Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

@Vanessa8 That is very challenging indeed. Sending strength and wisdom. :purple_heart:

@Finn Welcome back :grin:


Day 211
In bed with the dreaded Man Flu.
Nose literally dripping like a tap and sinuses all fu@#ed up. Lots of Lemon and Honey being consumed. Half my workplace has it too unfortunately.


Hey all, checking in on 1549. I hope everybody has a good one!


Preparing myself for a trip. I hope to be focused and calm


I truly believe this is the last 10th day badge in my journey towards accomplishing my goals. I’m much better equipped with key now how to work with my emotions and realized I do deserve a better life, happiness and success. Still addressing my fears, working with them to replace them with courage. Sober life is so much better :grin: Did 12km run this morning, more in plan in following days. Have a great day folks :hugs:


Day 193 of freedom


hi my friends!! it’s been a lil bit, here’s an update :]

it’s day 11 at noon today, in the double digits! i’ve been real involved in my evening meeting and ended up having to get a new sponsor. excited to start working with this new one, anxious about ditching the old one, but it’s gotta be done. haven’t had as much energy to be on here honestly, but i wanted to come back and document some progress :]

thank yall, best wishes and i hope you’re well <3


Checking in day 737! Not much of note today. Recently cut down on caffeine (surprise- as an alcoholic I have a tendency to overdo things :rofl:) due to heart flutters- hasn’t eliminated it but doctor is monitoring.

The plus side is I’m finding I have more energy and improved mood since cutting back. Trying to also slowly get my diet back on schedule- been skipping meals or eating poorly while grieving the passing of my ex, but I think I’m ready to start nourishing again- in moderation.

Wishing everyone a terrific sober Tuesday :sparkles:


Happy Tuesday! Haven’t been on in a while. What did I miss lol. But seriously it’s good to be back.


Welcome back :slight_smile:


Welcome back! :blush:

  1. Heavy thoughts yesterday, feels like some canker was lanced a wee bit. More space in my chest today. Happy 24 all.

@Lefty624 I always used to dwell on past mistakes too, even before I started drinking. Learning acceptance was what got me out of my head and living in the present :pray:

@Frank68 Hey :wave: Good to see ya man! Hope you’re doing well :blush:


Hi!! I’m alive and sober so I’ll call that 2 checkmarks in the win column


Thank you!!


Checking in day 176. I said to myself I’m at the point in my life I am okay with paying someone to do something instead of trying to do everything myself. Unfortunately the plumber that came and switched over our taps didn’t tighten one of the hoses up and it leaked through the kitchen cupboard. Big breathe, could have been worse. Glad I was able to fix it. He replaced the vanity too so the house is one step closer to being ready.

Hope everyone’s had a great start to their week


159 days sober
Whew today was a very busy but good day! I managed to get up early enough to have a shorter hike and get morning chores done before needing to feed my guests. Had a great breakfast with coffee even the caffeine felt needed today. :sweat_smile:
Was a very long day for me and the guests. We are all pretty tired out. I was amazed how many people showed up to the free pop up clinic! Over 60 people and so many kids unfortunately they ran out of time and medicine. Tomorrow is the meeting with social services which I’m looking forward to and they had planned a free day after but have decided to do 1 more day of a free clinic.
It has really been a great dsy! I’m so glad that they came here and the community is really being encouraged by it.
I’m going to bed early tonight my brain is feeling pretty tired out. Hope you all are having a fantastic sober day!




Checking in with 80 Days. :smiling_face:


@tailee17 way to go in setting up the boundaries friend. Yes - 23 is a good age for establishing independence and becoming responsible for oneself.
@Finn Welcome back friend – way to go with your 5 days!
@Just_Laura AAh that is an interesting question - do I actually like the taste or have i acquired a likeness over time :thinking: For sure decaf is never an option :joy: I am glad that I will not be testing this out – another unanswered question
@Lefty624 Sorry for all the self reflection my friend. What i try to do is put my story down and read it back to myself as if I am reading someone else words - then give the advice you would give a stranger and use it for yourself :pray: :hugs: Be gentle with yourself my friend – sending love your way. The past got you to this point but it does not define you.
@seb sending healing vibes my friend – hope you feel better soon
@bunto Way to go with your double digits! Love the optimism and devotion to your sobriety. Keep up the great work friend!
@teefgub great to see you poppin in with double digits! :muscle:
@Frank68 So good to see you checking in and glad you are doing great – Welcome back Frank
@cynthia1 Great job on 80 days! keep up this amazing momentum :muscle:

Checking in on Tuesday morning
I did manage some physical activity this morning but it was hard and I really used all my energy to get through it. I am worn out and in even more pain now. This is absolutely ridiculous. I will get through it. Grateful that I will be getting a new mouth splint today. Shredded the last one in less than 6 months so this is a stronger and sturdier appliance. So grateful as using my mouth guard is just not the same relief.
Didn’t get much sleep last night so hoping today will allow for a nap.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: