Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day #272
Hellooo from Sunny Beach :smile: with Bounty in hand on the beach.
Helloo with good vibes and thoughts.
Around noon arrived here, the weather today is not suitable for a laying on the beach but is perfect for walk.
Have a great weekend and stay sober and proud of yourself :wink:


If only that would happen! Probably the person will pay a bribe but discreetly give the money or uniforms back. I wonā€™t be surprised if tomorrow the person shows up with a sheep for me ā€˜just becauseā€™. Wish things worked differently but Iā€™ll keep making a fuss and keep my eyes on the kids. Fortunately I have a great relationship with the social workers so hope that helps some in the future.


149 days sober
I took it easy this morning. Had lay in, a late breakfast and even broke out some coffee. Enjoyed a nice hike with my friend. I usually take a hike every morning on my own but I promised I wonā€™t until I get the brace off my arm.

It was a beautiful morning!

Then had a lot of chores in the afternoon but was happy to be able to have a proper bath at the bath house. I went with a few friends which isnā€™t my favorite but I forgot my discomfort once I was in the sauna :sweat_smile: and man is it good to be clean.
I stopped into a shop after to pick up some things and the seller offered me alcohol. I had a brief moment of insanity but it passed and I left with chocolate and butter instead. However I kept thinking about it as I walked home and this turned into romanticizing drinking this evening. I was good though. Took out the paper I keep in my pocket thatā€™s a list of things to do when I get a craving, did some deep breathing, made my walk home take longer and then vented to my dogs about how terrible it would be to drink and how much I hate that I even thought about it. They gave their sympathetic kisses and the cravings passed. So Iā€™m in for the evening relaxing and enjoying the fact that Iā€™m still sober.


Checking in. Been absent a few weeks, still sober though, 13.5 months AF.
Day 1 no junk food. Time to clean up that act.
Sending all positive wishes! Good luck with your Texas move, @K_S !


Day 930
Morning check in :sunny:
Well im currently at work for another shift. Feeling pretty good today (I think lol). My husband got us 3 new fish yesterday and I woke up to one of the smaller ones missing :frowning: One of our other fish ate him so im a little sad about that. But other than that Im alright.

I am pretty proud of myself for not binge eating last night. For the past 2 days i have been eating well and exercising and last night i had the urge to binge. Instead i thoughtfully and purposefully portioned out a snack, tracked my calories for it, and then slowly ate it. It helped sooo much to slow myself down. Normally i get the ā€œF*ck itā€ attitude and give in, but doing this was enough to let the urge to binge pass.

Other than that i feel good about my recovery today. No urges to use drugs or drink. No using dreams. Feels good to feel free! Sometimes im recovery i havent felt free bcuz of the hold that drugs still had on me (constant thoughts of using). But i havent felt that in a bit so it really feels nice!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday! Hugs friends :butterfly:


Checking in on day 454 AFAF.
Itā€™s been a busy week with both kids getting into school every day meaning that I was able to get on with some artwork. I got an early night last night and had a lovely lie in this morning and felt well rested.
I got a message through that an old friend who was the same age as me has died of alcohol related liver damage. She had tried to stop drinking around Covid times but the last time we spoke on the phone she was back drinking again. Sad news to wake up to.
One day at a time everyone. X


Day 2352. I have been contemplating workā€¦do I need to move on and find something else, or am I experiencing growing pains of not being in charge. The grass isnt always greener on the other side of the fence.


Day 9
No shopping

Day 13
No binge eating


Awe thats very sad :frowning: my condolences to u on ur old friends passing


Checking in on break from work on day
479 no alcohol
410 no vapes or ciggs 119 no form of nicotine
79 no form of marijuanna. Im so happy to be at this point with no pot. I remember being at day 20 wishing so much i didnt lose my streak. I think the longest ive went is just over 200 days


Ur numbers are FANTASTIC friend! Ur doing sooo well :slight_smile:


Checking in with 70 days sober!!


Day 183

Here and sober. I have to wait 12 hours to get my 6 month chip. Iā€™m going to make tacos.:taco:

Off to counseling appt. See yā€™all a bit later :heart::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern:


Heyy sorry i didnt respond right away
I was actually looking up old posts to try and find my longest streak no pot but j found you congratulating me on my 1st week sober during this streak no alcohol 472 days ago if i did all the math right almost exactly 15months sober
15.7months no alcohol
I just spent a hour trying to figure it out
I asked my co worker to help with math and he just asked seri
Omg im pissed i didnt think to ask seri


No alcohol

Omg niiiiiiiice


Checking in, 54 days. Iā€™m feeling really good today despite of my ā€œfriendā€ who always finds some ways to insult me. He has insulted me because Iā€™m sober and because Iā€™m a vegan. But Iā€™m not playing his toxic game, I just wonā€™t answer to his messages. :blush:


15months and 3 weeks is how long i havnt had a drink


Checking in. Iā€™m 3 years 10 months 30 days PMO free.

Life is not easy, but at least Iā€™m sober and present.


@SelfLove_42 sending you support my friend as itā€™s hard to do these battles alone I would encourage you to speak with someone if not your sister to have in life support and accountability. It is hard to be the one accountable for your own actions - in my experience, that mostly ends in guilt and shame. :people_hugging::people_hugging:
@Zse what! Bounty makes cookies? Glad we donā€™t have them here- I would not be able to resist :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@laner way to go using them tools when the cravings and romanticizing of drinking began. So happy for another day sober :muscle:t4:
@pattycake so good to see you friendā€¦was just thinking of you. Glad you are still sober and celebrating 13.5 months :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:
@Butterflymoonwoman awe Iā€™m sorry you lost a fish :cry:. Way to go in not bingingā€¦thatā€™s totally something to be proud of :muscle:t4:
@Deelzebub oh Iā€™m sorry to hear of your friends death. This disease is so cruel and unforgiving.
@Noshame you are absolutely crushing it friendā€¦that is impressive time and Iā€™m glad you are doing well and happy :blush:
@Cynthia1 yes!! 70 days of sobriety :muscle:t4:. Way to go Cynthiaā€¦ keep up the amazing work
@MrMoustache 54 days is great friend. Sorryā€¦that is toxic and not friendly like behavior. Glad you are not giving him the time of day. Be proud of yourself and keep crushing it :muscle:t4:
@Olivia way to go friendā€¦thatā€™s great amount of time. Love the message :heart:

Checking in Saturday afternoon
Done a light walk and that is all I can manage for now. Migraine is back. My mindset is still calm and happy so I do have that going for me. Having a positive mindset really helps make anything else tolerable and easy to deal with.

Letā€™s go my warriors :muscle:t4:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Not only bounty, dear :grinning: