Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Your garden and view! :star_struck:


Checking in Day97. So I didnā€™t leave Saturday & head to Texas.I hate to admit it but I just wasnā€™t mentally ready like I thought. I pushed my plans back but I know I canā€™t continue to run from this. Right now my desire to leave is less than my fear of the change. I have to shake this off and get it together. Idk. . .Just ODAAT thatā€™s all I can say. Hope all is well with everyone.


Congratulations on your new home! :partying_face:


Thank you :sunglasses:


Day 932
I really had such a nice day with the family today. We went to the zoo and spent about 4-5 hours there. Got in over 5000 steps while we looked at all the animals. We even went on the zoo train twice as well as took a ride around the carousel twice. The weather was quite warm tho. Im a bit burnt. I put sunscreen on my son but not myself lol wasnt thinking of course. Came home around 230/3pm. Then hubbt dyed my hair for me. I dyed it a dark brown. Looks nice :slight_smile: School is back tmrw for my son which means back to the gym for me and back to routine! Hope everyone is doing well :butterfly:


Going to my 3rd in person AA meeting tonight. Nerves


Congrats on the apartment, bro. Iā€™m happy for ya.


Thanks man!! Very grateful and looking at this as a opportunity to keep moving forward with my life.


Thanks @JazzyS , I was a little overly ambitious thinking I could do a pedi and a massage on the same day in different parts of town. I ran into a friend and she came with me to get a pedi and then we went and had coffee. Very relaxing!


Made it through 30 days. Been there before though.


Congrats on 189! You should be proud of what you have accomplished.


@acromouse Toilet paperā€™s a good example bc you always need it. When I was a member at a wholesale club, they had 36 roll packs I used to stock up on(Walmart has 20 packs). I got a 50lb bag of cat litter instead of the 15lb one that only lasts a week. 2 gallons of dishsoap so I can refill the small one. 16 pack of bar soap. If itā€™s something I use all the time, itā€™s cheaper in the long run and far less waste.


Today was tiring, and angering towards the end. Iā€™ll write about it tomorrow bc I just want to watch a movie, not think, and go to bed :sweat: Goodnight all :heart:


*Day 2176 :walking_woman:
Ok, Iā€™m goodā€¦but not that good.
I had a great weekend and beside the food pain I could walk. But now I hardly can anymore.
Have to work though.
Made an appointment with the physiotherapy, hope they can help. See them in a few days.
So no crossfit training for me this week :disappointed_relieved:

Picture from last weekend.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Yesterday was my 2 week mile stone, my first day back at work and a day I decided to get serious about the next stage of my sobriety - getting fit and healthy. Went for a run yesterday out for a walk this morning, feeling positive about this week.


Day 57 without booze and pot. Life although beens hard but itā€™s gettiend easier everyday.

Iā€™m drinking my morning coffee, itā€™s 8:4p am. Stay strong, my sober FAM!



Second day of my holidays. Writing that down it makes me think about the past, seeing the start of a holiday as just another reason to get drunk. Seeing holidays as a reason to get drunk every day; until I got drunk every day, holidays or not. Never again. So glad I donā€™t feel the need to do that no more.

Living well is work but itā€™s a work of love. Todayā€™s work for me includes cleaning my place a bit more as I got a friend arriving tomorrow morning. Canā€™t receive anybody in a pigsty let alone this friend. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean first and the rest may follow. ODAAT. Love from my little square.

@Bluekoolaid Huge congrats Trevor! Thatā€™s great news. Very happy for you. Thanks for sharing your journey friend :people_hugging:
@SoberWalker Iā€™m sorry Claudia. Healing thoughts and vibes your way friend X
@Alicat22 Congrats on 2 weeks! Upward and onward friend.


Yes it is, itā€™s to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. Everything federal is closed on Labor Day and also the banks but pretty much everything else stays open


Congratulations! Enjoy your new place :blue_heart:


Checking in on 70 something

Labor Day weekend was good, our little guy spent most of Sunday with his grandma and grandpa which gave us a chance to catch up on some much needed rest. Weā€™re all still a little congested from having covid but I think weā€™re at the tail end of it. Other than that it has been uneventful.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday :slightly_smiling_face:


Another day of my sober life has just started, enjoying it with the good and also with complex stuff I need to work on. Back to cooking which was always my hobby, so having warm lunch as well as dinner servings, and breakfast vary so itā€™s all healthy and diverse. Happy day all :hugs: