Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Sounds like withdrawal to me Joyce. Hang in there and keep going. ODAAT and all that. Easy does it :people_hugging:


I probably expressed myself incorrectly. That was under the influence of alcohol. Now I’m physically fine. Till now :pray:


Still in a wee funk and I know it’s hormones but it’s also a sense of impatience and unease. My brother’s son was two y.o yesterday and I haven’t met him or their new daughter. The reasons are complicated, but I still go thru the motions each time, each birthday, each milestone, each holiday of missing any sense of having a family at all.

Impatience is just a lingering anxiety around job applications, the balconies being fixed, the problems I have on the surface.

Anyway, it’s Friday. Let’s Friday :dove:


Thank you, @Dirk this sounds good!

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2y 7m 30d no self harm

I’ve been having more and more close calls and been quite suicidal. today I opened up to my therapist and she believes i need to be hospitalized. so she calls down a crisis evaluator since they determine who needs inpatient. even with me saying i was 80% sure I was going to harm myself in some way if they let me go home, and I couldn’t pass simple cognitive tests like spelling world backwards or counting by 7s.that wasn’t enough to qualify. so I just get to sit here and suffer. I’m never asking for this kind of help again we created a safety plan that involved my parents locking up meds and razors but apparently my parents don’t take me seriously either because they haven’t done either. it’s really good to know that when Im at my worst i can’t rely on anyone in my home.


Strange at is may seem this place has been my safe place for years now. But all the more so before I got into therapy. I have no one at home but Luna. We’re here Megan. You’re not alone. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


I’ve never felt more alone honestly. i pushed away my friends with my own self destructive attitude and now they’re hesitant to help me. i ruined everything on my own. theres not much left to hold on to


I can imagine how lonely you must feel. But you’re not really. We’re here. Your friends might be hesitant but they are there too. Hang in there friend. Hugs.


I’m sorry that you’re feeling so low and that you reached out for help and the help was not forthcoming and has left you very much feeling alone and unhelped.
If you were at a period where you definitely were going to hurt yourself if you went to an ER, they would have to take you and listen to you and treat you.
I wish you could get involved with 3-D support group. I don’t know enough about it to be able to suggest one.
You are worthy, you are a wonderful person. You deserve to have a good life. You are young and sometimes being young is confusing and everything’s messed up and then often times it straightens up.

Your parents get an F for not taking you seriously.

We are all here to help you as much as we are able to.

I’m hoping somebody might come up with a suggestion of a support group that would be helpful for you.
Like N.A. or AA or Al-Anon.

I know you have seen so many of our members get so much benefit from going to the regular meetings either in person or online.

Maybe your therapist has a suggestion of a group situation that you could go to.

Let’s try to find one that’s perfect for you. Maybe somebody will have a suggestion.
I’m glad you’ve been posting lately, I hope that’s helpful for you.


my therapist is having me go to an LGBT support group. that’s really the only group resource we could find for me in my area. i go Monday


Are you going to be all right until Monday? One thing that has been talked about on the site has been getting sharpie markers or pens or any type of marker and if you feel like hurting yourself using the marker instead of something that would do damage.
I understand how you can feel really alone and very uncared for and I hope that the LGBT group will make you feel a part of a group like a family since you don’t have that at home and that you will fit in and have a friendly environment, there for you.
I’m glad that your therapist figured out something for you instead of just leaving you dangling without any help


honestly I don’t even know if I’m going to be alright tonight. it’s 3am i haven’t slept, I tried for hours. but there’s nothing I can do and I’m sure not waking up my parents to take me to the ERv


What can we do to help you?
Editing to add if you need the ER you can call 911 and they will come get you and they will be professionals that they are and they will give you the help that you need at that time


Can you call any of these 24/7 lines to at least have someone to talk to please. It will help to connect with a person who will be able to listen to you.


i don’t know. but I know I’m not calling an ambulance either. if I have to I’ll call a friend but id rather not wake them upm


I can’t call them because they’ll send someone to my house if im honest


If you need that help you need that help. Don’t worry about your parents or others, prioritise yourself.


if I need help it can wait until morning. I’m not going to wake my parents up at 3am. they were already scared enough when I gave them the safety plan. althought apparently not scared enough to actually follow it


Do they drink? If so, then that would qualify you to go to Al-Anon

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