Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Happy Monday!!

We made it through the weekend without drinking so lets be proud of ourselves! Lets enjoy the fact that we dont have hangovers haha.

Make it an awesome day my friends!


Hey sober fam!

Today was a relatively good day, for which Iā€™m grateful. Despite being sick with a cold, having a sore throat, coughing, stuffy nose and feeling exhaustedā€¦ I still managed to get the car checked at the mechanics, and am happy to go ahead with the fixes there. Also did some browsing for some good rain gear as I think Iā€™ll be seeing more of it where I am this time of the year, and intend to get it tomorrow. Sent off a request for ancestry info which I intend to gift a relative for christmas. Checked out Adelaide city a bit which was good, maybe the movement and fresh air are good for my sickness too. Itā€™s been a little while since Iā€™ve been in a bigger city so almost took a little getting used to again. Had some nice hot asian soup there. I think I need to learn to make soups, especially in cold weather or if Iā€™m sick like now theyā€™re ideal. Tomorrow Iā€™ll bring the car back to start the repairs, and move over to a hostel in the meantime. Sucks that Iā€™m sick as not only will I be feeling shitty but risk spreading it since a lot is shared in hostels, tonight Iā€™m still at the campsite (with my rooftop tent) where thatā€™s not a problem. Otherwise looking forward to being at a hostel too tbh, at least temporarily before I need my space :grin:, lying in a propper bed again, warmth & dryness, kitchen, shower etc at convenience and generally cool people (backpackers always have an interesting story and are good fun I find). Once I know how long my car repairs will take, Iā€™ll post in a whatsapp group specifically for travellers like me whether anyone is also in Adelaide and wants to join me for a bit, either sharing costs as a passenger or in a convoy. Maybe even someone from the hostel, letā€™s seeā€¦ I think travelling alone or in the company of others both have their perks, and you learn and experience a lot through both, Iā€™ll probably be staying here for the next 1-2 weeks before moving on anyways. Looking forward to what the south coast has to offer. I definitely want to keep my morning meditation and workout routine as theyā€™ve helped so much. Might have to wake up earlier if I do end up travelling with others. But thatā€™s all in the future and not something I want to or have the energy to worry about just now. For now Iā€™m just looking forward to some warm food, a hot shower and sleep. I barely recognise who Iā€™m growing into, but I like itā€¦ Slowly but surely, odaat Iā€™m figuring stuff out, finding myselfā€¦ :pray: Iā€™m not a smoker, but saw an anti-smoking poster today which I quite liked and could relate to, it read: you choose your hardā€¦ and then to the left were the harmful and life-threatening effects/consequences, and to the right: quitting.

Anyways, itā€™s getting colder and colder outside, better set up and cook before I encourage my cold. Good night folks, keep that light of yours shining, and working towards your potential!


@SadMemeQueen friends are there for you through the good and the bad ā€¦ unconditionally. You would do the same for them and deserve a good friend to help you through the rough patches. That guilt is the addict mind trying to keep you in a bad mindsetā€¦hope you are able to embrace the kindness and start feeling better soon :pray:t4::people_hugging:
@mno sorry that the mood went downhill again after work. Kudos to you for tackling a task when you were just not feeling it. Glad it helped make you feel better. :pray:t4:
@soberwalker hope your appointment went well and your foot is going to start feeling better soon
@JennyH congratulations on your double digits :tada: :confetti_ball: :muscle:t4:
@Juli1 woohoo congratulations on your 8 monthsā€¦ total badass rockstar :muscle:t4:. Sorry your mind has been so mean to you lately. Big hugs my friend - you are absolutely amazing and so awesome for maintaining your sobriety and finding healthy ways to cope with lifeā€™s blah moments. Keep up the outstanding work :muscle:t4: :tada: :confetti_ball:
@1in8billion wowā€¦I love this post and happy that you are growing and finding yourself in sobriety and on this journey. Sorry that you are feeling unwell. Sending healing energyā€¦hope you feel better soon. Some hostels do have private rooms for a few dollars more - maybe this would be something to look into if you are still feeling sick and need some space to heal
@Scorpn how are you doing Renee? Just thinking of you and wishing you well :people_hugging:


Hey all, checking in on day 1569. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations :clap::tada: :clap:


Day 320. Well i cant lie, this weekend wasnt that great. I mean i was sober so yeah it was great. But saturday i ended up sleeping all day, literally all the way until sunday. Nobody was upset or mad, in face everyone was understanding and honestly just let me rest. My mom, girls, and my gf heather went down to the craft thing and all had a good time. I did apologize to them bc i wanted to be up, my mom did say she would take me resting because im exhausted from work over me sleeping all day bc i was on a drinking binge. But other than that all is well, much love everyone


Day 213

Bright, sunny cool morning. Late summer is here: cool mornings and hot days. Iā€™ll take it. Fall will show up in a couple weeks.

Back spasms. Need to work this out. Ice, heat.

Love yā€™all


Checking in day 216. Tomorrow is COLONOSCOPY DAY for me. No solid food. Already I am starving of course. I have the wonderful opportunity of staying with hubby in his work home. Praying no battles for the time spent there. He suggested stay a day longer than necessary and I said NO without even thinking about it. I think I should not have been so quick to respond. I just canā€™t take more conflict after this weekend. He starts his day with not one thought of what was said or happened the day before. I wish I was like that. Instead I replay every conversation and action over and over.

Hey I am sober and October is just a BOO AWAY! I love orange.

Fruit stand nearby has a pumpkin patch. I drive real slow as I pass to gaze at all the orange.

Almost caught up on all reading of posts here from the weekend. To all who are starting a new and to all who achieved milestones and all others.



Checking in 176 days sober, and 6 days soda free. Found some interesting healthier drink replacements at Grocery Outlet this weekend and enjoyed trying them. I still enjoy the ritual of a drink in hand, just glad it can be coffee, tea or a sparkling beverage.


I knew this was in Wales just by the atmosphere, haha.
Lived here all my life and Iā€™m so grateful for such a beautiful landscape.

I hope today treats you better. I often find that my anger is actually overwhelm and upset. Be kind to yourself :people_hugging:


Wellā€¦I plan on moving to Wales at some point hopefullyā€¦ :facepunch:t2::pray:t2::fist_left:t2:. Hope you are well Indi :heart:


West Wales is beautiful. South Walesā€¦ ehh, not so much, haha! Obviously we have the capital and the Principality Stadium, but trains are very congested and often delayed or cancelled. Same with the M4 and bridges.
North Wales is also beautiful, but there is a lack of public transport.

Hope you manage to make the move one day!


We are planning from the Brecon Beacons up and to the west as a broad idea :smiling_face:


Oooh, lovely! Couldnā€™t recommend any more. Tenby is lush, but I would think itā€™d be expensiveā€¦
Knowing a bit of Welsh would help, but itā€™s not essential! Not many prople speak Welsh anymore, but they do moreso past the Beacons. The basics go a long way! (Just please donā€™t use Duolingo, hahaha!)

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Checking in on Day 2,524 from Ocean City MD after the Oceans Calling Music Festival. Totally amazing time (again). 55,000 people all jamming out for 3 days and like any music festival it was heavy on the booze and weed. Interestingly enough I didnā€™t see any fights, drunken assholes, or vomiting people. Just a bunch of people drinking and smoking and having a good time.

This really highlights how drugs and alcohol were never my problem. I was definitely the problem all along. Itā€™s so easy to sit back and blame the substances for my behavior but thatā€™s such a cop out. From what I saw none of those people acted the way I used to act. Makes it pretty obvious that it was me.

This is why I actively work on recovery, rather than just abstaining. I wanted to be a better person, not just a sober one. AA has given me that and so much more. Because what is the point of getting sober if Iā€™m still gonna be shitty all the time. Itā€™s so pointless to be miserable and complaining constantly. Go out and enjoy the world. Thereā€™s so much good waiting out there.


Day 625.

Literally everytime I start feeling ok about where I amā€¦ Some shit happens. My neighbours/landlords/parents rented out the studio next door to mine to a couple of students. Iā€™m sharing a fake wall with fucking students. And I can hearā€¦ well, everything. Thereā€™s the shed and now the students. Iā€™m pretty sure my family is trying to explicitly tell me how unwelcome I actually am here.

And instead of taking the hint, I tied myself to this place even more with my uni enrollment. Genius I am not. My mom actually asked me if the tenants are bothering me. Likeā€¦ does it matter? Would me answering that question honestly change anything? No. It will not.

In other news, I slept funny and pulled a muscle on my back. It hurts. That might explain my current grumpiness.

Anywhoā€¦ love you guys. Keep on fighting the good sober fight. Even on hard days, itā€™s worth it.


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Itā€™s 8:00 pm, and Iā€™m finally sitting down! Today I was off, and kept busy all day long. Went for a 7K walk this morning, weā€™ve had awesome weather today, after that I ran some errands, cleaned my car, bla bla. My mom has signed her new rent contract, and sheā€™ll be changing flat in 2-3 weeks, sheā€™s sooo stressed, but Iā€™m happy for her. Itā€™ll all turn out fine!
Now Iā€™m done with by batch cooking for the week.
My online course on marketing is going well. Iā€™ve finished 2 of the 13 chapters, and still have 7 weeks left. :muscle:t2:


Day 8
First week was emotional. Iā€™ve tried to surrender and listen what my mind has to say with all these feelings. Trying to accept who I truly am with flaws and imperfections. Itā€™s hard but Iā€™m guessing acceptance is key to happiness.

Wishing you all a wonderful sober week. :heart:


Checking in purely because I happened upon this lovely number this evening.


Checking in day 273 AF :blush: