Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Thank you Jazzy


Checking in before going to sleep,

Today actually turned out to be a really nice day. So much happenedā€¦ Fact: beyond that craving or low mood lies a gold nugget if you push through :wink:

Have a good, sober night folks (or day wherever you are) :v:


174 days sober
Today someone very dear to me died. When I moved here 10 years ago I showed up in this village not knowing anyone and with no set plans. I couldnā€™t speak the language and didnā€™t really have anything. I meant this lady, she gave me tea and naan then let me stay the night in her house. I lived with her for 2 years. She taught me everything I know. She taught me Kyrgyz, her culture, how to live and do things here. She helped me build my house and helped me start with the animals. She even held an unofficial ceremony to adopt me into her family and into the clan. She was a strong and amazing woman who lived a hard life and she always showed kindness to me. She was like a mother to me and I always called her mom. When I told her I was getting sober she was so proud of me and she always told me so. I am going to miss her and will grieve for her but she would want me to stay sober and keep working on myself. So I will keep doing so in her honor. The next days will be hard for me but know I can make it through.


So sorry for your loss, she sounds like a true guiding light. Those losses hit so hard. Sending hugs and thoughts of comfort. Be kinder to yourself than you think you need. Dig even deeper in sobriety.



Laner, Iā€™m so terribly sorry for the loss of ā€˜Momā€™. Yes, she would want you to continue thriving in your sober life. I think of mine a lot and all she taught me. Such an honour to have had such strong guidance in our lives. Remember you still have all she taught you and sheā€™ll always be with you, and a huge part of your life. Lean on us a lot, itā€™s very hard and we can help.

Sending you love :people_hugging:


Day 955
Gooood morrrrning!!! Just want to wish everyone a great day! Last night was rough for me. I had such a good day yesterday but then last night i found myself crying myself to sleep. Just thinking too much about things. Things that are upsetting.

Today my son and I will be playing a couple rounds of the board game we bought yesterday. Ill do some cleaning. He is going to school tmrw so have to prepare for that. Just s basic day. Not much else to say.
Have a great day everyone!


So sorry for your loss Laner.
She sounds like a truly amazing human, this planet needs more people like her.


Oh i am SO sorry for your loss my friend. She sounded like a strong, kind, and compassionate woman. Sending u strength and healing as you go through this difficult time.


Can i ever relate to ur post about working out. If it wasnt for situations out of my control forcing me to not be able to work out, id be there everyday. I think its that ā€œall or nothingā€ thinking that alot of addicts or alcoholics experience. But ur right, the body needs rest to recover, especially if u push urself hard during ur work outs. Hppe u have a restful day friend!


Congratulations on 30 days!!! Great job!!!


So sorry for your loss Laner. What a gift this lady has been for you. And what a beautiful tribute you made here. Much love :heartpulse:.


Checking in 4 years sober today!
Four years ago, i was a mess. Working from home during the pandemic did me no favors. It was just more hours in the day for me to drink. After a horribly drunken vacation week at the beach, which i scarcely remember, i decided enough was enough. Iā€™d been to rehab, counseling, AA, even psych wards and jail, in the past, but this time, i was ready to really make a change. It hasnā€™t always been easy, but itā€™s definitely been worth it. Im so grateful to be sober and for this community.


WOW!!! Congratulations on 4 years of sobriety!!! Amazing work :star:


What a beautiful tribute to her memory, she will always be with you in the lessons she gave you and her guiding hand and acceptance into her heart. Sending my condolences on your loss. You gained so much having had her in your life and Iā€™m sure it was the same for her.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. Loosing such an important person is hard. May she always be in your heart.


I am so sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in your memories. Sending hugs.



4 years is amazing!


@allswell congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Saa welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@JennyH good to read from you :blush: welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 4 days :tada:
@Juli1 you are braver than me for doing it at all :trophy: sorry it sucked though :people_hugging: feel better soon šŸ©µ
@Kris congrats on 4 months :tada:
@JazzyS :people_hugging: thank you :face_holding_back_tears:šŸ©µ
@Lighter it really is :raised_hands:t2:
@rikkofl congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@HakeemOsman congrats on 30 days :tada:
@ASP welcome back :people_hugging:


@Laner Iā€™m so sorry for your loss :people_hugging: :mending_heart:
@Shel75 congrats on 4 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2:

1506 days no alcohol.
971 days no cocaine.
2 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

My car passed itā€™s MOT (annual safety checks) yesterday, so that was a relief.

Had to listen to my dad lecturing me about my size as usual, and trying to tell me what I should eat, and continuing to do so after I asked him to stop. I wasnā€™t with him for a huge amount of time whilst waiting to pay for my MOT, but it was long enough. (Heā€™s obese himself and him and my step-family all live off takeaways for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so the hypocrisy is ridiculous :roll_eyes:).

I forgot to take my morning meds when I fed the cats at 2am, so I have spent most of the day feeling not quite right and wondering why, until I realised at 10am and took them then.

Iā€™ve been doing some meditations while I waited for my meds to settle in. I feel a bit better now.



Itā€™s a good question and not one that I have a comprehensive answer to.

I was away from home, in the sun and traditionally, I associate that with drinking. I was stressed from work and somewhere it was difficult to access support. I made the decision to drink in the belief it would make me feel better.

It was regrettable and something that I will work on not happen again.