Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Thanks @tailee17 @JazzyS
Slept fairly well for around 10 hours. I haven’t slept that long in ages. Blankets and pillows strewn across the bedroom floor this morning as I was having hot/cold flushes.
Feeling better though.


Hello friends. Checking in sober on a Tuesday night.


@Mindofsobermike Congrats on 300 days! :tada: That work situation sounds annoying. It’s easier to see thru fake people since being sober. There’s more of 'em than I thought :unamused: I keep to myself around those types so I don’t absorb their energy.


Tired and tense today. I didn’t sleep great bc at 2:30am I realized I’d accidentally locked Kiki(cat) in my daughter’s room and she was yowling and scratching til we both woke up :face_exhaling: Then I got angry at my ex bc it never would’ve happened if it weren’t for him. A few times in past years he’s slept here bc he lives 20 miles away and doesn’t drive, so it’s easier when we have plans in town with Zoi. I hate when I have to work and he’s in my apartment. Idk, I just think he snoops. Not the point.

She slept with her bedroom door closed for 9 years(to keep out cats), until he left it open one night. Ever since, she wants it open until I go to bed. Which means I have to corral Krieger(cat) into the bathroom every night so he won’t go annoy her (Kiki doesn’t usually do that). She also slept without a night light for 9 years until another, separate night, he gave her one and now she needs it. Not to mention another time he cleaned my house when I was at work. I was still drinking and it needed it bad, so I was happy for a split second, until I realized he redecorated :fearful: i.e. moved furniture, hung wall art, and organized small knickknacks. Who tf does that?! There were things I used every day and had no idea where he put them. Ugh! This is past and I try not to dwell, but it’s all I could think about at 3am :triumph: It shouldn’t be this irritating, but it is. I hate anger. Worst feeling ever! Probably why I’m so tense today. Anyway, whatever. Tomorrow’s a new day :sparkles: Hope you all have a good one!


14,641 days clean and sober.



We ended up in Germany yesterday. Which was fun with coffee and cake (or pie). Autumn has begun. It’s fine. I’m sober and clean.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. One day at a time and clean and sober. Love.


@Mno Is this old Bismarck there? I have an ongoing personal feud with that guy since my teens :angry: :rofl:
@Chance Mind boggling number James :joy:
@Just_Laura Your ex’s behaviour sounds very invasive and overreaching. I had one of those situations with my ex the other day, so I totally get how this got you going. Still can’t shake my angry thoughts. You are not alone friend :hugs:
@Dustysprungfield I love this feeling when I come back from one of the situations, that previously would have send me into a binge, and I can hit the pillow sober and clean. :grin: Never imagined being resilent like that would bring me so much confidence and joy.
@Butterflymoonwoman Do you make the macarons in different colours? I never made any, just see them in shops sometimes. They are not very popular around here.
@Vanessa8 September Fools Muffins sound great. I still remember how madly my daughter and I laughed after we had made the worst tasting food ever. :rofl:
@Shel75 Enjoy the deep sea fishing. I have never been out on the ocean. I imagine it to be fabulous :star_struck:
@Mindofsobermike Congrats on 300 days Mike :muscle: :partying_face: You rock! And you do roll a lot too :joy: And I really am sorry for your work situation. If you have to work with chemical substances your employer should provide you with work clothes. This is abysmal and you have every right to be angry and upset. Sending support and love.

294 sugar
158 UPF
32 gluten
32 dairy

Tonight we had a temperature drop of about 20°C compared to Saturday. Crazy stuff :scream_cat:
Feeling much better today, so I already sent my kid off to school and did my morning run. I’m trying to get back into it. It does me good.
Today I’m going to start diving deeply into the dramaturgical part of my game. I am so looking forward to this. I know I say this a lot: I love my work :heart_eyes_cat:
My daughter has ballet class in the afternoon. She is anxious about it, as their recital is in a few weeks only, and she has missed many classes due to migraines.
After yoga and stuff I’m going to co-host a recovery dharma online meeting this evening.

Peace and love of life no matter what :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


This is genuinely inspiring.
Really well done you. I hope to be able to pass on a similar message in a years time.
:pray:t2: Thank for for sharing.


The start of day 11.
Was at a SMART meeting last night (not sure if that’s just a UK thing but it’s a recovery group), feeling motivated and clear headed this morning.
Wishing everyone here and happy and sober Wednesday.


284 days
Been a few days since checking in here. Everything all good.
Back to work tomorrow for dayshifts.


Ah man …this just made me so mad. You are right- who does that? Your ex is a piece of work. Glad that’s in the past. Sorry that it all came rushing back in memories last night. Hope you were able to get some rest :hugs:


Day 250 AF

I took my first sick day from work after 5 months, I’m not sick but get 18 sick days per year (which baffles my mind), so figured why not.
Have a tree to plant, lawn to mow and trim, get some things put away for prep of fall.

Probably pull my cardio equipment treadmill, bikes) out of gym as I am setting up another room (used to be sons, but he pulled his bed and sofa out for his new apartment) that will be exclusively for cardio and yoga/stretching. Keep weights and cardio separate for more space as whole gym is huge downstairs, but I have too much equipment it seems. Lol.

Still up at 5:30am today after a bit of a sleep in, all coffee’d up, breakfast in me and ready to get outside and service machines before a fresh mow.

Enjoy this amazing sober day TS peeps.


177 days. Feeling undervalued. Usually means I’m tired and need some sleep and to fill my emotional cup back up.

Hope everyone’s having a good week so far.


Productive day today. Went for a run, went to talk about high school prospects for my son at his school. Jumped on the first AA meeting in a long time, and gave the whole house a hoover and dust.


@acromouse sorry your hormones are at it again :people_hugging:🩵
@Seb feel better soon 🩵
@Bunto @teefgub congrats both on double digits :tada:
@Frank68 welcome back :blush:
@Cynthia1 congrats on 80 days :tada:
@Dirk congrats on your medical results :raised_hands:t2::tada:
@Mindofsobermike I’m sorry you’re dealing with this sh*t at work, it does sound unreasonable, I’m not sure if you have these where you are but I’ve seen workers here wearing disposable aprons, maybe if you speak to Stacie and request something like that. Congrats on 300 days though :tada:
@Timetochange congrats on all the 4s :tada: enjoy your time off :blush:
@Chance wow! :exploding_head: that’s incredible :clap:t2:

1492 days no alcohol.
957 days no cocaine.
472 days no vape.
0 days no binge-eating.

I’ve been listening to an audiobook called ‘defeat your cravings’. As much as it all makes sense, as with other recovery related books I’ve read or listened to, I think it all has an opposite effect on me, and actually makes me crave.

I binged crisps last night. Instantly regretted it. I couldn’t sleep again, so my addict was loud in my head, shouting that we need crisps so we can watch TV. I’m fine all day, but in the evening, if I can’t sleep, it’s as though I have no control whatsoever.

I saw the specialist for my back yesterday, he said an MRI would be good, to check if a nerve was getting pinched. I said that I’d had one back in May 2022 whilst I was in hospital, so he looked over that and everything looked okay apart from some stuff that’s expected in people my age. So he’s referring me to a hospital for pain management. Not sure if they’ll be able to help since pain meds don’t work on me, but he said they’re a good team and that would be my best option. So I will wait and see.



Another day sober
Just checking in


Thanks for the share @Dirk. Those are some impressive numbers. My big milestone is 11 days sober from vodka. I’ll take it :v:t2:


Have you heard about Dr. John E. Sarno? I had 10 years chronic back pain but after reading his book ”Healing back pain” my back pain went away little by little in a few months. Give it a try, it’s an interresting book


Hey all, checking in on day 1550. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Workday morning check in.
Sleep deprived, but pushing through the to-do list. Ripping the band-aid off.
Everything worth doing with a big reward is hard.
One day at a time.


Hey i feel i set myself up again i got payed and the first thing i did was try to get ahold of my ex tryed txing and call and no answer she set me messages about bills need to be payed it sucked but yesterday we meet and it was so kinda closer for me. I told her i will continue to pay the bills even thou she is going to file bankruptcy and i will have to give my truck back because its in her name but im to the point if i can just buckle down and Save two or $3,000 I’ll just go get another truck