Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Super grateful for that! :pray: Hope you have a pain free and quick recovery :hugs:


Hi Friends. Iā€™m 4+ months clean and sober. Actively working my recovery every day.

Iā€™m grateful for so many things. Slowly learning to un-learn my alcoholic way of living, thinking and doing. All one day at a time.

Donā€™t worry, I havenā€™t forgotten anyone!!


I am so happy to see you doing so well. Keep going strong my friend.



Today was my birthday. I thought it was funny to wake up to 3 ā€˜happy birthdayā€™sā€™ from my dentist, bank advisor, and the Harvard medical advisor from the study Iā€™ve been in my whole life. I really felt the love :rofl: I didnā€™t really have a plan and just went where the day took me, which wasnā€™t very far. The weather was crappy all day and it didnā€™t put me in a bad mood, but I wasnā€™t in a good mood :neutral_face: My mom called and asked if I wanted to go to this great steakhouse that has a magician on Wednesdays. The guyā€™s pretty good. He was on the Penn and Teller show and ā€˜fooled themā€™. Donā€™t know why heā€™s still around here :woman_shrugging: I got frog legs and then went to their house for cake. It was an alright day. Iā€™m just tired. Hope you all have a good 24 :heart:


Alles gut zum Geburtstag


Thank you?! :joy:


Checking in with 171 days sober.
On Monday I decided to cut out soda too now that Iā€™ve gotten into a good groove with my sobriety. So far, so good.


Happy birthday!! Love those texts from the dentist and othersā€¦ not! :laughing: :rofl: :joy:



Dreamed about my old place, where I left the stove burning all night which made it pretty warm inside. But didnā€™t cause any damage, also not the plates and pans left on the ignited gas burners. It was an old mess, that place. Iā€™ve dreamed more of it lately while I moved out 25 years ago.

Anyway, one day to go before a day off work. Working not in the detox this morning, but in a follow up rehab clinic next door that mainly does cbt. First time, will be interesting. I think. Weā€™ll see. Iā€™ll have as good a day as I can and expect the same of you all. Sober and clean of course. Love from my autumny little square this early morning.

@Just_Laura Happy Birthday!
@SadMemeQueen Scary stuff Megan! Glad youā€™re on the mend.
@Shel75 Huge congrats on 4 years!
@ASP Glad youā€™re here now. Maybe next time youā€™re craving come here before relapsing, we might be able to talk you out of it. At least it will give you some distraction and delay. Success.
@CATMANCAM Happy you car passed and you survived your dad. One day at a time friend :people_hugging:


What a memory! The scan was due on 24th Sept but my trip away overrun so i had to cancel. Iā€™m now waiting for it to be re-arranged. TBH Iā€™m quite happy about that because Iā€™m hoping I will have more time for it to recover bit

I donā€™t have a rearranged date yet but thanks for the reminder, I will chase now and keep you updated.


Early morning here, which I like because everyone else is asleep still the house is quiet.
The start of day 2 for a second time this month.
Have good Wednesdayā€™s all.


@SadMemeQueen Oh my goodness, so glad that you are ok!

@Just_Laura Happy birthday! Birthdays can be a little underwhelming. Sending warm birthday wishes to you. :purple_heart: :partying_face: :purple_heart:


Day 98

Work has been super hectic weā€™re so short staffed at the moment so it has all of us super stressed and strained. I think Iā€™m doing good in my home and work life besides my own internal battles, Iā€™m starting to sleep better and Iā€™m trying to eat better as well. I love seeing all of the pictures when I come on it honestly makes my nights :heart:

I hope everyone has a great Thursday morning


Day 952 sober from alcohol and I had my first craving in a long while. My Mom died suddenly last week so I am doing a lot of processing. I am realizing I tend to mask my emotions to make other people comfortable so Iā€™m working on authentic grief. If Iā€™m sad, you get sad Emilie.

My sister and I are going to the cemetery tomorrow to pick a plot for our parents who are now both dead. Talking to her tonight I could hear the alcohol in her voice through the phone. When I got home I thought about the beer my husband keeps in the bottom of the fridge that never tempts me. It tempted me. I didnā€™t want drunkenness though, I wanted oblivion. A beer wonā€™t do that and I donā€™t really want that. Instead I took a scalding hot bubble bath with a book and will eat some chips and go to bed.

