Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day 274. Or 9 months, i really do feel like i have come so far in my sobriety, im not afraid to ask for help when i need it. I also love that i no longer say i cant do something i just get up and do it. I love cooking, i love my job, i love my sessions with my counselor and monday we did get stuff set up for my license. Things with my mom, family and girls are good. I have a healthy person in my life and im grateful for it all. My new toy didnt come. But it is coming today so it will be a thrilling surpise when i get home. Much love sober fam



Did some tidying of the ā€˜junk roomā€™, it looks no different, and still canā€™t use the bed in there, but I emptied 4 boxes, and at least hoovered everywhere.
I had a slightly weird email interaction with a colleague. I asked for information, but I actually got advice, which is not the same thing, right? This is a colleague that I am pretty sure dislikes me anyway, or maybe it is my overthinking kicking in again. Anyway, more of me not really enjoying dealing with people. I donā€™t know if I am going backwards in my recovery or forwards or what in that regard.
My eating has been pretty stable for weeks or months now. Of course, not Instagram healthy, but no binge/restrict cycles. Too damn hot to exercise, apart from the odd trip to the pool, but hopefully will get back into it when the kids have to start getting up early for school again.


No hangover and no regrets. Day 15

I volunteered at the food pantry yesterday. It is hard work but very rewarding. Husband is not feeling well. Hope it is not the alcohol catching up with him. Tuesday I was mad at everything and everyone and yesterday I was just sad. I have decided to be happy today. Take care everyone.:pray:t2:


Thatā€™s so great :purple_heart:. You really are the epitome of ā€˜fall down 7 times, get up 8ā€™. You deserve the happiness you have now!


Hey all, checking in on day 1523. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey ST fam! :slightly_smiling_face:

A promise to myself: I promise to give my best to be my best today! :seedling::sunflower:

Lotā€™s has happened these past few days, just quickly checking in for now but will be back later to post more & reply to those of you who responded to my last posts! Love yous guys :v:


@chevy55 I hope the work colleague goes back to being friendly. Sucks when there is tension at work. I do love that you are getting to do what you love (being outdoors and getting your physical exercise). Glad the season is coming to a close so you can shift gears. Itā€™s nice to switch things up from time to time
@Tragicfarinelli glad you were able to connect with others in real life. So important to make connections and I totally understand the how IRL can be more warm in a sense. Glad you will still be here with us as we do love you and appreciate your input :hugs:
@Scorpn I do hope that you take yourself to the ER if it gets bad enough. Donā€™t try to suffer through it. Covid hits everyone differently. Iā€™m sure whatever you do - your son will love and appreciate. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll understand if it needs to be delayed a bit as you are dealing with COVID. Sending healing vibes your way :people_hugging: :pray:t4:
@Mindofsobermike eoe- great work friend. Look at you go!! 7 months strong and so many healthy changes in your daily life. Keep up the amazing work :muscle:t4: :tada: :confetti_ball:
@Rookie hope your husband is ok and recovers soon. Yeah to 2+ weeks :tada::confetti_ball:
@1in8billion love that promiseā€¦what a great way to start the day

Checking in on Thursday morning
Didnā€™t sleep well at all but managed to do a swim and workoutā€¦time for a nap. My eye is still bothering me.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Yesterday I had my home office day. My boss should let me work from home all the time, I got three times as much work done!! But I wouldnā€™t enjoy working all the time from home.
Today itā€™s a bank holiday in Spain, but unfortunately the weather sucks!! Weā€™re actually in red alert for heavy rains and storm. So far there hasnā€™t been much though.
No pool today, as itā€™s closed! :roll_eyes:

A friend of mine was supposed to come to my town to watch one of the festive activities from our fiestas. This has been canceled due to bad weather. I felt relieved when she told me she isnā€™t comingā€¦ on the one hand Iā€™m very bad at socializing in this phase of my life (not sure if this will ever change again), and on the other hand she used to be my drinking buddy. Last time I saw her for lunch I didnā€™t drink, and she kept saying ā€œitā€™s such a shame you donā€™t drink anymore, it used to be different, more funā€. I thought that was a stupid comment! Iā€™m very well aware that sheā€™s not good company in my sobriety journey :confounded:

I guess Iā€™ll just go for a walk later on to clear my head, if the weather forecast is more or less ok! :smile:


I would say probably everyone who has gone through the steps has had this experience. I know my favorite steps are actually 6-7. These steps gave me hope that a new life was possible. However thereā€™s a lot that goes into these steps, including your inventory. I would say your curiousity in the steps is a really good start. Iā€™d say you are in the right place to get a sponsor and dive into the book


Day 167

Hey everyone :wave:. Iā€™m in my bamboo meditation dress :grinning:. Iā€™m sleepy and very stuffy so Iā€™ll take it slow. I think the rock dust dump truck cloud got me! Itā€™s a thing. I just had to watch the dump truck up close. Watch the rocks slide down and pooof, whatā€™s that? Oooo new rocks :mask: And a lung full of dust. Iā€™m not the brightest. But I sometimes learn. If I ever see a dump truck in action again Iā€™ll run! :pickup_truck:

Thinking about my sobriety today, and will consider the trip Iā€™m taking this weekend. I donā€™t have any of the thoughts now which is good. But I need a plan. What about pop-up thoughts? In a super cool city. Santa Fe is full of tourists and partying year-round. Summer ones are starting to leave. Iā€™ll see where the meetings are in case I need one. My brother drinks but not too excessively. Lots of places to walk and I will have my vehicle to escape to a mountain top if needed!

