Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Hello friends. Checking in 3y 2m 4d. Rainy day today. Feeling a bit sluggish, but hopefully the rain clears some of the wildfire smoke from the air here. Wishing everyone a good 24 :blue_heart:


Day 56

Work this week has been good, we have a family gathering this weekend and I will make it through sober :muscle:t2:. @JazzyS thats what my wife and I thought as well that itā€™s a slippery slope back into it so I think holding off is my best bet,this has been hard enough I donā€™t want to do it again. Iā€™ve been taking vitamin d3 b complex, magnesium, ashwagandha, and my other medication I feel like theyā€™re helping.

I canā€™t thank all of you enough for the advice and support :heart:


Day 3 completely AF after being told to taper down for a week as I had another seizure quitting cold turkey, ugh.
Iā€™m shaking, sweating, vomiting and so so anxious. Iā€™m so close to caving as I feel so poorly, just cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel :disappointed_relieved:
Going to ask for some PRNs tomorrow to help, but I doubt the answer will be yes.
Any withdrawal advice is appreciated because I am crawling (and crying!) my way through this x


Well Iā€™ve weeded the garden for all ten of us that share this block of flats . The man that owns the building decided to come out and help me :roll_eyes:( itā€™s his responsibility but he doesnā€™t do anything unless I complain to letting agents) ā€¦ Iā€™m over complaining now I thought Iā€™d lead by example instead :grin:


Congrats on reaching day three Indi. Please keep going and youā€™ll never have to do it again. Do I understand right you are doing this on your own? And thatā€™s the reason getting PRNā€™s is improbable?

Iā€™m wishing you strength and courage friend. Itā€™s hard to give advice apart from what you already know I am sure. And without knowing you personally. Hydrate well, try to eat little bits, have some bouillon. Take your vitamins (thiamine especially, C, B-complex, maybe D). Is there a way to have your blood checked, your electrolytes especially? Can you take your own vitals and call for help when your blood pressure and/or heart rate goes too high?
Itā€™s dangerous stuff but you are making it through friend. Keep going. Take care of yourself and use all the help you can get. x


Following your activities from a distance Iā€™d say youā€™re bloody high on energy Laner! You got an incredible amount of stuff done in the last couple of days. Including your own health, your living conditions, and doing important work on educating your people on alcohol, something thatā€™s never been done before I guess. Huge!!! Please take your time to chill and relax, youā€™ve earned and need it. Hugs.


Thank you for this friend.

I do have an alcohol support worker, but she and my GP have never given me PRNs outside of hospital. I totally get the dangers associated with this, but good Lord, Iā€™m suffering!

Luckily, Iā€™ve only been sick once today, as severe dehydration has been an issue in the past. I have no way of checking my vitals, but Iā€™m seeing my support worker tomorrow so will see if she can check me over.

Iā€™m prescribed thiamine and vitamin B-complex thankfully, so take those as prescribed.

I feel better than I did yesterday, so Iā€™m hoping the trend will continue. Just gotta keep pushing through it.
As you said, once and itā€™s done (and I canā€™t bloody wait!)

I hope youā€™re well x


Day 198

Had a long, hot but good day. My new employee sent me kind of first schedule for the first weeks, much appreciated! They seem to have a clear plan and thatā€™s what my work also stands for :sunglasses:

Took mum to the clinic in the next city to check her cancer (almost 5 years healed nowā€¦) everything is fine! Used the waiting time for a car wash, click and collect at IKEA with some things for my rooms and grocery shopping at the Asian supermarket. For lunch we went to a Thai restaurant and it was decent! I ate rice like I wanted to eat rice (carbs still triggering, but I was okay with it).

Judging thoughts about my body were minimal today. I made a commitment in the morning. Had some shittalk about other people in my head, remembered my commitment and stopped. @acromouse I found a book about compassion by Pema Chƶdrƶn at bookbeat. I like it, itā€™s easy to read somehow.

Workout yesterday, hop on the minute for a 45 minute stay with Yoga today. Still hot here and overcrowded pool is blahhhā€¦ Will head there tomorrow in the early morning again.

No cravings.
There is a good german podcast called ā€œsucht & sĆ¼chtigā€ that has a new episode. Will joyn this later.

Much love :heart:


Great to hear that ā€¦it really is ODAAT and like @Mno saidā€¦you just got to take care of yourself with Hydration, vitamins and staying soberā€¦you will not have to repeat this once you get past the initial stage. Glad you are working with someone. Stay on course Indiā€¦ nothing good comes from caving :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::people_hugging::heart:


Another day. 959 AF.


Checking in day 227 AF :blush:


Hello all,
Today I am 11 months alcohol free!


I already posted on the you are missed thread but I wanted to check in today. Itā€™s been a rainy day and we really need the rain, so Iā€™m not too bothered but my head hurts from the pressure of the oppressive weather. Hoping for some relief tomorrow. Tonight I need to figure out some dinner with my husband and keep knocking out some house chores. Iā€™m feeling down today but I will be okay. I will keep telling myself that. And keep doing the work.


All over today Iā€™ve felt like the weatherā€¦ just bla! Iā€™m glad Iā€™ll be going to bed soon, and tomorrow will hopefully be a better day. I finally didnā€™t go for a walk, instead I just lazied around on the couch. Now I feel guilty and unsatisfied! :sweat:
I was checking out gyms this afternoon, I need to get my butt moving again, and also socialize a bit! Maybe Iā€™ll sign up to a new gym!


Iā€™m with you on this! I think Iā€™m feeling anticipatory stress with a visitor coming. It was rainy and I didnā€™t accomplish much at all. It is what it is and thatā€™s okay with me.


100% me today! :roll_eyes:
Not all days can be sunshine and roses I guess


Well I sort of cleaned the kitchen and did some laundry so not all is lost thankfully. But yes. Just not feeling it today. I started rice in the rice cooker, thank goodness for those machines!


Wow Iā€™m tired. You had a very productive day! Congratulations!


Sorry for loss of your uncle. So very nice to reconnect with family. Thank you for sharing.


Congratulations on 9 months