No matter how bad I am feeling a drink will ALWAYS make me feel worse. Maybe not right away but eventually yes. Alcohol is no longer a coping mechanism in my life. Tough day, tough week but onward I fucking go. Sober.


Autumn can bring 2 things in my part of the world a dry crisp pallette of brown and gold leaves and cozy evenings spent walking around local parks or, a wet and windy affair where you dare not step outside for fear of getting blown back in. Letā€™s hope for the former.
I have a trip coming up next week, a few days with family in Poland. There will be lots of alcohol for some members of the trip but Iā€™m going to abstain. So far I donā€™t foresee any major issues for myself but if some should arise I will address it. Iā€™m fully committed to returning fresh and fulfilled.

Have a great day :pray:


I love it when I see you on the check in thread! :heart:

Hugs :people_hugging:


@JennyH congratulations :pregnant_woman: but Iā€™m sorry youā€™ll be dealing with the gallbladder symptoms a while longer :people_hugging:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: šŸ©µ
@SadMemeQueen woah that sounds scary :people_hugging: hope they are looking after you :hospital: Feel better soon šŸ©µ
@Aussie_Tiger congrats on 4+ months :tada:
@Just_Laura Iā€™d find that funny too :sweat_smile: belated happy birthday! :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:
@Mno thank you šŸ©µ that really does look autumny! I hope today goes well for you :crossed_fingers:t2::blush:
@Lefty624 sorry about the work stress :weary: but yay for better sleep :sleeping: :zzz: :raised_hands:t2:
@TrustyBird Iā€™m so sorry for your loss :people_hugging::mending_heart: so glad you knew alcohol wouldnā€™t help and opted for the bath and :open_book: instead :raised_hands:t2:

1507 days no alcohol.
972 days no cocaine.
3 days no vape.
2 days no binge-eating.

Iā€™m feeling much more with it today, despite being awake from 10pm-3:30am, then waking up again at 5am. I did get a few hours before 10pm though, and I feel alright so all is well.

Falling asleep early and waking up at the shopā€™s closing time, prevented any risk of bingeing, so thatā€™s good too.

Now that itā€™s colder, Wolfie joins Prince and I on the bed, I love it when we are all together. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



So sorry for your loss friend. Of course youā€™re sad Emilie now. And craving is only logical, itā€™s how we dealt with anything happening for so long. Glad you recognise it for what it is. Wishing you strength and all success in dealing with your loss and all that comes along with that. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


@Dustysprungfield What about the intermittent rain shower - sun peaking - wind blazing type?
@TrustyBird So sorry for your loss Emilie. I have the same tendency like you: masking my emotions and taking care of others. Sometimes this is helpful to get out of my own funk, and sometimes it is not. Congrats of choosing a better way to self soothe.
@ASP Hey Adam, good to see you back on day 2 :wave: Very brave move to come back, share your relapse and move forward :+1:
@Just_Laura Herzlichen GlĆ¼ckwunsch zum Geburtstag! Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin. Sto lat! :partying_face: :birthday: Sounds like you had a relaxing, stress free birthday day.
@Aussie_Tiger 4 months is quite the work :muscle:
@SadMemeQueen So glad to hear you have been taken care of and are doing better now. Speedy recovery :face_with_thermometer: !

309 sugar
173 UPF
47 gluten
47 dairy

Yesterday was unusually busy so I missed my check-in. It was a good day.
Today is a migraine day for my daughter once again. She got her meds and is resting. I hope her pain passes soon.
Me, I did the groceries and am going to work on game scenes. I have a dentist appointment later in the day, yoga and hopefully Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Picture is of the ā€žMĆ¼ngstener BrĆ¼ckeā€œ, Germanyā€˜s highest railway bridge of 107m (350ft) where I took a hike yesterday.
Looking to find peace and love for life on every corner :lotus:


Day 227
Thursday evening check in. Start of a 3 day weekend here in Melbourne. Day trip either countryside or beach with my girl tomorrow and who knows what for the rest of the weekend.
Peace Sober Fam.