Have a great sober day yā€™all. :heart:


Day 53 - the little tasks in my life combined with work demands are getting to me a bit. I feel like there just isnā€™t enough time in the day. I need to speak with my partner about how this is affecting me, because it is giving me some of the feelings I had of ā€œoh well fuck itā€ that I experienced prior to previous relapse.

Anyways any words of wisdom are much appreciated, I need to remember why I am doing this. Thanks for the support as always

Much love!


Oh man that sucksā€¦the rock dust can be suffocating if you were close to the dump truckā€¦ please be careful.
Great that your trip is coming up and you are planning ahead for the sneaky thoughts. We are right here with youā€¦just focus on your timer and the reason you are doing thisā€¦ Hope you have a fabulous time.


Checking in 150 days.
Looking forward to time to catch up on this thread. Have a great end of week everyone.


53 days is impressive! Itā€™s still early and trying to navigate life and working on sobriety is a hard task for sure. It is good that youā€™ll discuss with your partnerā€¦ support is key in our journey. Having someone who understands our struggles and knows the efforts we are putting forth helps keep us on track.

Put reminders around of why you are on this path. Where the ā€œfuck itā€ thoughts lead to last time, how much you have already gained from sobriety and whatever else will help keep you on this path.

Remember we have this recovery and are working it with all we have cause we donā€™t know if another one is possible. This is the thought that terrifies me and keeps me from picking up. Sending love and support :people_hugging::heart:


Thank you as always Jazzy. You are so right, I think there is also a degree of patience that I need to try to practice. I say that because when I get overwhelmed and sit in it, and or address it; rather than pick up a beer. It always seems to lead to moments of happiness.


Oh I love this and Iā€™ll add this to my list too. You are most welcome friendā€¦mwe are here for each other and always helps to remind each other of the reasons :people_hugging::pray:t4:


Day 4397 today. 3 months ago my sister in law died. 1 1/2 months ago her two youngest came to live with us. They make life stressful (lots of childhood trauma for them) which is my biggest trigger. But Iā€™m still sober and still enjoying life. Iā€™m learning to balance my life and manage stress better. A weekend at the lake will help too.


So sorry for your loss my friend. That has got to be a lot of changes for you and very emotionally draining. Grateful that you are maintaining your sobriety and there for the kids :people_hugging::pray:t4:ā€¦ Wishing you all much love and comfort. Thatā€™s a lot of sober days Chrisā€¦ Have a wonderful weekend at the lake :heart::hugs:



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Today we celebrate Assuption Day or in old Pagan days it was called Zholine.
Thus, the holiday is quite archaic, although these days it is often perceived as a liturgical heritage. In ecclesiastical terms, this holiday is referred to as St. Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, but it is generally accepted to call this feast simply Å½Ć³linė. This name is closely associated with meadows, grasses, weeding, so it is very likely that Lithuanians very reluctantly introduced the Christian traditions of this holiday into their lives, because they kept not only the old name of this holiday, but also the main traditions of the holiday.

In short, Zholinė is a festival of thanksgiving for the harvest, and thanks is given to Mother Earth, the goddess Žemyna.
Bouquets of field and nursery flowers are brought to the church. Consecrated bouquets were kept in the most honorable place next to the pictures of the saints. They were used to burn houses during lightning, people or animals - when they fell ill, in some places in Dzūkija and Žemaitja these plants were placed on the pillow of the deceased. It was believed that if the grains of the consecrated ears of corn are gathered into the seed, the crops will be more fruitful.



133 days sober
Itā€™s been a long day here. I got a lot of work done and felt really productive but am just low on energy I guess. I had a good meeting with the ministry of social services today where we talked about the alcohol recovery tools Iā€™m translating and we all agreed that it is good to have a short term volunteer come to give training on how to use these materials to the people working with social services. Weā€™ve talked about his possibility before and I have already been in contact with the organization that originally put out this material and they reacted enthusiastically to this idea. I have some scheduled calls with potential volunteers who would be willing to do the trip and to talk about what it would look like and the such. But it seems to be coming together.

Iā€™ve done so many translation projects for social services but never saw this level of enthusiasm before.
Iā€™m in for the day just chilling now and relaxing.