Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Happy weekend!
I’ve had a full-on week, with no breaks. Lots of cooking and solo parenting time in the evenings and nights, with my wife working nights. I just keep reminding myself that hard work and avoiding procrastination makes me stronger.
On my upcoming Friday evening, I’m looking forward to playing with my daughter, and maybe doing some reading tonight.

Glad my plans don’t include shutting off parts of my brain and damaging it with alcohol for some short-term easy fun.

Take care of yourself sober folks.
I hope you have peace and strength with you.

Just got a notification that yesterday was one year since I’ve been on here. There were 3 relapses and hangovers in that time.
My experience confirms what you already know: The best amount to drink is none, but even if I ruined my streak 3 times, I have done a ridiculously good thing for my health and future by sticking it out and getting back up after the setbacks.


I am happy you have been here 1 year. So important for me anyway to stay connected. I am over a year here and had a slip too. Took me a few months to get back on track. So great to see some relapsers show back up next day or so. That is the key and I admire you all. Stay sober my friend. Have a great weekend.


Quick check in before bed. The past couple days have been busy and have flown by. A lot going on over the weekend, too. Saturday is our monthly fundraiser for a community member in need. This month we’re helping a 13 year old who has a brain tumor. I have all my pies baked, just need to make the whipped cream in the morning. I’ll start around lunchtime getting all the other food ready then the kitchen opens at 4:30 and the musicians start at 6. It’s a long day, but always worth it to help out someone who needs it. I’m helping with another fundraiser Sunday. It is a yearly event and the money raised goes to ALS research. It’s feels good to be able to give back. Between my job and my volunteer work, I’ve finally found my purpose. Im grateful that i have the ability to plan, organize and market these events, make the food and bring people together for a good cause.
I was feeling pretty blah at the beginning of the week, but i think im pushing past whatever that was. I was putting off giving myself my B12 shot for a couple days. I did it this morning and felt almost immediately better. I don’t know why i procrastinate on that every month.
It is still raining where i live and not supposed to stop until next Thursday. Thankfully, it hasn’t been too heavy, just constant drizzle, so our basement is staying dry. The pumps have all been checked and are ready to go. Hopefully it doesn’t come up through the drains like last time. I hate rainy weather, but the fish and frogs are enjoying a full pond.
Hope everyone has great sober weekend, stays safe and does what makes them happy. Love to all :purple_heart:


@1in8billion hope your throat is feeling better. Sorry that this mechanic is jerking you around. Hope you are able to get that resolved without much trouble.
@SadMemeQueen glad to hear that you are home. Rest up my friend and hope you recover quickly :pray:t4:
@Mischa84 oof… sorry friend. Hope you feel better soon. It is hard to stay healthy around so many sick kids. You are still biking to work, running around with kids at school and then home so I’m sure you are still super active. Hope you find time to rest and recharge :hugs:
@MrFantastik congratulations on your 300 days!! :confetti_ball::tada::clap:t4::muscle:t4:
@JennyH yeah! 1 week milestone.
@Ray_M_C_Laren great sober days Ray. :muscle:t4::clap:t4:. Have a safe and wonderful trip… hopefully we will see some pics
@Mira_D many heavenly birthday wishes to Eva :birthday::pray:t4::people_hugging::heart:
@Laner ah friend…I can’t even imagine having to grieve on a timeline or under strict rules. I do hope you are able to find a way to take care of your needs and hopefully your neighbors will understand that you mean no disrespect. Sending love your way. :people_hugging::heart:

Yeah you have and this last stretch is impressive work…keep it up. Grateful to have you here with us and congrats on your 1 year with TS :hugs:


Day 957
Crazy busy day today but am feeling accomplished. My son had an early morning appt at the hospital. Than afterwards we picked up his formula and supplies. Had a major issue with the wheelchair cab driver today. He tried to jack up the price on the meter as soon as we left the hospital. When i asked why the meter was so high, he got snappy at me. So better believe i stood up for myself. I have every right to ask questions since i AM the one paying for the ride. Anyway he reset his meter but it was an uncomfortable ride on the way home. His conduct wasnt appropriate at all. I didnt give him a tip or a good review. Once home i had to attend a parent-teacher conference and I was SO pleased to hear how well my son is doing in school. I am so proud of him!! Then it was 2 loads of laundry that needed to be done. A board game was played with my hubby and son and here we are… my son is asleep and im getting ready for my half day of work tmrw. I have been practicing my speech for tmrws event for like a month now. Im speaking at this event to support and help raise money for an organization that helps families who are going thru their childs cancer disgnosis. Im very honoured to be speaking and to have my whole family there. Im nervous tho, hoping i dont get stage fright. I do have some experience with speaking. Ive spoken in jails and institutions, told my story at 12 step meetings, spoke to a group of men at “John school” (basically a program for men who have been charged with buying services from sex workers). So i shouldnt be nervous but i am. Ill let u all know how it goes :slight_smile: Hope everyone has a great night!!


Pauly!!! Wooooofuckinghoooooo!!!

Congrats my friend, so good. :heart:


Congrats on making it another trip around the sun sober Ray. Thanks for sticking around and giving us “youngin’s” some hope. :heart:


Sorry that cabbie tried to be an ass and take advantage. Hate assholes like that. Grateful you stood up for yourself and questioned the fare.

Best of luck tomorrow my friend. I’m sure you will do great. We will be with you in spirit :people_hugging:

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Day 468 AF
Dealing with the flu


Happy birthday to Eva!! :tada::gift:



I did a beach hike yesterday during gale force winds and torrential rains that were a bit worse than I expected. Made for an interesting walk. An exhausting one too. But made it through and now I’m happy I did it as I was the only one on the beach and the forces of nature combined make for an impressive spectacle.

Working the weekend. That’s fine. Just need to get there. Time to check my rain gear and get rid of some of the sand that accumulated in it yesterday. Have as good a day as you can all. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love from the beach.


Fantastic @MrFantastik

@Mira_D Sending condolences. Hope being with your family soothes.

@Butterflymoonwoman Good luck with your speech!


@tailee17 Congrats on your 7 months! :tada: Happy to see you reaping the benefits of all your hard work​:pray:

@Butterflymoonwoman Goodluck with your speech :smiley: I’m sure you’ll be great!


I thought it was Thursday all day :sweat_smile: I don’t usually work Friday lunch so I think that threw me off. I kept reminding myself to pay the water bill tomorrow morning with my check, when I could’ve gone today after work! Luckily it’s due Monday, so I’m good. Last cycle, I got it as I was leaving for work and set it in a stack of papers to be forgotten(and got a late fee :unamused:). I didn’t realize it was Friday until my mom called to see if we wanted to have lunch at ‘Locktober’ fest tomorrow and I was like “Well, Zoi will be in school…” and she’s like “What?! No!” :laughing::joy::rofl: I was just happy to realize I can sleep in! It’s been a while.

Just me and my sober friend(and bar manager) at work today. She’s worried about this member(I know his daughter from my previous job). A year ago he asked her how she quit drinking bc he wanted to. He didn’t. A month ago he wasn’t drinking and mentioned it was bc his doctor told him to quit. Didn’t last long. Now recently retired, he’s gotten real bad, real fast. He came in 3 separate times for drinks today during my 6 hour shift. Shaking the first time. He’s got this yellow/grey tint to his skin and eyes. Acting totally out of character. I think he’s seriously ill and doesn’t know how else to deal with it. Sad to see a real life reminder of where we’d end up if we kept going :pensive: I hope he gets it right before it’s too late :pray: Have a great, sober weekend everyone.


Good luck speaking. You got it! :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2:


Day 1077 AF

There is nothing new to report. Same shit different day. Anotha day anotha dolla. Still sober.

Got the Saturday shift tomorrow and then going to my nephew’s bday party.

I hope all is well with everyone. Goodnite!

ODAAT :heart: take care. :v:


The second time I’ve seen this milestone, and hopefully the last time … :pray:t2:

Not much to report. Planning a chilled weekend of gym, nice cooking and some self care with a face mask or three. Football was great last night, we won 7-0 at Selhurst Park. It’s meant to be sunny and cold today as a brief break from rain, then we dive straight back into the wet stuff again. I’ll go chase some rays :sunny:.

I’m not having too much luck this week with adulting stuff like having no hot water for two days and now my radiators don’t work. I tried to bleed the one and I was a little over enthusiastic shall we say…I hate having to get help. But I have a plan today to bleed all the other radiators in turn first towards the broken one, then bleed that one again gently. If you don’t hear from me…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


301 days
Busy day. Kids swimming, then gym for the kids (took the chance to get a workout in for myself).
Then we went to the beach for a walk with some friends before I had to get back for some more training with a team of people from the gym.
Wifes gone to work tonight so I’ll just be chilling and watching the rugby on tv.

Thanks @JennyH @JazzyS @acromouse @Misokatsu for the well wishes. It wasn’t a milestone I was counting down to but was nice to be acknowledged. And in hindsight day1 me would have thought it was a massive deal.


*Day 2201 :walking_woman:
Maybe I have to change my profilename into sobersitter, do not walk much lately :blush:
Ore a chair instead of the walking person emoji.
Enfin, it is what it is…
At home again after 2 weeks in France, read a lot of books. Came home one day earlier.
Happy to sleep in my own bed again. Had some stupid cravings yesterday because my youngest was telling us about all the booze he has bought. One of them was a liqueur I used to drink. The memories about the taste and feeling in my mouth gave me cravings. But they where easy to kick out of my system.

This little snake I saw sunbading right in front of our holiday cottage. Even the owner haven’t seen it before. Nice catch.
Today? Chilling a bit and going to the movies: The substance.
Have a good day ore night all! :raising_hand_woman:


Amazing, congratulations on 9 months!

Poor Crystal Palace, think this league is a bit of a shock, but glad you got the benefit of so many goals. I am off to see my daughter’s match now (beautiful crisp day). They are a bit like Crystal Palace atm though :joy: Lost lots of players last minute, and now their GK broke her collarbone.

Hope you have a great day making the most of the weather!


Checking in Day 8. Last night I went to sleep really appreciating the gift I have been given of sobriety. I have resolved to do everything in my power to make the most of this time and not fall back into bad habits once I am no longer pregnant.

Have a good Saturday everyone