Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Ugh! I’m feeling grouchy and moody. I feel like having a drink to calm me down. :unamused::disappointed::confused:


YUCK – that mindset is the worst – making you think that a drink will fix it. It will not.

Do you have time now to practice self care? Do something for yourself like take a bath, go get a manicure, go for a walk, do something you enjoy - find a way to keep yourself busy so that you dont give the urges a moment to sink in.

89 days and going strong friend – remember that you are strong enough to keep pushing forward and you do not have to repeat day 1 again! :hugs:


I don’t check in all that often, but this one is especially for @Borderline_Billy and @ASP:

As I may have mentioned before, I was diagnosed with acute alcoholic hepatitis, hypertension and diabetes (amongst other things :hushed:) back in early 2023. Fast forward to yesterday when I had my annual medical check-up, the results were:

  • All liver values (ALT, AST, bilirubin etc.) are now well within normal range
  • My hypertension is almost gone (128/80 yesterday and that is with the anxiety of a medical check-up)
  • I am now barely prediabetic, 0.2% away from normal range

I should mention that I have also lost about 20 lbs since the last check-up, which together with full abstinence is clearly the way forward. I am sharing this so you two and everyone else can take heart from the fact that diligence and hard work pay off!


Great to see you checking in and WOW - what an awesome post. So lovely to see sobriety paying off! Keep at it friend and keep reaping the benefits! :muscle: :tada:


Another day! One day at a time!


Btw we are not separated, I just find it hard sometime to pinpoint things like gaslighting, co-dependency etc.

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Thanks so much!

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Way to go!!


Day 300. Beside the fun little selfies i post on my unicyle i am having a hard time. I dont feel any urges wanting to use but im definitely stressed a little. I think its a bunch of things, and trying not to just point the finger at others. Trying to see my part and figure out where i can put in the work. I have missed a little time at work, and i got called in sunday for it. Now i didnt think i was actually over my call out limit but i did know i was close, there were a couple times i had doctors notes so i thought that wouldn’t be counted towards me. So when i got called in on sunday i was shocked and pissed a little. Pissed bc ive seen people who have called in more than me since ive been here not get talked to once, im 5 hours over my call in limit and they nailed me right away. I accepted that hey i do need to do better and i will, at the end of the meetint there were two supervisors, one was my day shift supervisor and the other was a evening who i dont talk, or ever talked to. She looks at me in the end with him and my union rep in the room, and said that i looked like a bum in my pants and that i made the environmental service department look bad, the reason being because they are black pants and we use a chemical called bru tab in the emergency department that stains them white like bleach kinda. These pants i had on werent even a week old, i had just baught them. I said exuse me? Im sorry these pants are brand new and i cant do anything about the bru tab staining them. She said idk what to tell you but i better not see you coming in with them on again. I said your kidding right? Your department has been wearing black pants and using bru tab for years, surely other works pants must have stains on them, and if they dont i said its probably because they arent working to hard. I said you guys have no about these chemical issues for years you cant take it out on me today. Then she told me she doesn’t care dont wear them again and if i had a problem with it to bring it up with my other supervisor stacie. Today we had a pizza party for environmental service week, everyone told me to be there at 12. I like to take lunch at 11 so i didnt to and honestly with all the fakeness ive seen i didnt want to go. Some people said come over come over and i just politely declined. Idk much love, ill get through it and ill come out strong.


Thank you @JazzyS :smiling_face: I’m doing my best. Keep it up with those physical activities, and btw I have those days too…but it will pay off eventually. Besides proteins, try baby spinach - rich in iron :muscle:

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Unfortunately I’m at work hating every minute of it and complaining too much. Even I’m sick of hearing me. :weary:

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Day 444 late check in for me. All good. Good day at work. Off Thursday… And off next Monday and Tuesday :+1: all good. Roll on tomoro


@Mindofsobermike Way to go on your 300 days Mike! That is some awesome shit right there! Sorry you are having trouble at work. I would talk to your supervisor about the pants cause it seems like a legit issue and how can they expect you to have nice cloths and not stain them when working with those chemicals. Better to have the meeting and be on record especially since this woman has voiced her stance. I do hope it gets easier and better for you. Not sure if the grass is greener elsewhere - fake shit and unreasonable expectations seem to be all over the place.
@Bunto Thanks friend – YES - we just gotta keep pushing forward :muscle: Appreciate the tip - right now my stomach will not let me eat spinach (which i miss a LOT - i do try to experiment with it every once in a while but not able to have it just yet) - do try to keep my iron up tho :hugs:
@Cynthia1 Well that is a good thing that you are at work so you are unable to drink… maybe make a plan for yourself when you leave work so you are not tempted to pick up alcohol or go to a bar. Not complaining my friend – it is not an easy road and you are working on re-training your mind and body – vent away! cause the shit is frustrating - BUT - it does get easier. So keep moving forward.
@Timetochange YEAH triple 4’s. That is awesome to see - enjoy your time off.


Checking in after another fantastic day. The weather is beautiful and i spent the day fishing, walking on the beach and just soaking up all the sun i can. I feel so much better when im at the beach. I love the sun, i get so much exercise and there’s no stress. Even my joints feel better. I haven’t had a single thought of drinking. I used to come down here and be drunk the whole week. Sober vacation is so much better.
We have a deep sea fishing charter booked for tomorrow. Im so excited. I love being out on the ocean.
Hope everyone is having a great sober day!


Checking in with 156 days sober. Just made the worst pumpkin muffins ever. :unamused: These little guys are disgusting and dense. Maybe I’ll tell my kids it’s September Fools day when they come home excited to try them. :laughing:
Enjoy your day everyone.
I’ll stay sober today too.


this made me laugh so hard – sorry the muffins turned out bad – that totally sucks (especially when you are patiently waiting for the oven to ding so you can have some hot fresh goodies)


Thanks jazzyS your input is greatly appreciated.


Day 940
Not much to mention today. I did get to see the Doctor about my nose this morning. The dr prescribed me 2 medications to help with inflammation and sinus issues. Thankfully i dont think its anything to do with past drug use. I went to the grocery store afterwards for some macaron ingredients which im making this week for my husbands coworker. Then i went to the gym for about an hour… just a basic cardio day. Im tired and ready for bed and its only 340pm haha. Just picking up my son from the school bus now. Thats about it for me. Another lovely day clean and sober! Have a fabulous day everyone!


2nd check in today. Not sure why… just reading through some other people’s check ins and just dropping in another one. Does it make me feel better? I donno maybe, I think it probably just reinforces my commitment a bit.
I have a couple of slip up opportunities coming up. A work night out an overseas trip with family and a running event. All of which would have been perfect storms in the past.
I’m looking forward to the feeling of getting home sober after each of them, the feeling of accomplishment or the small or not so small wins.
I won’t slip, I’ve tied myself into too much now and a slip would break my heart so I’m not doing that.
I know we’ve all made promises in the past and broken them but I’ve got some ambition in my heart now and I’m riding the wave.

Goodnight :pray:


Congratulations on 300 days.

I am sorry for the shit you are going through at work. Hopefully all will pass soon.