Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Just read your sad check in Emily.
Loosing your mom is hard and so sudden.
I wish I could sent you some comfort ore something else that would really help right now.


I am so sorry for the loss of Momā€¦ Sending you heartfelt hugs.


Checking in day 212. Tomorrow 7 months. Feeling out of sorts today. Sore and stiff from pushing exercise. Tired and broke up night sleepingā€¦I have the things I want to accomplish and the ones I need to do today. Hubby due back from work maybe today or maybe tomorrow. I really donā€™t suffer anxiety much any moreā€¦ but still the uncertainty with events that affect me cause some ripples in my mindset.

I really need to practice what I preach. This day will be great and accomplished. God will help overrule the negative. I am positive I can do everything I want and need to do.

My friends, please stay sober and have a great day.


My heartfelt condolences Emilie.
Youā€™re strong and youā€™ll make it through that hard time sober.
Iā€™m glad your here posting. Youā€™ve always been an inspiration to me.
Sending love and strength your way.


Day 1377,

She dropped a line again, I took a cautious bite. It quickly spiralled out of control. She was targeting my feelings and more as predicted while discussing how to cancel the final meet-up on the 5th of October with my therapist. It is cancelled now, she insisted on it and mentioned I brook a promise. She needs help, but according to her I need help. So me like in active addictionā€¦.she mentioned I broke up only for myself, thatā€™s the one thing she was right about. Blocked her. Iā€™ll keep her in my prayers, done with dating via online :pray:


Checking in day 269 AF :blush:


Good for you! I am supporting what ever choices you make for your self. You matter!


Day 316. Life is being life lol. 3 months today for me and heather which is nice. 1 on 1 with counselor went well yesterday, currently on 60 mg of my medicine and asked if we could taper down to 40 just to see what it might be like. Might be a good change and might be nice to see where what is working and all that. Work is work, i remain grateful, some days i definitely just feel like fuck all this lol, but i am able to reflect and remember 10 months ago this is exactly where i wanted to be. Much love everyone


Congrats on 3 months for you and Heather. Wow great job on 316 days. Yes I get it about Life being Life. Wishing today to be over or just a restart


Day 460. Went to a colleagues leaving do. In a pub. Not my scene so I stayed for food then headed home. All good


Iā€™m sure you can and will, one day at the time and the exams will passā€¦ā€¦:muscle::pray:


Checking in during the evening of day
505 no alcohol
436 no vapes or ciggs 145 no form of nicotine
13 no form of pot

Im happy to be who iv become :slight_smile:

I got certified to drive a forklift at work 2 days ago so thats pretty cool :slight_smile:


Day 956
My son was well enough to go to school today and so i had time for myself. I expected my day to go alot better than it did honestly. I was anxious about alot of things so i spent a good chunk of the day trying to distract myself from what i was anxious about. I did get to the gym this morning which was good bcuz i havent worked out in like a week. Then i went to the dollarstore and then home to eat and get ready for a quick work Team Meeting. So at least i made some extra money. But i dont feel settled. I am sooo tense in my shoulders and neck that its giving me a headache. Took some Tylenol and am now trying to focus on relaxing the parts of me that are tense. Im just mentally in a funk sort of and physically not at my best (still have clogged sinuses). Anyway, im clean and sober and grateful for that! Things could be worse for sure. So ill be thankful for the minor issues that I have today.


Wow congrats on being certifiable!


Great job on the certification!!! That opens up alot of possible job opportunities :slight_smile:


Day 1331.

Havenā€™t checked in for a while. A quote I saw today I felt worth sharing: ā€œThe true voyage of self-discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.ā€ ā€“ Marcel Proust

I know for me that exploring my world with a new perspective, seeing things with new eyes, has made all the difference for me in my life journey. Stay free everyone.


Nice to see you checking in @Pickles. Love the quote!!


Checking in.

Iā€™ve got a mechanical check booked in for monday, had the best reviews and prices so letā€™s see. Thereā€™s a whole list of minor issues that have accumilated during the roadtrip, to be expected, I hope the quote is affordable thoughā€¦ :crossed_fingers:

Speaking of mechanics, the previous dodgy mechanic who installed a wrong part isnā€™t getting back so it looks like Iā€™ll have to take legal action unfortunately. Gladly, out of principleā€¦ What an unnecessary jerk. Proof and rights are on my side anyways and there are even free government support options for such cases, which Iā€™ll try first.

The past couple of days have been really nice with a fellow traveller I met at the campsite Iā€™m currently at. They moved on yesterday, but we might meet in a couple of months again, letā€™s see!

On the flop side of things Iā€™ve got a tonsillitis from the cold which kinda sucks. Wasnā€™t taking enough precautions to be fair, so maybe saw it coming. Iā€™ll have to take it easy the next couple of days. Good time to follow up on the dodgy mechanic case I guess, and maybe give some people a call who I havenā€™t caught up with in a while. Iā€™ll take a hot shower and try the saltwater gurgle and some other remedies first thing this morning.

Iā€™ve noticed that excessive phone usage/screentime drains me as much as my battery, especially when itā€™s aimless/not productive, so definitely becoming more mindful of that as it can become an unnecessary trigger.

Anyways thatā€™s all for now, stay strong and sober friends, odaat! :seedling:


Day 1076 AF

Whatā€™s up, sober fam.

Back to work after 4 days off. Staying busy with the family. Acupuncture therapy has been going well. Iā€™ve been walking and stretching daily. Iā€™m back on antidepressants. Weird dreams last night. I also had a dream I got into an argument with my wife and decided to drink. Kinda threw me off today. I feel like I havenā€™t fully recovered on certain stuff. Gotta focus on today and forget about the past.

Iā€™m not doing much this evening. Iā€™m going for a walk after work and prolly watch a baseball game.

I hope all is well with everyone. Take care. ODAAT :heart:



i got discharged from the hospital today, i just have to take some antibiotics for about 3 weeks and do some scans in a month and I should be all good