Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Happy Friday. Feeling fortunate today. There was a fire at the shopping center last night where my business is at. My school is ok but the fire alarm is loudly clicking every 5 seconds. 3 years ago I moved from that storefront (ground zero of the fire) to where I am now. Trying not to entertain that “what ifs” but its hard. Im glad that I can be here to offer support however I can to those affected.

Make it an awesome sober day my friends.


another year. Week on Monday off to China and India another adventure

13,892 Days for this old fart


What a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing & enjoy your wonderful adventure!!



Checking in. It is my daughter Èva’s birthday today. She would be 5. Want to takw the day to reflect, enjoy it with her siblings and celebrate her in our lives. It usually comes with a heavy feeling and this year is no different.

We hold my nephew close, and I know my sister is up there with my daughter.

Xo everyone. Hope you have a wonderful sober day.


Checking in with 173 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too.


Day 317, heading home for weeken with my girls and heather. Nothing crazy planned, there is a little oktupper craft fest so the girls will have the jewelry out. It will be a good time, much love


Checking in with 97 days sober. I have to be at work soon but I’m finding it difficult to get out of bed. I took half a sleeping pill last night for my insomnia but it makes it hard to wake up in the morning. :weary: I can’t afford to miss work. Any suggestions to help me stay awake? I don’t drink coffee.


Wow! What a wonderful, exciting life! Enjoy!


Checking in at 7 months. My TO DO today is a bit much but I can do it.

Coffee time will have to wait. Today is irrigation day and valves must be opened and closed on schedule . Otherwise water runs in the street and there is water police who complain.


176 days sober
The past few days have been rough. Now that the funeral is finished I should stay in for 40 days to grieve as this is what is expected of me culturally. But I don’t think I can do this. For me it wouldn’t be healthy or what I need. And I know Apa wouldn’t care if I broke this rule but I am worried about how it will effect my relationship with the community. They will see it as an act of shame and I want to honor her loss. It is all complicated. I need to do what is best for me but in a way that won’t also offend others which would then have a big impact on the community. So I’m trying to decide how best to talk about this with my neighbors to keep honor and respect. I plan to do that tomorrow…and am stressing about it.
I need to grieve in a healthy way for me. But want to keep honor and peace. That feels a bit complicated.

My friend is still staying with me tonight and giving good advice and support. I’m grateful for that. It’s been rough but I’m getting through.

And I wanted to thank you all again for the kind messages. I didn’t respond to everyone who wrote but I read them all and really appreciated them. It means a lot to me to have so much support here.


Congrats on 7 months


Thank you.


Hope you feel better soon.


Day 3 is good. Do you have a plan to stay sober for day 4? Good to have a plan of action for success.


Thank you! I feel this IS an achievement! Being here and finding a connection really is the key to success.


2nd Check-in

Wanted to share some info. I am finding that I am so clear headed and filled with energy and motivation to be all I can be. Unfortunately or fortunately I am discovering that with past events business and personal I could have done so much more to better those involved. I do not have regret or guilt and maybe should recognize this. I accept I was a mess and can only BE in the present. I apologized to Michael (spouse) for not recognizing my failings at the time in the past. Today is amazing. Michael told me today that he could see the BIG PICTURE regarding me and is aware of the changes in me.

I for sure believe I am having a spiritual awakening. Life keeps getting better and better. At least until HE gets upset there is a dish in the sink. Haha


Checking in day 270 AF :blush:


Way to go!! Congrats on 7 months!


Thank you!


Thanks. Yes, we are having work done to the house so loads to keep myself busy with. Also gonna try and get an early Saturday morning run in to tire me out.

Have a super weekend.