Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Oh yay!!! Way to go Hannah!!! 300 days is AMAZING work!


Thank you so much :heart: xx


Yippee!!! Way to go friend :clap:t4::clap:t4:. Great work on your 300 days. Impressive work on your journey. Keep up the amazing work :muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball:


Thank you so much :heartpulse: it means such alot xx


Man that sounds frustrating! Sorry :pensive:.
Hope you are able to find a loop hole. :hugs:

Moved the hiking info over … :slightly_smiling_face:

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2023/24 Hiking Club (Walking Sober)

Sorry to hear this, my friend :orange_heart:
Sending you strength and positivity.


Checking in sober, my sobrity is safe. But I do think about drinking the feelings away sometimes, or selfharm to control what I feel when the feelings Are to much to handle, to big inside me. Honestly I think its more likely that I selfharm then drink. I dont know how to cope when my feelings Are sooo there,so much, taking up all place inside. Im not going to drink. Im not going to selfharm today. I am about to collapse.


Hey friend, sounds like ur very much in survival mode right now :frowning: Whats going on?

Can u figure out what kind of emotions ur feeling? Anxiety, fear, sadness, worry, etc?

When i experience overwhelming emotion, i find its important to just slow down, take deep breaths over n over until i calm, and give myself some space to just be alone for a sec. Journalling in the past has been helpful to get stuff out of head. Moving my body helps to release negative energy. Prayer to my HP. Self care when im sad. Just a few suggestions. Sounds like ur going thru alot right now. Sending u healing and strength as u get thru ur day SH free and alcohol free :hugs:


I’m so sorry for your loss, my friend. Take it easy and be kind to yourself. Even if you weren’t that close to him, these things have a way of hitting. :heart:

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Checking in day 22. Went to a meeting which was good and forcing myself to speak in every one as the last time I went I never said anything and I know I need to throw myself in to get the most out of it. I enjoy the meetings & it does help to lessen the shame knowing you are not alone. Side from that I feel pretty crap today, headaches, tired, no energy, my sleep is messed up so that’s part of the issue. Planning some sober things with a friend and finding myself getting annoyed that almost every event or activity I look at booking serves alcohol in some capacity. So hard to get away from! Wish they would just ban it! :rofl:. Hope everyone’s have a good day :heartbeat:


Day 5 clean from :ice_cube:. Mental clarity still foggy but hey im chugging along trying to think positive and find new games and activites to replace the habit


That’s how we do it.
24 hours at a time.
Great job.
Glad you’re here.


Checking in day 497 AF
Attended my favorite AA women’s meeting this am and then a Big Book study. I’ve been a bit absent from this community but I’m trying to work my steps and attend more in person meetings.

So many positive changes in my life over the last few months. Blocked the toxic ex from being able to communicate with me. He’s manipulative and more dangerous to me than alcohol.

Attended Grandparents day at my Grandkids school. That meant the world to me since the time I was spending with them has been so limited over the last few years. Feeling very blessed.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day and evening.


A post was split to a new topic: Had a drink today…feel like shit

708 days sober!! I have not been on the app for a while. Thought I would check in.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Had a drink today…feel like shit

Welcome back. Great to see you and hell of a job with 700+ days …:confetti_ball::tada:. Keep up the great work :muscle:t4:

Sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing here. I have first hand knowledge of mental health issues (myself and family members).

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Day 7. Sober.