Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

So happy to hear you are out of hospital. Take care of yourself.


@TrustyBird I am so sorry for your loss :people_hugging: I canā€™t even begin to imagine :broken_heart: Way to stay sober and deal with it head on. Youā€™re a strong one. Youā€™ll be in my thoughts :pray:


Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes :gift_heart: I wasnā€™t on at all this afternoon so it was nice to see them all after work :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Soā€¦the chef was fired :astonished: He was the best one since Iā€™ve worked there! (And thereā€™s been alot in 9 years) Truly shocking. Idk what they were thinking. Obviously there were some behind the scene issues I didnā€™t know about, right?! They shouldā€™ve at least waited til the end of the year so the new one could ease in slowly. Today was a shitshow and a half. Plus two new girls training on an extra chaotic night :woman_facepalming: I did, however, find out that my bossā€™s job was listed on Indeed a few months ago but was taken down bc she saw it! That gives me hope. Idk tho, shitā€™s getting wild.

I bit my tongue when I was eating my birthday cake yesterday, apparently pretty bad. Itā€™s super sore from eating and talking all day. I hope it heals overnight :pray: Itā€™s about that time. Hope you have/had a great day! Goodnight.


9 years no smoking tobacco or weed
1938 days no alcohol or other substances

Itā€™s my one day off. Windy and wet but hoping to get out for a bit and celebrate my 9 years of freedom from smoking with a little hike. Itā€™s quitting smoking that started this road of Discovery for me. Itā€™s an addiction like all others and in fact in the long run itā€™s the most deadly one, even when the direct health effects donā€™t seem so severe. Donā€™t believe the hype. Have as good a day as you can all. Letā€™s make it sober and clean and smoke free. Hope all of you in the American Southeast are and stay safe. Love.

@Pickles Nice to see you, great quote too.
@SadMemeQueen Thanks for the update Megan. Happy for you.
@Just_Laura Ouch! Hoping with you itā€™ll be better in the morning. Hugs.



I feel like there is a line of germs, waiting for their turn to attack me. And Iā€™m fully booked for next few months. I heard when you start working at daycare you are ill all the time. But I was naive enough to think Iā€™m gonna be better, Iā€™m to strong to get sick like that :sweat_smile: Itā€™s nothing serious but Iā€™m weak and tired, tinnitus is so annoying, Iā€™m irritable like fuck! And I worry Iā€™m gonna spread it further, to my kids. Itā€™s been a week or two since Iā€™m not working out at all (except biking to work). I have 10 miles race next weekend and probably not gonna happen. I feel like itā€™s better not to think about working out cause itā€™s only frustrating.
Iā€™m not going to Dutch lessons today, I need a rest. And itā€™s windy like hell today.
So 3 hours at home without them kids :slight_smile: You know what Iā€™m gonna do? NOTHING!


@Amy30 this is exciting :smiley: :mortar_board: proud of you šŸ©µ
@Tragicfarinelli ugh! Iā€™m sorry about your lack of hot water and heating situation, I do hope they can get it sorted asap :crossed_fingers:t2: Iā€™m glad your friend responded in a supportive way :blush:
@Frank68 I hope it went well :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Noshame congrats on the forklift certification :tada:
@1in8billion I hope you and your vehicle both feel better soon šŸ©µ good luck with the case :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Just_Laura wow, it just keeps getting worse! Sending healing vibes for your tongue :tongue: :sparkles:
@Mno wow! Congrats on 9 years no tobacco or weed :no_smoking: :clap:t2: :tada::trophy::star2:
@Mischa84 enjoy your rest!

1508 days no alcohol.
973 days no cocaine.
4 days no vape.
3 days no binge-eating.

I fell asleep listening to an audiobook around 7pm, I didnā€™t wake up until 2am, so a solid 7hrs! I did try to get back to sleep after feeding the cats and taking my meds, but after still being wide awake at the end of my NLP playlist, I realised I must be fully charged.

Today is Friday therapy. I have my vape relapse from last Saturday to talk about, and a very disturbing dream from Wednesday night, then Iā€™ll see what else comes up.



Day 3.
Happy Friday!


*Day 2200 :walking_woman:
Driving home today from France. Had a nice holiday but a bit boring one as well :blush:
Couldnā€™t do much because I couldnā€™t walk properly. In the second week the weather was very wet so no more reading outside.
But Iā€™m rested, to much rested maybe.
Ready for some action.

Today? A 4,5 houre drive back home. Looking forward to my own bed :wink:
Have a good day ore night all and take care of yourself if you live in Florida! Heared about the bad storm Helena you have there, stay safe! :pray:


300 days
Went to the gym this morning and came very close to doing a full on session. Luckily there was someone there that wanted to do a little very light sparring to get a feel and some confidence about it, I took it upon myself to work with them exclusively and can honestly say I got a lot out of it. Not physically but was mentally pretty fun and engaging and in reality was good for my back to just be moving and staying loose.


Wow, congratulations on 300 days! Glad you had a good day :smiling_face:


Day 7 here, quick check-in before work. I am in a very calm place atm, really enjoying this whole process (in spite of the nausea and already looking pregnant). What will be will be, and just trying to embrace the gift it has given me for sobriety, however long it lasts. Cravings are starting to ease, and pretty soon the smell will turn my stomach. What I love about being in my 40s (as opposed to 20s the first 2 times) is noone cares if you drink or not and wouldnā€™t even notice. No ridiculous excuses this time!

Sorry for the situation with your flat @Tragicfarinelli but your description of the foam party did make me chuckle! Hope it gets sorted soon. We had just a couple of days without hot water recently and that was bad enough, that first shower after was amazing!


Wow, that is amazing, where is it? One of my ancestors was part of the court of Louis XIV and I always thought it would be cool to stand in the places he would have stood, looking like they did. There is a painting in a national trust property in England that he probably would have seen and I got tingles looking at that.


@JennyH Well done on one week sobriety. :+1: All the best for your pregnancy. What a ride :grin:
@MrFantastik Congrats on that nice number :3rd_place_medal: :hourglass: :100: :partying_face: Sparring session sounds like you had good fun.
@SoberWalker Congrats on 6 years! And I hope your foot health improves soon. I have to admit I find it challenging imagining you not being up and about :smile:
@CATMANCAM Fingers crossed for a good therapy session :crossed_fingers:
@Mischa84 I am so sorry you have to suffer through all that germ infestation :heart: . A friend of mine used to work at a pediatricianā€™s office. She told me they were all running a mild cold through all of fall and winter season. She also told me it gets better with time :person_shrugging: So they still all had the running noses, but did not feel ā€˜illā€™ otherwise. Your immune system is doing a shitload of work right now. So as long as you donā€™t feel like you have the energy, Iā€™d suggest to stay away from straining exercise. A walk, a bike ride are ok. Hope you get adjusted soon.
@Mno WOW :exploding_head: 9 fucking years! This is basically unbelievable. Huge congrats friend :clap: :clap: :clap: Have a great hike and bring back pictures for us!
@Just_Laura Sorry to hear about your tongue bite. One of the things that get in your way all the day. Hope it heals ASAP :soon:
@SadMemeQueen Speedy recovery for you!

320 sugar
174 UPF
48 gluten
48 dairy

Did my run. Felt like crap, but having it done is a good feeling. My daughterā€™s migraine is still on. The meds take the worst pain away, but she is still half the week out of school and activities. I hope we can find something else to make this easier on all of us. Having to stay at home on a regular basis ruins her social interactions and her mental health. I do worry about that.
I am going to work on particular scenes for my game. Stuff is coming together quite nicely. Errands, yoga and nothing too exciting for today. I am not sure about the evening. On the one hand getting out of the house and into a different environment would be beneficial for my mindset, on the other hand I feel so exhausted all the time with hormones rocking my energy levels, I feel like I can only collapse in a slump on the sofa in the evenings. Weā€™ll see.

Yesterday I posted a picture of a railway bridge I took on my last hike. Today the same bridge but as a postcard from 1912. It was called the Emperor Wilhelm Bridge at that time. I am very glad this is not the case any more :grin:

I am going to try for peace and love on life :lotus:


Stockholm, Swedenā€¦some time ago. A place I want to return to sober. Just a reminder to myself that thereā€™s peace in both light and darkness. Looking forward to a chilled weekend. Off to the gym soon and football tonight. London is Blue.


Hey all, checking in on day 1566. I hope everybody has a good one!


Lol lets hope im better at driving this thing then him haha

Forklifts are awesome


Checking in

Had a amazing evening lastnight thanks to @Englishd

Got great sleep
Dreamt of explaining my higher power to my grama inlaw lol then woke up in a great mood


Matt, still a addict alcoholic


The first castle I visited was chateau Vaux le Vicomte and the second one was chateau Fontainebleau. Had to look back at the picture I shared that was the Fontableau castle. Iā€™ve shared a few more pictures at the sober travels thread.
I think I liked the first one the most for his looks as a building and the second one for all the glory inside. Napoleon has lived there so lotā€™s of glamour and gold inside!

But England has nice castles too! Iā€™ve visited Leeds castle ones, many years ago :blush:


Well it was and is a challenge! :blush: It affects my mood too. Being active is such a big part of who I am, so this is a learning trial for me.
I think Iā€™m going to follow youā€™re foodsteps:



Damn works off to a hellish raceing start

I need to breath


Day 210

Beautiful fall-like morning. I love it :heart:

Enjoy your sober days