Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Sunday afternoon hello. Solo parenting day, with my wife resting for a night shift. Having a great daddy-daughter day with lots of park and playground time. Little miss is having a nap, and I’m starting a new book at the moment, listening to the baby monitor as usual.
Lovely to have had two decent sleeps in a row, and gone through 3 social plans so far staying sober this weekend. Life is better sober, and I’m glad to be staying on course these days. I’m gracious to be getting lots of compliments about looking fit and younger these days - surely a welcome side bonus of leaving my heavy drinking days behind.


@CATMANCAM thank you!!! today day 8. Exhausted of the emotional struggle


Day 1051 AF

Sup, gang.

Lazy Sunday. Woke up tired today. Coffee didn’t help. Brought the little man to the park for a bit and then headed to the grocery store.

Nothing new to report.

Have a great sober day, fam!

ODAAT :heart:


Welcome Adam.
Not my first day. But I’ll take a day one with ya.


Happy Father’s Day!


This notion made all the difference throughout my recovery :pray: Some days, sober is enough :sparkles:

@ASP Welcome Adam! This is a wonderful community, full of support! Keep coming back :+1:


I’m not normally a fan of black teas, but I dug out some old Oolong to replace my morning coffee and it was a pleasant change :relieved: It also kept my momentum from yesterday going so…yay tea! Work was great. The boss is on a girl’s trip for the next few days :raised_hands: I’ve realized I feel the same way around her as I did my narcissistic ex. Constantly walking on eggshells, contemplating my every move with caution, and never knowing what to expect next. Straight up draining. But not today! The tension left the building and was replaced with chill vibes only :call_me_hand:

After work, I was finally able to go shopping. I’ve been low/out of so many things bc I haven’t been able to buy bulk/backup products the way I used to. Grateful I was actually able to buy everything I needed in the biggest size available so it’ll be longer before having to replace them.

I was really hoping to make it to the pool for it’s last day tomorrow, but the weather looks too cold. We are having a picnic lunch at my folks for Labor Day, so that’ll be nice. I bought everything for smores :yum: Then we’re driving out to meet my exes roommate at their apartment to pick up more(if not the rest) of my daughters stuff. Still not too worried about his situation, especially since making it thru the summer without him. He knew what he was doing. He’s getting what he gets :woman_shrugging: I’m off to bed so I can enjoy my whole day off. Goodnight :heart:


We are so back baby! Not gonna repeat the mistakes of the past this time.


Welcome back! Good to see you :blush:


Thank you! I’m determined to make a permanent go of it this time!



My holidays are here. Had to work so hard this weekend that it’s hard to be happy now. But it will come. Had a long night, lots of dreams, lively ones but not scary. Food for thought. For which I have plenty of time as I have three weeks off now. Sober and clean.

Let’s have as good a day and week as we all can friends. Clean and sober to begin with or nothing will come of it. I’m glad and grateful to be here with you all. Together we can do this. One day at a time. Love from Utrecht trainstation that I won’t see for a bit.

@HakeemOsman Welcome back Hakeem and congrats on a week!


Hey :wave:t2: welcome back. Let’s go.

  1. Nightmares all night, meaning I’m tired and tender and floppy boned today :face_with_spiral_eyes: I’m really glad that kind of terror dreaming doesn’t happen too often these days, I used to get sleep paralysis and that was definitely not fun. Getting in the gym today again finally and for that I’m happy.

Big hugs friend. Here’s hoping for a good bright day with a good workout and happy feelings. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


Thanks Menno. Yup. We do the work. Hugs back :hugs:




So, our new bands named “Zero Point Field” launch was a Success! :tada:



275 days
9 months

Gym in the morning for myself. Then grocery shopping for the week.
Pick up kids from school then gym for the eldest.
One more day off tomorrow before I’m back to work. Probably a bit of the same old routine again tomorrow.


@zzz Looks like a lot of people had a lot of fun :partying_face:
@Tragicfarinelli This does not happen too often to me, but I really feel with you on the aftermath of a dreadful night. Hope the workout will help you connect with your body and shed the nightmares.
@Mno Enjoy your vacation!!! Three weeks is great. Any plans already?
@HakeemOsman Good to see you back. Congrats on a great start :tada:
@Just_Laura Just out of my personal curiosity. When you talk about biggest sizes of bulk buying how much is that? Like for toilet paper or whatever you buy? I’m curious because I heard that you can buy far bigger amounts of things in the US than for example here in Europe.
@Jules000 I can feel your excitement coming through your words right now :grin: Wishing you a smooth move and great beginnings in your new place.
@ASP Welcome to the community :wave: This really is a great place. Stick around, read and share. Stay connected, you don’t have to do this alone :smile:
@Butterflymoonwoman Hoping you are waking up refreshed today :sun_with_face:
@Laner Thanks for sharing how someone around you also opened up about their troubles with addiction. I usually did not talk much about my problems, but I learned that when I open up about my problems others might feel encouraged to share theirs - maybe even for the first time - as they might feel safe to do so.

285 sugar
149 UPF
23 gluten
23 dairy

New monday, new week! The temperature went down a bit. I’m glad about that. My daughter will be at her grandma’s after school.
I want to finish up loose ends on the game today, all kinds of todos on my list, some yoga in the afternoon and an online meeting in the evening.

Let’s keep our minds and hearts open friends :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


@Lighter sorry for the bad PTSD night :people_hugging:
@Seizetheday congrats on 8 months :tada:
@teefgub welcome :blush: I hope you got back to sleep :sleeping:
@Juli1 good luck! :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: I hope you have a great first day today :blush:
@Butterflymoonwoman thank you :blush: I didn’t make it there yesterday but I’m determined to go again asap.
@ASP welcome :blush:
@Sissychris39 congrats on double digits for no shopping :tada:
@HakeemOsman welcome back, congrats on your week :tada:
@Mno enjoy your time off :blush:
@Tragicfarinelli sorry for the nightmares :people_hugging: enjoy your workout :muscle:t2:


@zzz congrats :clap:t2: :metal:t2::tada:
@MrFantastik congrats on 9 months :tada:

1483 days no alcohol.
948 days no cocaine.
463 days no vape.
7 days no binge-eating.

I didn’t go to the gym. I was feeling too much shame, and the tracker kept saying it was busy. Maybe today if I’ve got the energy after therapy, if not, then tomorrow.

I had cravings yesterday for crisps, I ate a lot of fruit. I struggled to fall asleep and I ended up going back to the shop for even more fruit.

I have therapy today after a 2 week break. First I need to shower.




Zero Point Field - Even In His Youth (Nirvana Cover)

zzz on drums :drum: