Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Hell yeah @Button83


Hells yeah!!! Down the drainā€¦flex those sober muscles :muscle:t4:ā€¦ looking forward to celebrating 1 month with you tomorrow


The only way to go, literally! When I have people over for dinner I ask them to take their BYO with them when they leave but if they do not, pouring it down the drain is the first thing I do as soon as they close the door behind them. Cannot and will not risk my sobriety!

Looking forward to tomorrowā€™s celebration, @Button83 :tada:


Weā€™re on the same day! Keep strong!!


@Button83 Well done Julia :clap: I remember finding half a fifth of vodka in my trunk around 4/5 months and being surprised by how easily I poured it down the drain. But like you said

Now youā€™ll have 30 days tomorrow! :tada:


Iā€™ve been in an unusually good mood all day :sparkles: Getting the sleep I needed made such a difference! I was so energized I cleaned all morning. I showered before lunch and planned to do laundry at 2, which gave me an hour to relax beforehand. Out of nowhere I decided to check who was working later and realized I was scheduled at 3 instead of 4:30 like I thought(which is normal)! Thank God I randomly did that before starting my laundry :pray: Idk know whatā€™s going on this weekend thatā€™s confusing my days and times :sweat_smile: So I get to work and itā€™s totally dead. I was supposed to be training but she called in(on her second day). No reason for me to be there that early. Annoying, bc now I have to do laundry after work tomorrow. At least I already loaded it in my car :woman_shrugging: Anyway, thatā€™s all folks! Hope you all have super Sundays :heart:





Last night I got into a really bad, sad, down and depressed mode. It wasnā€™t totally out of the blue, but still it caught me off guard. And it went to a really deep and black place. I was watching a documentary called The Eternal Mind, about an older Chilean couple, one of whom has Alzheimer. Woven into the story is the history of Chile in the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s. While the story was one of beauty and hope too, to me personal it felt so sad, as it touched my own youth and my own whole life in a very profound way. Made me and my life feel so incomplete.

Well. I went to bed early. Read a really interesting and fitting chapter in the Buddhist book Iā€™m into now. I slept OK. Iā€™m going to have the best day possible and I expect the same from you all my friends. Sober and clean of course, or nothing would come of it. One thing Iā€™m glad about is that I am absolutely totally 100% sure drinking or smoking or snorting or swallowing or injecting anything into my system wouldnā€™t make any of it better. Just much much worse. Never again. (good work @Button83!) Speak you all later as I have a train to catch. Love from outside my workplace.


Thank you friend :hugs::heart:


243 AF

Mood swings over the top.
What a great weekend in darkness. haha. :zipper_mouth_face:
Hard to handle - me.


@Tyland Hope you find some peace and sleep soon :people_hugging: Great pic by the way!
@Juli1 Mood swings suck. But they will swing the other direction at some point. Hang in there.
@Button83 Thatā€™s how it is done! Great job flexting that sober muscle :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:
@Vanessa8 Nice to hear sober life is doing you good :smile:
@Kareness Just out of curiosity: If you should decide to go to Europe, what would you like to visit?
@JazzyS Sending you hugs for your funk :people_hugging:
@Andy1 Welcome :wave: How are you doing?
@Laner Glad to hear you pushed through and went on that hike. I could not imagine to be coped up for 40 days inside. Thatā€™s a sure recipe for desaster in my book. Glad to hear the hike helped. I know you have some wonderful nature around you to help your mind and heart. Sending love your way over all those peaks, through the passes and into the valleys :heart:
@Timetochange Yeah, I think the conception of ā€œbeing differentā€ in adolescence and early adulthood is frankly a misconception. But it might also be me being just old :wink:

312 sugar
176 UPF
50 gluten
50 dairy

Did my run this morning. If anyone would have told me a year ago that next fall Iā€™d be getting up early on a Sunday morning in order to run in the cold morning air, Iā€™d have declared you insane. Apparently our minds are very limited.
Today is the time for my weekly review: looking back on last week, taking stock and preparing for next week. There is an yearly even going on today where art galeries and ateliers throughout the city open their doors for anyone interested. I want to go and check out some of them in the afternoon. It always is an interesting look behind the scenes and the artistsā€™s work.
Other than that: yoga, maybe a dharma meeting, and lots of Sunday layzyness.

Some very pretty dead trees from a hike this month for you to enjoy.

Whatever is going to come today I am going to look out for peace and loving life :lotus:


I really enjoyed reading your post, and your photo. You have inspired me to get moving, thank you :blush:


Day 9 check in. Feeling really good today. Think my body must be flooding me with positive hormones, and of course my body is achieving a balance after 8 days sober.

I hope everyone has a lovely day


Hey all, checking in on day 1568. I hope everybody has a good one!


302 days
Nice sunday. Swimming lessons for the eldest. Then some grocery shopping and home to chill.
Heading off on a little holiday tomorrow out of town. Wife is at work tonight so im busy packing and getting ready for tomorrow


@Seb well done for getting through it :clap:t2: great photo :camera_flash: :blush:
@1in8billion feel better soon šŸ©µ
@JazzyS I do have a collection of audiobooks Iā€™ve yet to listen to, great idea :bulb: :grinning: sorry about the funk :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Raspberry welcome :blush:
@Lizziebeth welcome :blush: congrats on 4 days :tada:
@Andy1 welcome :blush: sorry for the sad :people_hugging:
@Button83 proud of you :clap:t2: :star2:
@Mno sorry for the way the documentary made you feel :people_hugging: sending love šŸ©µ
@Juli1 sending strength :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@MrFantastik enjoy your holiday :blush:

1510 days no alcohol.
975 days no cocaine.
6 days no vape.
5 days no binge-eating.

Yesterday was okay. I spent most of the day meditating and looking at memes on here, not at the same time though. It was good to take a mental break.

Today, I would really like to get the jobs done that I said Iā€™d do yesterday, Iā€™ve been putting them off for long enough, mostly because of my back, because one is ground level, and the other is ceiling height, so they wonā€™t be easy or quick jobs.

I still havenā€™t watched any TV yet. So maybe that too.



I fixed my radiators! :fist_left:t2:

Brecon Beacons, Wales.

Have a good 24. Lift each other up with lightness. Cast no shade. šŸ«¶šŸ»


Happy Sunday!

Make it an awesome sober day my friends!


Checking in
508 no alcohol
16 keeping pot outta my mouth
148 nic free

Hit up online aa meeting today. Chat was a bit distracting but much respect for the people who run it 24-7 and the people who raise their hands to speak.

Much respect for the people here
Smazing people here

Clocking in for work now
Take care

Addiction is a disease
One is never enough
Abstinence is the only way


@Lizziebeth Welcome! I hope your weekend is going well. It is amazing what you can do with your weekends if you are sober. Of course, you can hike, skydive, belly dance, etc, if you want to, but even simple things like cooking a proper meal, watching a drama and actually following and remembering it, cleaning, are great things to do, and things we often didnā€™t do when drinking.

@Button83 Yes! Iā€™m sure when you found it it brought up some emotions, but you did the right thing!

@Mno Iā€™m sure you know, life cannot be complete or incomplete, it just is what it is. And I need to listen toy own advice sometimes. Sending love from me.


Day 268

Worked every night this past week so I had the long weekend to work on greenhouse to get finished up. But I was asked to work OT yesterday so I did, lol.
That said, I have two days now to get at er. Hopeful to put a good dent in greenhouse completion. Well at least the exterior all buttoned up and weather tight is the goal.

Wishing you all a great day.