Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Day 197

So nice to have purpose in one’s life.

@Dazercat @JazzyS


Day 555
Oh, what a lovely number! And today was a good day. My advent calendar got delivered today… yes, I know it’s a bit early for that, but I also know that they usually sell out before October. I missed out some years, but not this year!
Then the date for the Halloween dancefit special was announced. I’m excited!!!
My favourite season can begin :blush:


Thank you! :blush:

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Checking in! :wave:t2:
I didn’t check in yesterday, but I didn’t really have much to tell… just work! Today it’s more or less the same! Work, and you can tell high season is creeping up on us! It’s getting busy! Today I had a slight argument with my boss, he’s crap at communicating things, and when he forgets to tell us something he tries to put the blame on us! Very annoying, but I’m
not someone that will keep her mouth shut! :see_no_evil:
Other than that, not much to tell!
Kitties are doing well, one keeps chewing on my plants :exploding_head:, and the other one is still struggling at times with his litter box! But hey, can’t complain, my choice! They also give me good company! :grin:

Edit: I started listing to this audio book;

It’s read by the author, and she has a pleasant voice (important for me when it comes to audio books) and I like how she approaches the subject. I haven’t finished it yet though!


Checking in day 254 AF :blush: I am currently on holiday in Greece with my Husband and inlaws. I was apprehensive at first due to this being my first time abroad since becoming sober but so far I’m 3 days in and having a fab time drinking mocktails and AF beer. I thought about how different i would have been if I’d have drank and how much better my life is now! :grin:🩷 xx


Day 1362,

Another interesting read. Read a bit long today, time for a nap :pray:


Day 490 no alcohol 16months and 1 day no alcohol
421 no vapes or ciggs 130 no form of nocotine
3 no form of marijuana

Not yoo happy to start over no form of marijanna 3 days ago but im here and im alive
It tasted terrible


Day 445. All good. Nice day at work. Watching brassic on Netflix this evening. All good


Day 501.
I was feeling overwhelming because all this ppl buying tickets for the international convention in Vancouver. The FOMO was intense but trying to pray and stay focus today. :place_of_worship:





Hey so is it just me or what? But wuth my recent Breakout I’ll be driving home from work and it seems like either a song or something I do or a place ends up making me get emotional and end up crying on my drives home or whatever I’m at. It’s starting to annoy me because I’ve never been like this in my life I know I’ve said it before but the way I feel is worse than detoxing from the drugs I did in the past and the way I felt then was bad but not like this any hoot I hope everybody’s having a good day and I’m trying to be positive and stay out of my own head one day at a time keep it up y’all we got this


16 days! Feeling good about it.


Congrats on 16 months no alcohol and your days free from cigs


Check your number girl 500+ days is fabulous. Sorry that the fomo is getting to you… remember that in reality you are not missing anything at all (our minds really romanticize the fun times in addition).

Sending you strength and hugs …you are doing great my friend :people_hugging::muscle:t4:


You aren’t alone. Breakups are super hard and can drudge up emotions. I would cry at everything as with 13 years all things had some memory associated with them. I had to start making new memories and that helped. It does get easier. Try to get out and do some activities to keep yourself busy and your mind occupied. Sending you love and hugs :hugs::heart:


Day 941
Today went really well. Even though my morning started out rough, i was able to turn it around. I love that i can restart my day at any point. The gym was really good!! I worked out hard and really pushed myself. Its truly my therapy :mending_heart: I came home and made the caramel buttercream i needed for the macarons. Then did some tidying up. Tried to have a nap but i was overly caffeinated lol. Got my son from the bus and now we are relaxing. Im currently trying to avoid the left over pizza from last night bcuz i want to save my calories for supper with hubby. Hes still at work and so it will be awhile before we eat. Just trying to prevent a binge here. I ate 1 med slice to tie me over until supper. But boy do i want more. I have to stay focused on my goals. Hope u all are having a fab night!


Thank you tailee

I appreciate you and your updates, opinions and advice

Youve been here for a bit now

I love reading your posts


Well thank you… I admit I am silly and look for the craziest images to share for Congrats and Good Jobs. Stay sober my friend and glad you are here.


Hey friends. End of day 26. I leave for vacation in a few days. This is going to be huge. I have never had a sober vacation as an adult. I’m honestly ready for a new experience and point of view.


First sober vacations can be scary but imagine all the time you’ll have to explore! We’ll still be here if you need us