Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Checking in on a rainy, dreary Monday. It’s been raining for a week now - ugh! Guess i shouldn’t complain. A lot of people have died or lost their homes due to storms and flooding.
I had an extremely busy weekend, but it was a good busy. I was in some pain yesterday, but i took it easy when i could and went to bed early.
I was helping out in another region for work today because they are short staffed. It’s a little bit of a drive as i live in a rural area. The client i went to see works in the restaurant of a hotel on a university campus. I was proud of myself for getting into and out of the parking garage, not getting lost on campus and dealing with the extreme number of college student pedestrians. It was an adventure. It’s a beautiful old building that has just been renovated so it was interesting to look around. Despite the weather, it’s been a good day. Im super happy i made soup yesterday and there’s lots of leftovers. Im planning for a lazy night on the couch snuggling with the kitties.
Hope everyone is having a great sober day :purple_heart:


Day two - still battling anxiety and deep guilt. I feel so lost, I feel like my poor actions from the past are going to impact my life moving forward…I’m afraid.

Sorry to be so down, but just sharing my thoughts with such a supportive group really makes a difference.

Wishing everyone health and happiness


Back spasms calming down now. Had to take medication. But I got my swim in. That makes it a good day. Wait, staying sober AND swimming makes it a great day :v:

Big hugs to @Mno . We’re here, just grab onto our hands. :people_hugging: I hope you sleep well and have a better day tomorrow .

@JazzyS sounds like you’re in a rough patch, so I hope the pain eases up. And do let us know what cool decorations you put up :blush:

I’m resting and doomscrolling but then I came here instead. Better idea!


I’m sorry you’re suffering so much. But happy to hear you’re on Day 2. Things will look different and much clearer soon. Not easier, but better. You never have to feel this way again. Happy you made it back to us :people_hugging:

Post as much as you need to. Someone is always around.


Your kind words and positivity are worth so so much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart


People supported me when I was on Day 2, and I won’t forget it! I don’t know what your schedule is like, but coming here a lot early on helped tremendously. There’s no shortage of posts to read. It really got into my head.

More hugs, we’ve got you :people_hugging: Day 3 coming right up…


Thrilled to see you enjoying yourself with no need for alcohol or drugs. I love sobriety!


Day 1080 AF

What’s up, gang.

Busy weekend with birthday parties. Went to my nephew’s bday party Saturday evening and my friend’s son’s bday on Sunday. It was chill.

Went to acupuncture therapy this morning. Feeling a little sore. Not doing much right now. Dealing with these crazy kiddos.

Another day off the sauce.

Stay strong, fam. ODAAT :heart:


@Mindofsobermike Sometimes we do just need to sleep and recharge. It is so much better to let your body do this when it is not purging toxic substances. Glad your gf and kids had a good time :heart:
@lighter OOH back spasms suck and i’m sorry you had to deal with them. Glad the meds helped. Sober day with a nice swim is a wonderful day indeed. Not doing much better but managed to get some lights hung and decorations out. Hope to finish tomorrow. Unfortunately the home is in a condo and they do ground maintenance so I can’t put up my graveyard scene as they are still mowing
@tailee17 hows the prep going? sorry you are dealing with this - it does suck. Hopefully the colonoscopy is early so you can be done with it first thing. Sending you good luck vibes!
@raspberry Great work on 1+ week of sobriety. Keep at it friend – you are doing a wonderful job :muscle:
@Deelzebub That is a super cool looking number Delia! Great to see you checking in
@Refreshedperspective Don’t let that guilt eat at you. Be proud for getting back on track now and your 2 days! The guilt is the addict mind trying to keep its hold on you. Lean on us for support my friend – ODAAT! Like Marie said - take time to read around and soak in all the threads. It really was a game changer for me during the early days.
@GOKU2019 How did the acupuncture treatment go? Did it help alleviate the pain?


Thank you! Prep started. Procedure first thing tomorrow. All quiet on the western front. Haha! Mr charming has his good /great Gemini self showing.


Day 960
Gooood evening everyone!
Todays been an alright day. Slow start to the day but had to get going for 10am bcuz I had a zoom mtg to set up appts for my son. So that all went well. Then I did some cleaning… swept n mopped, vacummed, cleaned mirrors/glass, that sort of thing. Headed out after lunch to pick up the rest of my sons antibiotics and then cooked supper. Feeling pretty good right now. No urges to use or drink. Always grateful for that. Tmrw is back to routine after the long weekend which means school for my boy and back to the gym for me :slight_smile: Hope everyone enjoys their day/evening also! Hugs


It’s my 3rd visit. The first two visits went well. Today, I was on my backside, and she stuck the needles on the bottom left of my stomach (sorry, not good with body parts). Anyway, it kinda hurt this time. Feeling very sore. I had a stomach ache after, too. Maybe she poked the :poop: outta me. Who knows. I’ll be okay. Thanks for asking.


Hoping all goes smoothly for you :pray: Glad you are scheduled for an early morning procedure. Sending you good vibes my friend. :hugs:


Oh man - the stomach caused me pain too (wonder if its cause of the area). Hope the hurt goes away soon. Glad to see you sticking with it - hope your pains start easing up too :pray;



Sleep is still not great, but overall I’m feeling a bit better. Not in the least through the love I got from all of you my friends. Thanks so much @lighter, @Dirk, @jazzy, @Misokatsu, @acromouse, @SoberWalker, @JennyH and all here. We’re in this together, and knowing and feeling that is an essential part of my journey of discovery. One day at a time as ever.

So off we go into October, which is starting fittingly wet and windy. It’s autumn after all. Two days of experience work ahead. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Much love.


Have a great day, @Mno!


Ty @Dirk @Mno @Misokatsu

We are definitely growing together. Having 4.5 yrs of sobriety under my belt and following her to school is a far way from where I was 10 years ago. Back then I couldn’t get her out of the door to school before I had a drink. Back then, I broke every promise I made to myself when I said, “not today”. I feel so lucky to have this chance to live a life like I am today. Where I get to process my feelings, show her its ok to have bad days. Im grateful that she gets her mom raw and unfiltered everyday and that’s way better than numb and loaded. My child mirrors my behavior, while I was sick she was sick. Now that I am choosing to be healthy she gets to make that choice too, and she does it. I have had 2 friends lose their kids to this disease this year. All I can do is try my best to hold space for my kid so she never feels like she has to bottle things up… i mean thats our common theme right? We dont like feeling.

Haha totally didnt mean to type that much.
Maybe somone needs to read it… it can get better. Life can be great. :heart:


Good morning :sunny:
Check in :v:

Welcome to October, it is a busy month but I wish you a peaceful and healthy one.:four_leaf_clover:


I’ll take a trip this weekend. Really looking forward to experiencing it sober. Like others here trips have in the past have given me a license to drink heavily. There is literally no chance I’m slipping on this one. The opportunity will be there but I’ve prepared well and I’m committed.
Already looking forward to the fresh and satisfying feeling on the return journey :muscle:


Next to the river Cherwell, Oxfordshire.

Far too early to be up this morning, I’ve been up a while. Cats were super quiet for them, which makes me in turn suspicious and get up. So when they wake me early I’m up early and when they don’t wake me early I’m up early to check why they haven’t woke me early… Is this some codependent joke?

Well, it turns out they were very busy catching spiders. Big ones from the size of the leftover legs (only three in random places). :spider::pensive:. Savages! We can’t even call Blue now without both of them thinking there’s a fly to be had… He runs in excited and looks up. Then Bear copies. It’s a mad crazy bug obsessed house. :person_shrugging:t2:

Committed to get out my funk today, I can’t let other people’s comments get to me so much. I think it was pride and ego hurt more than anything, but I’m a big girl, I can handle it. Part of my homework for my course this week is to write a letter to my mum (not post it) and say everything that I have to say. I’m really struggling to commit to doing this week’s work, it’s like I’m low key ignoring it even exists. It’s funny where trauma goes in your body, this is like gut broil and heart squeezing pain. Luckily, it’s fine if I can’t do it. Part of me just thinks she isn’t worth my time to write, part of me doesn’t know what to say? ‘You tried to destroy me’ would be enough. Hey ho, the wind and the rain. It’s fine, I have two more days.

Right, coffee. It’s spin and strength training class early today. Always kicks me in the butt. Let’s go.

:v:t2: :dove: