Checking in daily to maintain focus #69


Pretty beat, but feel alright. Today was my boss’s wedding and it was just as much of a shitshow as you’d imagine. I didn’t have to work it, but I helped the other staff scramble to set it all inside after she changed her mind about having it outside an hour before 100 people showed up! Absolutely nuts :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I layed low on the patio watching the Bill’s kickoff with the GM, bar manager, and a couple of members. All of whom are sober, so it was pretty chill. One guy was drinking an NA IPA and we all started talking about the many options nowadays. I really didn’t realize how many there are. The GM made fun of NA wine and the fact people gift it to him on occasions, but he hates it :laughing: Probably bc normal wine is an easy, common gift when you don’t know what else to get someone, but assuming it’s still a good gift for someone sober is actually pretty funny :rofl: They don’t know. And NA spirits, what’s the point?! I drank liquor bc it was the least amount of liquid that got me there the fastest. Who drinks it for the taste! They’ve been talking about getting it for the club but I doubt it’d be popular. If we did, I would try it out of the pure curiosity to try something new, but I wouldn’t go buy it. Anyways, that was a nice part of my day :relieved: Going to bed soon to wake up for school all week. It definitely feels good being back on a schedule. Take care everyone :pray:


Thank you so much for your kind words :heart:


Two weeks AF! ODAAT :muscle:t5:


Congratulations on two weeks!


Thank you! I’m building myself back up!


Day 1058 AF

Wud up, gang.

Another hot day.

Chilled with the wifey today. Went out for seafood. Watched the Chargers game and grabbed some iced coffees.

I used to drink heavily during football season. Drank since the am. Would wake up with a nasty hangover on Monday mornings. I wasn’t triggered by it at all, not even with the heat. It was just another day. I can’t watch all the football games like before. Need to make time for the fam. There were times I had multiple monitors/devices just to catch all the games. Kinda lost interest a bit tbh. Brings back drunken memories, too.

Just got back from a walk at the park. Gonna pass out. Gotta drop off the kids at school tomorrow morning.

Have a goodnight, everyone. Keep fighting the good fight. Stay strong. ODAAT :heart:

Proud of y’all.

  1. Feeling sad and uneasy today. Lonely. It will pass.

Anytime! :slightly_smiling_face: Did some calculating, it’s been 6 months and nearly 18,500km so far… And I’d say maybe another 3-6 months before I’ve completed Australia :v:

It’s good to have you around here too btw @acromouse!

How did yesterday end up going?


I love it, how nice is that… :grinning:

I wonder what flaws you’re spotting that I can’t :thinking::grin:


The start of day 9.
To be honest, so far so good.
Happy to get through the weekend sober. It’s been a while.
Actually looking forward to the distraction of work!
Have good weeks all.


Day #281
End of the vacation :smile: finally at home. Its good to be at home :smile:
Happy Monday :blush: now my “housewife” work is waiting for me.
Oh yes and she wa waiting for me :rofl:



Travelling today, just picked up the rental car. Feeling well, getting ready to go. Sober and clean. I’ll very probably still be checking in here daily as I have every 1920 days of my sobriety so far except for the one day the forum was down. Still: you all behave you hear! Have as good a week as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from my town.


@1in8billion Thank you and: Wow, that does sound like a huge adventure!!! :star_struck: :earth_asia: I’ve never been to this part of the world, but always dreamed of visiting ‘the other side’ of the globe. Maybe one day :star2:

292 sugar
156 UPF
30 gluten
30 dairy

Yesterday’s party went very well. We had an old cemetery haunted by a restless ghost, a concerned old lady from the parish, an encoded message, plenty of puzzles and clues, three hours of riding through the city on the Schwebebahn, a tricky finale, a great prize and a well deserved rest with pizza and presents at the end. I really enjoyed creating and running the game with the kids. Did I mention how I love creating games and seeing people enjoying them? :grin: :heart_eyes:
Today is back to the usual stuff. The weather cooled significantly down and is supposed to get even colder in the next days. Autumn is coming. I am glad for it after all the heat and excitement of summer.
I’m going to do my monthly review today, sort out all the stuff left over from yesterday’s party. My daughter has a checkup at the dentist’s. Some yoga in the afternoon, Recovery Dharma in the evening. That’s my day.

I’m going to be on the lookout for peace and loving life :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
I’ve just come back from my morning walk! After yesterday’s rain, today it’s sunny again!

Now a colleague / friend of mine is coming over, and we’ll have breakfast together! :call_me_hand:t2:

UPDATE: here’s a picture of my super light breakfast!

Toasted bread with “sobrasada”, goat cheese and honey! 1000 kcal on a plate! :rofl:

(Sobrasada is a raw cured sausage from The Balearic Islands made with ground pork, paprika and other spices)


Elizabeth found a buddy while you were gone I see. :grin:


Yeah :joy: look what happens for 1 week away :joy::joy::joy:


Hey all, checking in on day 1548. I hope everybody has a good one!


G morning from Canada, checking in sober and glad for it!
Ride with mentors yesterday was great in the sunshine , good fellowship and bantor, something good for me.
Going to return to a Shambhala recovery group that’s starting up after hiatus and optimistic it will fit with me and HP’s plan. Grateful for highschool friend in recovery to go with…
Lord let me think of others as Pema says watch my muscle control ( behaviour and impulses) and let me be just fine to be average.
Let me Self remember one with life and not panic about being one minute late for ALL and everything meets. So many are just casual it’s okay to call and say I’m running a little later,( note to me )
Ty for your prayers and words of wisdom
See you on the trail :sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face:


Day 192

Feeling much brighter after some pretty good sleep. Nice cool morning; our Fake Fall continues for one more day! I won’t be mad it’s not staying, we’re barely out of August…haha. Fall begins in mid-October, here. I’ll get out for a walk with a jacket on. :heart_eyes: Makes me happy.

Setting up the latest peopley things. New People! My gawd. Yeah man, Them. When I was drinking I had my select group of questionable people that I didn’t stray from. It got to where I was resentful and mistrustful of anyone else. And the people basically sucked because they drank like I did, and I basically sucked. I look back and can hardly believe it. But we weren’t capable of being better. Until. So they’re all gone now. I hear something from one of them now and again, and I say hello or tell a joke but quickly disappear.

Now it’s different. I’m starting over. And I can talk to anyone, I’ve lost the fear. Who knew liquid courage can make you afraid? I have no idea where this is heading and I don’t care. It’s gonna work out. It always does, sober.

Bought a nice mattress topper for my new bed. There’s some drinking money—don’t flinch! Click BUY NOW

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: enjoy your sober days


Hey folks,

Just about to head off to sleep. Today was ok, got as much done as I could given that I’m stranded in a small town with a broken down car. Looking forward to it being fixed tomorrow so I can move on… Have as good a day or night as you can whoever and wherever you are reading this right now friend. Your sober and mindful, better self :muscle::heart: