Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Thank you everyone for the lovely welcome and messages.
Let’s do day 2.
On my way to work. Have fab Mondays all.


Day 436. Back at work. Felt like a beer last night but I didn’t. Feeling passed. All ok. Will reflect on that today


44 days sober and it’s probably the longest I’ve reached in years. So happy and one day at a time :slight_smile:


Enjoy your holidays menno.
Will be 3 amazing weeks :slight_smile:


Day 241 AF

I have officially had a solid month of great sleep. No blips or off nights. It’s been a focus and work to stay on track, schedule and focused. Almost 8 months in and I believe I have a solid handle on my rest and sleeping patterns.

Yesterday was a client mow then home to begin digging through rock to get a white pine in ground. I will finish today in the rain to get him in his new home.

I did take some time to chill out a bit in a lounge chair right in my front yard. How could I not when the day was so peaceful and serene…

Peace :peace_symbol:


thank you my friend!! your support means a lot, i couldn’t do this without kind people like you :] best wishes and i hope you’re well ! <3


Hey all, checking in on day 1541. I hope everybody has a good one!


Monday was an absolute slog in my heavy drinking days. It took all I had to get to the end of the working day (if I went to work) just so I could start swamping beer again :see_no_evil: Tuesday was not easy with no “Monday beers” to look forward to.
I’m happy that’s behind me. I’m focusing on saving my money for some trips coming up next year. I’m doing some work at home. And I will absolutely, without doubt… Probably, cut my grass this evening as well :face_with_raised_eyebrow::see_no_evil::rofl:


Checking in day 168.
Missed a couple days as the weekend was crazy busy with the kids and back at work today. Hope everyone is going great!


Checking in on this holiday Monday in the US. I’ve had the best weekend since I can remember, productive, restful, thoughtful, and peaceful. Which was much needed after a really hard week last week, ugh it was bad. But this weekend I had quality time with my fella, lots of good conversation, and even though he drank a significant amount a couple nights I had minimal cravings or FOMO feelings (fear of missing out). The reason this long weekend went so well is because I was sober and happily so, focused on lots of activities but also on just BEING. Being present and taking time to look at the world around me. My husband is pretty much a normie, he makes choices to drink when he wants to and can put it down any time and does. It boggles my mind, and for the longest time I tried to follow his example. It took way too long for me to understand that I couldn’t follow suit. And I’ve gone back and forth on how I feel about that, but for now I’m at peace with it. Who knows how I’ll feel tomorrow :sweat_smile: Joking. Therapy is work! But well worth it. Just starting to take a look at my relationship in talks with my therapist so that should be interesting.

I’ve been absent but read a bit every day. I’m glad I checked in today. I think about my friends here often, you all are on my mind and I send you my love and support even when I don’t post. Sober strength and good vibes your way, amix/friends. :heartpulse:

Pic is of my meadow transitioning to late summer/early fall. Lots of walks in the meadow this weekend and some perfect cooler weather was so therapeutic.


Hey @RosaCanDo :wave:t2: so nice to hear from you. Miss your energy. Love :heart_decoration:


151 days sober
I went to the school first thing this morning to talk to the schools director and the teachers to tell the orphans situation with their uniforms. I was very blunt and direct about it all. I think the teachers are a bit afraid of me so hopefully that translates into the kids being treated properly. Hopefully so. :joy:
I went home after to attend my online counseling session. We had a really good conversation about what I brought up the other day about feeling like I’m just now grieving for my family and how to cope with this. I felt good about it. Today I had more questions and received a lot of good answers/advice. I felt good afterwards.
I went to the bazaar after to find a seller who would be willing to trade the new uniforms for a sheep. That went over well but the biggest hassle was delivering the sheep which I will do tomorrow. Then need to bring the uniforms to the kids and have their names written in the collar.
It was a very productive day but I didn’t get any time to be able to work on the translation. I’m hoping to bunker down in the morning to get more work done on it.
I’m in for the night relaxing now. Hope everyone is having a good sober day!


Another day
Just checking in


You are a kind person Laner :heart::heart:


Day 185

Welcome September 2! Relaxing cloudy skies. I slept 10 hours. Insomnia keeps trying to come back but sleep is much stronger. Now I’m finally recovering. Until I can sleep I’m a wreck. Now I’m myself. Who’s that? I like to sing.

It’s a day to dream and mayyyybe, clean. I’m in my Fall happy mood where I bake things. Summer is :rage:. But now, we cool off and enjoy.

Enjoy your sober days! :fallen_leaf:


Checking in 13.5 months AF.
Resetting on junk food. Day 1.
Sending strength and love to all!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray::peace_symbol:


Checking in at 113 days. Been MIA, but all is well. Feels good to read posts here. All successes whether we are getting back up and dusting ourselves off or on a continual streak. We only fail when we stop trying.

Have a good day/night all!


@Dan.h84 & @CATMANCAM Thanks friends. @acromouse I’ve got a friend flying in Wednesday morning and we’ll spend most of the time together. Planning on being a week out of town, not sure where yet, the weather predictions are confusing and changing by the day. It’ll be fun anyway.


So glad you slept well and for so long!


1052 AF

Good morning, gang.

Happy Labor Day.

We’re still in bed. Watched a movie last night with my eldest. It was his first time watching The Lord of The Rings. He loved it. Gonna watch the LOTR: The Two Towers today.

Gonna make a cup coffee in a bit and then do laundry.

Have a great holiday, gang. Stay strong. Stay sober.

Luv y’all. ODAAT :heart: