Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

You’re not alone. Message any one of us anytime. You keep trying and that’s great. Keep going. We are here for you. :hugs:


You’re not alone, we are here for you! In this world wide forum there is always someone awake to chat with :sunglasses:
Welcome here and well done for day :four::confetti_ball:


We typed almost the same I see now Brian! Well it must be true then :sunglasses::blush::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


We are in tune!! I love it!! :+1::+1::+1::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Update for @Lizziebeth I’m in England. So you know when I’m awake and available :+1::+1:


Day 1379,

Slight TW

Just checking in, have a good sober day. Having my bar service at the tennisclub. A guy just mentioned I could start at a bar in town. I still know how to draft a beer :see_no_evil::grimacing: :pray:


Day 462. Felt like a whiskey last night. I didn’t have one. I think it was triggered by watching TV… Having a good calm phase and the night before a works do and everyone was drinking and I wasn’t. I don’t like feeling ‘different’ which is ridiculous as I spent so many years of early adulthood wanting to be ‘different’

Having a nice day… 2 hour coastal walk, now watching TV :slight_smile:


177 days sober
I talked to my neighbor this morning about how I won’t keep to the 40 days of not leaving the house and my reasons behind it. It went better than I expected and even though people will disagree I’m sticking to my decision.

I took a very long hike and this helped clear my head. I felt good after and more focused. Am hoping that tomorrow I’ll be able to get back into more normal routines. Everything just feels off and a routine will help me some.


I get those feelings for certain drinks. I focus my mind on the reality. The headache and feeling sick. The behaviour I don’t like. Just think about that stuff and don’t let your brain fool you. :+1::+1:


sad but sober


@lighter So glad you are feeling better today. Grateful you reached out when you dd feel wobbly. We are all here to support each other :hugs:
@soberwalker Glad you have another appointment on Monday. Overworked feet would start to feel better by now I would imagine. Hoping you start to feel better soon :pray:
@Raspberry Welcome to the community! Glad to have you here with us
@Lizziebeth Great to have you here friend! This community was a great lifeline for me during the early stages. Keep connected here and read around to gain advice, support and tips. The first weekend is tough but with planning, support and keeping busy you will get trough :hugs:
@laner Grateful you were able to have the conversation with your neighbor. A good hike sounds like a great way to clear the head. Glad it helped
@andy1 Welcome to the community Andy. Great to see you checking in!

Checking in Saturday afternoon - just in a funk. I am practicing self care and staying active and waiting for this phase to pass.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


After a spell of being really busy, things are finally returning to normal here. I spent an hour and a half on my neglected kitchen this morning and still have more to go after a break. I’m enjoying the Fall nip in the air. I’m spending time online trying to figure out our next vacation venue, which is still a ways off. My twins are 16 and I feel like time is getting short to make new vacation memories, so I want it to be special. I would even consider Europe but am tending more to Canada. It all depends on my Christmas bonus, lol. I would just love to go to Europe with my kids and it’s been so long for me since I’ve been there. It’s always a bit tricky figuring out how much site seeing my daughter will enjoy. Well, hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!


Welcome! I remember those first days, there were many!! The feeling of loneliness can be heavy. This is one place you will always belong and never be alone. :blossom: :cherry_blossom: :sunflower: :rose:


I will just leave this here for @Tragicfarinelli :heart:

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For now…. :eyes::eyes:

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London is red tonight! :heart:

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Checking near the end of day 4. Considering it was a Saturday, not too much of a struggle.
Hope everyone is well.


Checking in with 174 days sober.
Had a fun night last being sober. I was just doing mom stuff: hanging out with another parent at the park while watching the kids play and later driving older kids to and from a school dance. Lots of great conversations, lots of laughs. I’m enjoying life sober. I’m more patient. More calm. And I physically feel good.
Some days can be hard but it’s been so worth it.
I’ll stay sober today too.


Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes for my heavenly girl. Yesterday was a day tp get through for my husband, and in the end it is how it was supposed to be. I know he cannot help when he gets in a low mood about it, and we just went with the day.

This morning he let me sleep in and thrn realized at 8 our daughter had skating so we all rushed out the door together. I love watching her and so happy she has moved up, so she is now skatinf 2 days and when we can afford it we will move her to 3 days.

Working on my nephews fundraiser and some money fpr his services are coming in. This makes me feel good but it is also hard to ask people for help, and uncomfortable.

Goinf to keep at my job hunt next week. I have an overall plan to work through and i think it is a good one. Sent my application in to be a support worker in a high school and i think i would love this opportunity. We will see if anything comes back…on the grind here for sure, and have to get the letter out to the ombudsmans office this week as we’re in court for my nephew in 2 weeks. CPS flat out denied us having joint custody. We spent 50 thousand dpllars on a lawyer over two years in family court, and we just dont have the money to hire someone else. Especially with my nephews services costinf so much…just have to keep plugging away.

Today was a good day. Very hrateful for where we live, our home and how wr are surrounded by so much nature. Xo. Everyone and happy 24.


So I have 29 days and today I was cleaning my room and found half a mickey of vodka … guess where it went , DOWN THE DRAIN!! F🩷🩷K THAT Im not throwing my 29 away. Im an alcoholic I cant drink.


Hell yes, down the drain! Proud of you. You’re going to make it to 30 days!! here with us :v: