Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

@Refreshedperspective Don’t be sorry. By sharing here, you’re helping us more than you know. As much as you need to get those thoughts out, we need to read them to remind us why we’re here. You were in my thoughts the other day, as I noticed your absence. I’m grateful you made it back so soon :pray: Keep moving forward and keep coming back :heart:


Today was a good day off :grin: Did a little housework this morning, but was unusually tired, so I layed back down for a couple hours. Then ran some errands before school was out. Zoi insisted I didn’t meet her at the bus stop bc she wanted to walk home by herself. I know she’s old enough. I walked a longer distance, younger. But a mother worries, am I right? I really wanted to walk up the hill to see her turn the corner, but I didn’t. Of course she made it home just fine :relieved:

Went to the chiropractor. My body’s been pretty timid the past few days, but it keeps me aligned regardless. Then laundry. After, we checked out a new thrift shop Zoi’s been wanting to go. Alot of neat stuff, but she wanted clothes. Once she found some she wanted to leave, but I wanted to peruse the rest first.

This was awesome :smirk: I love Nine West. I’m not the type to spend money on brands, but I do appreciate wellmade accessories. I never go out to intentionally buy their products, they just find me. I planned to treat myself to a Michael Kors last time I needed a bag. I picked one out, but spotted the perfect purse last second, a nine west. Anyway. I was pulled to the purse section. I could barely see it, but one stuck out immediately. I had to move 10 purses to get it bc it was last on the rack. A brand new nine west, tags still on($99.99 :astonished:). It ended up being $5, which didn’t surprise me in a thrift shop. What did surprise me was finding $50 cash in one of the pockets when I got home! The financial abundance my horoscope keeps talking about is for real! Grateful to my lucky stars :pray: Happy October everyone!


Krieger’s my insect exterminator. I once watched him rip every leg off a house centipede one by one.

Is an understatement :smirk_cat:


Found a great job working for a non-profit organization disassembling, deconstructing, and transporting resellable building supplies. I prayed and God answered :heart:.


*Day 2204 :walking_woman:
I knew it but now I’ve “proof” I’ve got a fracture in my feet :face_with_peeking_eye:
Went to the doctor yesterday and told him that I think I had a fracture. He said it was seldom he saw someone with a march fracture, onlly ones every 3 years ore so. But he send me to the hospital for an X ray and there it was.
He phoned me yesterday evening to tell me and he was really surprised. Now I have to go to an orthopedist.
Try to work by sitting on a chair behind the tile in the store. But it isn’t easy.

Picture from a big chandelier I saw in Napoleons castle in France.
Today? Work
Have a good day ore night TS people and let’s do it sober shall we :sunglasses:


But you are worth that time. This is for you ( I know you know but want to make a point) :people_hugging: :heartbeat: :people_hugging:.


Black cat energy?? :black_cat::black_cat:


Very true. :heart::heart:
I’m gearing up for it and will most likely do it …


Quick check in on Day 11. The nausea is starting to kick in which isn’t great, but on the plus side my cravings have stopped for now.

Happy 1st October everyone, hope you have a peaceful day


Day 277 AKA 9m&2d
Early in sobriety I was getting these amazing 8 hour sleeps but now I’m only getting 6 if I lucky. I wake up & my brain is far too alert lol. I prefer a gentle wake up. I feel tired quite a lot of the time (this could be to do with age & hormones) anyway every 3-4 weeks I have a 9 or 10 hour put cold kind of nap which is amazing but I’d still prefer a good 8 hour sleep each night.
6 hours of sober sleep is still feels better than 8 hours of drunken/hungover sleep.
Hope you all have a happy, sober Tuesday :smiling_face:


Day 626.

This morning I woke up significantly less grumpy. Well… maybe a little less grumpy. But still, progress is progress.

Love ya guys. :heart:


@Lisa-B Yeah, sleep can be elusive like that. I am going through hormonal changes and so my sleep patterns are also rather erratic. Sending you some calm, quiet and gentle sleep vibes for the next night :smile:
@JennyH Glad to hear your cravings lessened. Sorry to hear about the nausea. Hope this passes soon. I like peppermint tea and ginger when I feel nauseous.
@SoberWalker Oh man, I am so sorry to hear that. It’s good to finally have a diagnosis, but also :face_vomiting: This will probably take some time to heal now. Hope you find a good way to occupy your body during this difficult time.
@Collins Great news about your new job! Congrats and all the best in your new endeavour!
@Just_Laura Well done on staying the course and letting your kid go on her own. I do know this is not easy at all :muscle:

Has to be :joy:

314 sugar
178 UPF
52 gluten
52 dairy

Rather dreary weather today. Gray sky, rain.
Did today’s groceries. Thursday will be a national holiday here, so the shops will stay closed. Usually this would be my next grocery day so I bought more today accordingly.
Yesterday I heard from my cohost - we host a Recovery Dharma meeting together. She has been affected by the current hurricane. She had to be evacuated from her home in the middle of the night in a canoe. This still lingers with me today. I have never known this kind of destruction and despair. I am very grateful to have been spared this kind of experience. On the other hand I feel very helpless and sad.
My daughter had a bit of an emotional drama this morning. For whatever reason she has trouble telling me about her headaches. We had this situation several times now. I obviously see that something is going on, and usually I would poke and prod until she ‘spills the beans’. But today I decided that this is not helping neither one of us. She is old enought to learn how to communicate her needs. I on the other hand have a right to not to have to play ‘well being detective’.
I accompanied her a part of her school way as it also was mine to the supermarket. She sobbed and was cought up in her emotions all the way. I sent her off. If she feels like she needs to come back home, she can do so at any time. I don’t feel especially good about the whole situation, but I feel like I did the right thing.
Now that I got all my worries off my chest here, I am going to do a monthly review and teach a class later at about noon. All kinds of todos need to be taken care of, some errands. I want to count in some time for yoga in the afternoon. My ex will come by for dinner. And I’ll end my day either at a meeting or with TV or a book.

A piece from the exhibit I went to on Sunday. A fantastical beast?

Whatever comes, I will try for peace and love for life :lotus:


@JazzyS Whatever spell you cast I definitely felt better today, thanks for being you :hugs:
@Lile01 I remember being taken mountain climbing in Wales a few times when I was young, it’s beautiful :ok_hand:
@Englishd At first glance I didn’t want to agree but it is true, different people are addicted to different things, you name it it probably exists, and as for me, pushing myself to improve is revealing the addiction to only be the tip of the iceberg in an unhealthy lifestyle and way of thinking altogether that I’m now out to change… Me and my life are the focus, not the addictions :pray:
@GOKU2019 I’ve long thought about trying acupuncture for the sake of it, maybe I’ll spare my stomach :sweat_smile: Would you say worth it?


Feeling better. Got a lot done today, pretty tired… But in a good way. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have as good a day or night as you can guys! Odaat… :seedling:


I’m 9 months sober today :grin: :heart: thank you all for your likes and messages it means such alot :blush: xxx


Day is OK. Course starts this week. A real sense of autumn approaching with all the leaves dropping.

I feel OK. A little flat but I think thafs more about I could do with a good couple of weeks off. Aiming to do that in the new year


I’d recommend Pen-Y-Fan a Yr Wyddfa (Snowden I think, in English?) We have some lush spots :heart_eyes:


Checking in on day
510 no alcohol
150 nic free
18 no form of marijuana

Wow what a week
I clock in, in 10min then a much needed 2 days off

I slacked on my recovery i admit it but wow work kicked my ass this week
Today after work i plan on reading as bill sees it in the big book and underlining what inlike and what i
need to comprehend thenmaybe if im lucky i can read it again with @englishd in about 2 days from now
We will see :slight_smile: all we have is right now

Clocking in now
Take care


You’re kicking ass, friend! You are such an inspiration. I hope today is kind to you, and if not, we’re here for you! :people_hugging:


Woo hoo! So proud of you!! How amazing x


Happy Tuesday! Make it an awesome day my friends!