Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Love your posts and will do :grin:


That would have been great. We need another to even out the teams for corn hole and mini golf tournaments


Checking in day 175.
Weā€™ve cancelled the contract in our knock down rebuild and looking at selling or staying for a bit longer. either way we are doing some tiring Renoā€™s to get the place back up to scratch. I am le tired.


day 16 with more energy after sleeping very well today


@Remican welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 188 days :tada:
@JazzyS thank you :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@vagabond safe travels :flight_departure:
@DanaM56 :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@HakeemOsman congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Tragicfarinelli :people_hugging:šŸ©µ

1490 days no alcohol.
955 days no cocaine.
470 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

My addict got in my head last night when I couldnā€™t sleepā€¦ā€˜itā€™s Sunday night, you can start fresh tomorrow, its a new weekā€™ā€¦ā€˜youā€™ve only got the final left to watch of the show youā€™re watchingā€™. :roll_eyes:

Feeling quite defeated, but Iā€™m not done trying. I will get there. Today so far is okay, I had the healthy lunch I get after therapy.

Therapy was boring, it really doesnā€™t feel like therapy at the moment. We are just talking about surface level stuff, I donā€™t know how to talk about the deeper stuff with her. Atleast I can with the Friday therapist.

I donā€™t know why but the whole of the city centre smelled like cocaine, it triggered some areas of my brain but not in the sense that I got an urge to use it, quite the opposite!

I hope you all had wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Day 2 of No Alcohol and Nicotine. Day was going so well up until it got stressful and I have always ran to my vices as a way of coping but this time around, I need to find healthier ways of dealing with that. Still going strong though.


Thanks brother! I appreciate the support!


158 days sober
Been a busy day here. Started with my morning hike and then preparing for my guests to come. I was a bit anxious about their travel because of the snow and bad road but they arrived well in the end. We had a good dinner together and they are relaxing now. Iā€™m used to hosting people but never had a married couple or guy be in the house before so I felt a bit anxious about that but after dinner with them I felt okay about it. I really like them both and his wife is really sweet so I feel a bit silly now. I think itā€™s good for me having some guests for a few days and am excited for the clinic they will do tomorrow.

Am tired now so will just relax for the evening and hopefully sleep well.


Day 60 - hello
My 16-month old is teething and was up every couple of hours last night. Glad Iā€™m not trying to recover from a weekend hangover.
Iā€™m spending the day getting ready for a very high level work presentation tomorrow where I will be put on the spot and peppered with questions.
Iā€™ll be taking my daughter to swim lessons after daycare, and then solo parenting tonight with my wife working overnight shift.
Life is a grind, and I just keep pushing on and getting through each day.

Peace and well being to you. Thank you for being here for yourself and the rest of us.


Checking in again as Iā€™m catching myself veer a little off track mentally. The past couple of hours Iā€™ve just been aimlessly browsing my phone in a zombie state for the first time in a while and I can feel depression and cravings return like theyā€™re just around the corner if I continue. I know that sleep and excessive screen-time can definitely be triggers for me, so no more aimless browsing. Iā€™ll make some mindful notes to restore clarity and then time to try to put my racing mind to sleep with some guided audio or something.

*Update: feeling better after making some notes which have merely reminded me: I know that I definitely want to stay on track. And I will. My life depends on my courageā€¦ Good night folks :v:


Congratulations on your 2 days of freedom! Yeah, Mbani - the sensitivity to stress might linger a while. So good to have a plan for it. Weā€™re just not accustomed to experiencing any stress, positive or negative without numbing it. Iā€™ve had the best luck with exercise, warm baths and meditation. Green tea :tea: too. I quit nicotine in January, and alcohol on March 1st. Impressive that youā€™re quitting both at once.

Glad youā€™re with us and sober today.


Another day sober, just checking in


Checking in day 252 AF :blush:


Day 1059 AF

Good morning, gang.

Couldnā€™t sleep last night. Slept around 2:30 am. The little man woke up coughing. Kept him home from school. Not doing much right now. Just chillin at the apartment. Took a cold shower. Prolly watch a movie or something.

Have a great Monday!

ODAAT. Take care. :heart::v:


Quick check in from the beach. Weather is beautiful. Having a blast. Spent all day on the beach soaking up the sun. Hope everyone is having a great sober day!


Day 443. Off today. Not a bad week ahead. Off next Monday and Tuesday and I donā€™t have to go to London for a welcome week for my course as its all on line this year. Which is great news

Feeling OK. Pleased to not be drinking. Watching the film version of the gentlemen on TV then bed time.


Sending big hug šŸ©·
ā€¦ And another strong one :wink:


Evening check-in! :wave:t2:
After hanging out with my friend in the morning, in the afternoon I went to the pool.

Theyā€™ll close due to the end of season next weekend, and Iā€™m already starting to feel the dark cloud that usually comes over me when autumn arrives. Shorter days, bad weather etcā€¦ I hope I can somehow see the positive side of things! :confused:


Hey all just doin odaat i thought things would pan out and at let get some what better not worse. They say dont wait for a good future make one. Wow that harder to do than what i thought but heck what do i know this is probably what i get for what ive done in the past even thou i feel i have payed my dues i hoping i get caught up soon because i really dont know how much more i can take


Thanks for the message. Iā€™ll surely try my luck with the exercises as a way of dealing with the stress.

I appreciate the insight.