Eating well. Sleeping well and work is good too. Starting my course late Sept. So that should be interesting



This day is sponsored by letter F like Fatigue.

1st week of work done.

I don’t know if I like this Garmin watch anymore. It shows that I’m stressed all the time. Like all-the-time! Am I? I have no rest moments during day according to this watch. Not that I didn’t know that but now I can prove it mathematically :wink:

Anyway, I don’t even workout lately cause I wake up tired. And it’s not because of work cause it started few days earlier. This can’t be my life now. I can’t live like this.

But I won’t drink. Fuck this shit. I will feel better tomorrow.

Oh, I have school tomorrow. That’s fun.

Love you :blue_heart:


200 Mostly Magnificent Days


Congratulations on those 200 days!! :tada::partying_face:
Edit; love your background picture by the way!


Congratulations :sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks:


@JazzyS day 5. I started to draw today and to be calmer although my mood have ups and downs


@tailee17 ah man I’m sorry friend… all 5 were knocked over? Hope it’s not malicious and just crazy mother nature. Hope you were able to salvage the plants
@Alicat22 10 days and stacking up the days…that crappy mood and wanting you to want wine is your addition saying that is how you need to cope. Way to not give in and stay on track

Huh…that’s interesting. Glad you are starting to feel better

@Timetochange way to go on not giving in to the urge! ODAAT :muscle:t4:
@Mischa84 ah man I’m sorry friend. Fatigue is so crippling at times and it sucks when the watch literally tells you how low your body battery is and how stressed you are. It is nice to see the numbers improving. I do hope that you are able to find a good rhythm and get some rest so you can see the numbers improving :people_hugging::heart:
@Seb congratulations on your 200 days!!! That’s awesome work :muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball:… keep going strong my friend
@Bomdhil oooh day 5 is great Thomas. I do love thatvyou have started to draw. Just saw your latest piece on the art thread. Very powerful! Loved it friend. Hope it helps you release your blah mood. The ups and downs are normal…it’s how we learn to deal with them- a major part of our journey

Had a few long naps and still feeling drained. Have a major migraine. Did manage to spend time with my aunt and she wanted to play chess. Can’t believe I played an hour game and won…kinda feel good about that but need to shut down lol
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


@SoberWalker and @CATMANCAM okay here’s my payment of the doggie tax :smile:


That is a good boy. Sometimes you can just tell. :dog:🩷


I joined here a while back . Just saw my last visit was almost 3 yrs ago. I did well for a while but I’m back again. I’m super excited to see a bunch of your are still here offering support still. I see at least 3 names I remember being helpful just quickly looking at the chat. It’s day 5!


Welcome back, @JUSTINo, and congratulations on 5 days! :partying_face:


Way to go on your 200 days!!!