Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

311 days
Gym in the morning then a quiet day. Had a little nap and now I’m back at work for my first regular shift in a while. So only have tonight and tomorrow night then back on days off till Monday. Not a bad way to ease back into it


@Just_Laura Niiiiice number there :tada: Fingers crossed this bs financial situation resolves itself soon :crossed_fingers:
@Dan.h84 Good to see sobriety is treating you well :smile:
@Mno Hope you get to have some quieter nights soon.
@tailee17 Ah, knee pain sucks. Hope this goes away soon :people_hugging:
@Lizziebeth Good job on not caving to this addict voice in your head :+1:
@Mira_D 2hrs commute sounds hard. I’d go crazy having to sit for so long in a car.
@SoberSassy Glad to hear you are healing :heart: And thanks for the pictures. I love water :ocean:
@justKaitlin Congratulations friend! What a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing with us. And sooooo glad to hear you got to have a sober wedding with all those memories for you :heart_eyes:
@Pamela Great job on getting through two days. These first days are the worst. Hold on, keep moving in the right direction and - if you don’t already have one - take a look on recovery programs and meetings.
@Jesile I’m with you on the ice baths. Nutters :crazy_face:

321 sugar
185 UPF
59 gluten
59 dairy

My daughter’s migraine is still there. The pain has lessened. That’s good. I hope she will feel better soon. Poor thing.
I am having a headache too, but not such a debilitating one.
I did some groceries, will work on my game. I hope to find the energy to do some yoga or a short bodyweight workout in the afternoon.
My ex wants to have a talk today. I am not sure I am up to it. Just exhausted.

Today’s picture is a canal in Gent, Belgium last year’s spring.

Whatever comes today, I will go for peace and love for life :lotus:


@Juli1 Are you sure you are not some kind of seal? :seal: Or some other sea dwelling creature? :dolphin:
@PositiveThoughts Great job on getting back on the pony right away. You might want to find out what led to your relapse. It usually is not the imediate situation but something that has been building up before.
@Refreshedperspective Sending you strenght friend. Your life situation does sound like a lot. Good to hear you are taking care of basic self care. Do you have nice people in your life?
@Vanessa8 Congrats on half a year. That is some commitment :partying_face: Sorry about the partner situation. That is a tough one. Vent if you need. We are here for you :mending_heart:


@tailee17 hoping that your knee feels better today :pray:t4:
@mno funny how sometimes we get so little sleep and wake up refreshed. Other times I sleep like the dead and wake up a zombie. Not sure what our bodies / minds go through at night. Glad you didn’t have nightmares. Hope you have a wonderful day
@Dan.h84 congratulations on your sober time and that you are seeing the benefits. Keep up the great work :muscle:t4:
@Just_Laura totally relate - think we were better put together drunk / high cause we were working over time trying to be “normal”. We didn’t want to feel like our DOC was a hindrance. The hell we put out bodies and minds through. Glad we are allowing ourselves to heal and recover now. I am glad you talked with a more capable and sympathetic person today. I do hope this issue gets resolved quickly :pray:t4:. Congratulations on your 600 days :confetti_ball::muscle:t4:


Happy Tuesday!

Had to turn the heat on in the house this morning. Tad bit cool here in Chicagoland.

Day 2/30 of no caffeine. So far so good.

Make it an awesome day my friends!!


Hey all, checking in on day 1577. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Good morning fellow travelers! Enjoying the sound of snoring pups as I begin the day sipping coffee and checking in. Daughter will be here at 6 to work out, which we’ve been doing 2-3x/week for about as long as I’ve been sober, 54 days. I’d rather stay snuggled in this chair but love feeling stronger. I want to stay mobile and active so I don’t have to use too much of the Medicare I became eligible for this year! Still feeling like my brain is scrambled. Good brain chemicals are in the toilet. Trying to be intentional about getting morning and evening red light, doing vagus nerve exercises. Time with grands helps. Looking forward to a 6yr old sleep over tonight and trip to the zoo tomorrow morning. Coolest day here since last spring so jumping the gun and making chili tonight. Low 80’s today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Ridiculous but I’ll take it! Blessings on your day friends. If you search for beauty, you’ll find it :purple_heart:


Day 16 without booze. Getting back there.


Checking in in day 277 AF. Feeling good!


Day 328, all is going fairly well. Girls are coming here this weekend, we have some crafts ready and going to do some painting, maybe ill teach my girls how to ride my wheel, and going to make autumn some chicken wings. Had a bad relapse dream last night, definitely woke up this morning thinking i through it all away. The relief i feel when i realize i didnt is so amazing. Got some new pedals for my wheel and im looking forward to trying them out after work. Much love sober fam


Lil bit jealous about turning that heat on! First fire in the wood burning stove is a celebration here but likely still a month or 6 weeks away. So ready!


@Mischa84 , @Juli1 , @Conor80 … reading about your ice baths legit made me reach for a fluffy blankie. :joy_cat:

@Butterflymoonwoman It sounds like you’re going through the ringer but you’re showing so much growth in how you’re handling the situation. You’re doing amazingly.

@JennyH I’m so sorry about the bad news. Be gentle to yourself. :heart:

Day 633.

Checking in. Sober. Today I had to take my pup to the vets for his jabs, worming and fleeing. The poor baby cried when the vet gave him the kennel cough vaccine and it broke my heart. His eyes are getting worse, so we have to change eye drops and hope for the best. But other than that, he’s in perfect heath, so that’s good news.


Eyup me chumps :metal:

Hope you’re doing well whoever you are reading this right now, and wherever you are… :muscle::heart:

Today theoretically had it’s ups and downs, so much happened, christ, but my cup is definitely half full overall, and I’m grateful for it! :pray:

There’s a nice native american story… There are two wolves within us all, vying for power: one is darkness and despair, the other is light and hope. Which one wins, depends upon which one we feed…


Day 8 - feeling some progress being made on the mental health side of things. Although I have a lot on my plate, I am breaking things down one day at a time.


Congratulations on 16 days. So glad you came here to post. You can do it!


Thank you so much, my friend.


You are welcome.


On the 7:45am ferry to Nanaimo BC to catch up with an old friend from the same treatment center we both attended a few years back. Apparently she’s taking me to do a cold plunge in the ocean later. Never done one, so this should be interesting. Just made sure my life insurance plan was up to date and valid. If I get swept out to sea, I hope a beautiful mermaid saves my life.


Day 221

Checking in. Woke up very grumpy but all is well. I’ll start my day over….now!:heart:


Good attitude. I read here somewhere “all because this morning was shitty you don’t have to have an entire shitty day”

I think I paraphrased that but you get the meaning. !