Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Congrats on 2 weeks. Let’s keep it going. :tiger2:



Being less exhausted from work, I’ve been able to keep up around here. It’s rare to go to bed without a dish in the sink nowadays, but I will tonight :+1: Still much to be done, but it’s a relief to get to the basics. This fall beginning feels like entering a new era. One more relaxed and easygoing. Idk what it is but I like it. Time to wind down. Embrace the journey :pray:



Meeting my fellow experience workers yesterday (as we do once a month) was good for my mental state. As was napping in the afternoon. Another experience work day coming up today. And feeling up to it. Still not feeling totally rested but slowly getting there.

Time to dig out my rain gear and get going :bike: :cloud_with_rain:. Let’s have as good a day as we all can my friends. Clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from Amsterdam in autumn.




30 days AF! Happy I made it back to 30, shooting for one more day, then another after that, and so on and so one. ODAAT! Still exhausted from school. Currently up finishing a project (it’s almost 1am on the east coast, probably won’t sleep till 5, work at 3, cest la vie). If I get an A it’ll be worth it but I really would like to start getting some decent sleep again soon.


Ohhh, cold plunge sister! So happy for you! I bought ice tub some time ago but unfortunately used it only few times… Not that I dont like it, I love it, thing is I am all the time a bit ill and I don’t want to make it worse. I was even thinking about cold plunging no matter the cold but Mr Internet and Dr Google said dont do that! :slight_smile: And to be sure, I’m not sick because of the tub! I am sick from all that kids i work with (started month ago) and they are all having runny noses and basically they are just walking colony’s of germs :wink:
I’m sure you will love cold plunge as you are a mermaid yourself :mermaid:t3:



Congratulations on 30 days!


Thank you! Super pumped! Just exhausted!



I remember at the beginning of my journey here when I was looking at people with double, or even triple digits sober days and thinking, well, probably that not gonna happen to me. I relapsed so many times before… 2 sober weekends was not possible for me to achieve.
And here I am :slight_smile:
Thanks to you :blue_heart:

I slept good, finally. I must slow down with workouts. I must make rest days part of my routine. I don’t like rest days (addict?) I feel like I’m losing something if I won’t workout. But I’m not 20 anymore. Or even 30 :sweat_smile: And I start feeling this for real. My body needs time to recover. If I push it to hard I feel bad for few days. It’s new thing for me and I must get used to this. Befriend rest days :slight_smile:

Have a good day ppl!


Before 1 September 2024 I was drinking between 15 and 25 units of alcohol everyday. The amount had been increasing over many years.

On the 1 September 2024 I joined this group, went to meetings and did not consume any alcohol until 18 September.

Between 18 September and 24 September I went back to daily drinking. I was on my own on a one-off work trip, far from home and I didn’t have the tools to resist.

My reflections are:
I’m glad I’m back here so soon,
I’m glad I was away from my family while drinking, I’m conscious progress is not linear.

Thank for everyone here for the support and for being a source of inspiration.

Day 1 we go again. Thank for reading and have super Wednesdays.

  1. Rainy day. Skipping gym as have a lot to do for myself today. My other half is off on work travel so I have space to do my coursework and some possible job applications. Coffee is my friend today.

@HakeemOsman Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:


Even though I did a strength training yesterday, I went for a run this morning. I really had to push myself at the end of the run.
I met a friend for the first time in months. I am a bit in my head about it for various reasons. Somehow it made me feel more lonely.
Then did cleaning this afternoon. Kitchen, toilets and bathroom all done. I am not a great cleaner, but they are better than they were.


Glad you are back and could minimize the drinking days. You mentioned you did not have the tools to resist? What did you miss and what can you do about it to be prepared for another relapse?


*Day 2199 :walking_woman:
Hi all, still at my holiday adress in France.
It’s a bit of a boring holiday I must admit :blush: Still can’t walk normally so I can’t do much.
Next monday I see the doctor again. I think I have a smal crack/fracture in my forefoot. Shit happens :person_shrugging:

Today? Visit a museum and try to walk a bit. I notice the pain is less so that’s progress!
Have a good day ore night all TS people :raising_hand_woman:


@Juli1 so happy that sleep helped and today is a bright new positive day :people_hugging:. Excited for your new ice tub.
@HakeemOsman way to go friend :clap:t4::clap:t4: 2 month is amazing :muscle:t4:. Keep at it…the hard times with school and work and life balance do seem to even out …just stuck with it :tada::confetti_ball:
@Mischa84 sending you healing vibes…hope you get better soon so you can get back to cold plunging. I am with you in not liking those rest days. A work in progress :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
@asp glad you are back with us and that you have picked realizations a long the journey… support has been a major tool for me. Lean on us when the urges gets strong. It is a lot of hard work…just keep putting in that effort and go ODAAT :muscle:t4:
@SoberWalker sorry your foot is still in so much pain. Less pain is progress. Hope you have a wonderful time at the museum… hopefully your foot doesn’t give you much trouble.


Day #297
Happy sober Wednesday. Still sober, drinking coffee and thinking about how grateful is to be sober. Soon i will be 10 months sober and cant believe how fast the time passed.
In two words - Happy and grateful for this decision which i made before 297 days.

Stay sober and proud :sunglasses:


Hey all, checking in on day 1564. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy hump day!!!

Make it an awesome sober day my friends!!


Day 208

Rest day for me. Going a little hard lately, which led me to drinking thoughts, I think. Going to let my body and mind relax…on a Wednesday. Scandalous. :laughing:


You know what? I can really relate. I’ve felt isolated for so long that visiting my family even makes me feel more lonely. It’s wonderful to see them but it is a reminder of how far I am from having people in my daily life or inner circle, so to speak, in person. I can pick up the phone anytime and reach friends and family but I’ve struggled to make those connections in the several places I’ve lived in the last 6 or so years. Sending some of my awkward hugs your way. I’m not sure what the solution is, but therapy has been helping me think it through. PM me anytime if you want to chat, amiga.