Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Well good morning off to. Work finally hope all goes well we shall see ya ho lets make that money on the bright side of things


I was a cat boarder and also did home visits for a short while when I went self employedā€¦ If the owners wanted the cats walked on lead, or their teeth brushed, or their nails cut then I did it! Iā€™ve walked several cats on leads, including a blind cat. If they are used to it from kittens then they love it. Clicker training with little kittens and feeding them with harness on gets them ready for it. I toyed with the idea of having both mine lead trained, but in the end it wasnā€™t worth the hassle in a city.

Hope it all works out well for you. My experience of home visits for cats was mixed. I once worked 11 days non stop over Christmas and earned about $800 a day, but it was soul destroying and so tiring. Only did it once, despite the cash! Just be mindful of not overcommitting; people tend to want the services at the very same time (Easter, Xmas and kids holidays) and it gets really out of control (13 - 18 visits a day)

I would still do it again and have the option to actually thru my friends company as its easy to get liability insurance. But itā€™s easier to do PAYE for me these days.


Hmm I never thought of it. We dont have allergies in my close family so I doubt it might be it but who knowsā€¦ That fever in the eyes was a one day thing, now Iā€™m just exhausted. Thanks for thinking of me :blue_heart:

@CATMANCAM thanks for the energy :woman_cartwheeling:t3:


Good on you for getting for a swim. You belong wherever you wanna be my friend :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:


Checking in before i let myself spin out again. Iā€™ve had a frustrating morning. Ive been in a never-ending loop with my doctorā€™s office, insurance company and specialty pharmacy for over a week trying to get my new medication. This is after almost a month of waiting for the authorization. Now, this morning, the pharmacy is saying they never got the authorization. The insurance company is saying it was sent last Friday. The other day, the pharmacy said they had the authorization, but were just waiting for the prescription from the doctorā€™s office. Itā€™s ridiculous!
Also my trust in someone was shaken this morning when i discovered a trail of half-truths or convenient misinformation. Im not sure what exactly is going on, but it has me upset and worried. Ive noticed some weird things not adding up over the past six months or so, but figured i misunderstood, poor communication, etc. It happened again this morning so i asked what was going on. He admitted not telling ā€œthe whole truthā€ about something, but couldnā€™t say why he felt he needed to lie about something that really didnā€™t matter. He had a weird smirk while he was talking that really bothered me. I had to leave for work before we finished talking. I can only hope today gets better.


Checking in with 145 days sober. Had a dream I drank one drink and ruined my steak. I was so disappointed in myself and begging for it to be a dream. So relieved this morning when I woke up. Phew!
Iā€™ll stay sober today too.


Thank you for sharing your experience, TragicF. I have a lot of freedom and flexibility right now, so not overcommitting is essential. I am a cat and dog person so things could quickly spiral. My area has a huge retiree population; hyperactive retirees at that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I noticed the need when I was boarding my cat at a local cat hotel. It was booked out months this summer. Iā€™ll consider my limits carefully. I might actually want to leave at Christmas myself. :evergreen_tree:


Yep, but if you are doing a business plan, I would therefore plan straight off the bat to not work Christmasā€¦ Itā€™s impossible to manage returning customers expectations around their wantsā€¦ At one point I was working a full time job in the office, travelling, spending my evenings on facetime or teams meet and greet with cat clients, or visiting their home and getting keys, or having them attend my home (sometimes they even brought their cat to meet me). I got burned out so bad. Just be careful on your boundaries from the start. Itā€™s a crazy business with many hilarious and not so hilarious momentsā€¦ :rofl:

Keep it fun. Be smart from the start.


@laner that is so frustrating and upsetting. I am so grateful that you saw the bruises and inquired and then said something. Hope that the social services actually do something about this. What is wrong with people? Thank you for caring and doing something for the kids :people_hugging: I would be super angry too. Sad that this behavior is not surprising.
@mrsodh OH my goodness - your kids got jokes. But in all seriousness ā€“ You look fabulous and I do love the cut on you.
@Ashley_luvz_starz YES! look at you just piling on the days! another month under your belt :muscle: Looking fantastic!
@SelfLove_42 Good to see you friend ā€“ you doing ok?
@Courtni Way to go friend ā€“ 2 weeks and kicking ass in this journey :muscle:
@wahtisnormal Glad you are feeling better. I am glad you were able to talk with him in person and see each otherā€™s point of views. Seems like you do have a very open relationship where you are good with communicating with each other.
@Shel75 Oh that is so damn frustrating and exhausting. I do hope you are able to sort out the issue with the meds soon. What an absurd system. Sorry to hear about your trust being broken with a close friend. That is hard to deal with on many levels and restoration can take a long time. Sending hugs my friend. :people_hugging:

Checking in Friday afternoon
Been a fairly productive morning with ME time. I have been having fun with just going with the flow. The pain is relentless but I am trying to push past it. I have hit my limit tho and so will rest now with a good cup of tea and television.
Hope you all are having a fantastic Friday. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you :blush:
I put it up now so the curls wonā€™t look crazy when I wake up.
Now he said I looked like Cindy Lou who from the Grinch :laughing:

Tea and tv sounds like a great way to relax. Hope you can get some ease from the pain.


Checking in Day94. I am Alive healthy and sober. :white_check_mark:

I will be leaving tomorrow & officially moving to Texas. Iā€™ve tried it my way soooo many times, now itā€™s time to change people, places and things.

I am excited about a new start but also nervous about the changeā€¦Iā€™m leaving a lot behind to fix me, get me together so I can be there for children. Iā€™m having second thoughts but at this point Iā€™m just ā€œdoingā€ Iā€™m not thinking too much on it. Itā€™s time for me to ā€˜just do itā€™ like Nike.

Happy 24


Checking in day 242 AF :blush:


Hi everyone! So inspiring to see all your check-ins. Today is day 2 for me. So proud of keeping this promise to myself. Even for 36 hours so far! Please pray for me or send encouragement my way if you feel inclined. Itā€™s a beautiful day to be sober. :hibiscus::sparkling_heart:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Today has been a good day! At 9:00 am a friend of mine came over for breakfast. I went early in the morning to get oranges for some fresh juice and some croissants! She told me sheā€™ll get some results on Tuesday about whether she has breast cancerā€¦ not good newsā€¦ :pensive: Fingers crossed!
In the afternoon I went to a mall to buy some new sports shoes, and I also went to visit my neighbor who works there in one of the shops. She told me that she doesnā€™t have a car, and her commute takes her 1,5 hours! The place is 10 minutes away by car! :exploding_head: Spain is differentā€¦ So I finally said Iā€™d come back 4 hours later to pick her up. I didnā€™t have any plans anyhow! I really appreciate these neighbors, they are Argentinian, and very nice people. After picking her up I asked her if she wanted to come upstairs to my place and to meet little Peanut.
This is my peanut :peanuts::

So we sat on my terrace for an hour chatting and getting to know each other a bit more. I can say Iā€™m doing my best to socialize a bit more! Stepped a bit out of my comfort zone, and it was ok, I didnā€™t die from it! :see_no_evil::rofl:


Hello & welcome!! :hugs: Hope to see you checking in regularly!


Yeah to that move, changes can seem frightening, but usually the effort pays off! Itā€™ll be worth it, for sure! :muscle:t2:


Day 8
No shopping

Day 12
No binge eating


Check in day 11 complete. Heading off to bed now. Lovely walk this morning. Had my hair done this afternoon. About 6pm the cravings came hard BUT went for a walk to the shop bought a fizzy pop and had a cookie, got into my pyjamas read a book and it soon passed. Yay! Feeling proud that I will feel fresh tomorrow at my sonā€™s football tournament and will not feel crappy. Have a beautiful sober weekend peeps! :grinning:


Well done :grinning: welcome.


@JazzyS I would love to watch your chess game with your aunt!!! thatā€™s so beautiful! I love Chess :chess_pawn:.
day 6. I see that after a relapse I can be more days sober lately