Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Thank yoj so much :sparkling_heart:


Checking in on day 48

Had a blood test last week as I didn’t feel very well. They said they would call me if there was anything wrong. Unfortunately, I received that call yesterday.

My liver function is deranged and I have hypokalemia. I have been referred to a Hepatologist and need to have an ultrasound of my liver, as well as advanced blood tests and a biopsy of my liver.

I had a bit of a cry as mum had a kidney biopsy and never made it out. I’m only 21 and can’t believe the damage I’ve done in 11 months.

Scared, tired, poorly.


Day 232
First day of my challenge to walk 150km in the month of October to raise funds for Mental Health Support for The Black Dog Institute and I completed 7kms today. I have raised $58 of my goal of $250.
Onwards and upwards.


Do you have a page for donations? I’d love to contribute to such a good cause (I work in pounds though, so not sure of the conversion) x


Hope all is ok for you! Please just try and take it in your stride and get all the tests done. It’s imperative you stay sober now Hun, you have your entire life ahead of you :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation: Keep us updated! Good luck.


Not sure why, but felt like venting something that’s been on my mind lately… I hate telling family, friends, strangers how great me and my travel are going during superficial smalltalk. Every up required a down so to speak, so it icks me to feel judged wrongly, even positively so. I want neither pitty nor praise without the full picture. I’m me, here, now… So much more! Anyways, either it means I should try to be more honest however I presently feel, whether people like it or not :sweat_smile: (or is it me who doesn’t like it?), or stop overthinking what others think or want to think, at least those who aren’t presently in my everyday inner circle anyways… Probably a touch of both :v:


Hey all, checking in on day 1570. I hope everybody has a good one!


I just have to write about this

Have yiu ever had a feeling like something bad is going to happen; Like something bad is going to happen to me?

I had that feeling

I was in the forklift and i felt like if i didnt do abstinence id be high ir under the influence while driving this thing snd today would have been the day i got cought. I feel like the bosses kept a eye on me because the quick process took a long time because im still learning. I feel like it was even in question and they made not using while driving this thing

God grant me the serenity

God bless you all


@mno I hope u have a good day friend hugs!
@lile01 I am so sorry to hear about ur results. Im hoping that something can be done to reverse that damage. Ur on the right path now so that should make a big difference.
@seb way to go!! What an amazing thing ur doing! Love what ur doing to support a good cause!
@noshame proud of u for putting in the work on the Big Book. Hope today goes well for u and that u can enjoy ur 2 days off. U deserve it :slight_smile:
@Seizetheday congratulations Hannah on 9 months!! Awesome work!!!
@Collins congratulations on ur new job! :star:


Checking in day 884. Feeling solid in my recovery. Greatful for my daily reprieve. I dont have to be in the cycle of addiction today


Thanks a bunch Laura, this group inspires me and reminds myself of what it really means to live!


180 days sober
I didn’t check in yesterday was just too tired. I got back into my normal routine and am feeling good about it. With everything thats been going on the past few weeks I’ve just felt out of sync and a bit behind on my project. Today I looked at what I’ve accomplished and am actually feeling pretty good about it. Feeling like good progress is being made!
After work today I stopped by the orphanage to check in on the kids and spend some time there. It was a good time for me and am feeling good tonight.


@Tragicfarinelli Very Wuthering Heights scene!

@Seizetheday Congratulations! :muscle: :purple_heart: :muscle:

@Lile01 That is scary, but hoping that things turn out well. :purple_heart: :pray: :purple_heart:


Congratulations on your new job!


Day 961
Morning friends! Happy Tuesday! Just getting my son ready for school now and then I will head to the gym for a good workout. Dont have too much planned today besides a little cleaning. Maybe I will attempt to do a meditation today also. Havent meditated in many months and it used to be sooo benefical for me. Thats about it for today! Have a great day everyone!


Thinking positive thoughts for you Indi. :people_hugging:


Checking in sober. I’m enjoying a few days at my buddy’s house in Hungary. So great to have good conversations and a good company. I have a lot of work though, and struggling with a constant headache, so I’m not sure how I will meet my deadlines. It’s weird, because being here makes me grounded but I also feel lost and unsure about my place in the world, everything feels so loose. I guess it’s because my roots in my everyday life are still quite weak. It’s really hard to build up who I am, but hopefully I’ll get there someday.


@its_me_stella Great so see you posting Stella. Happy to hear that you and your daughter are doing so well in your recovery journey. Growing and healing together :hugs:
@tragicfarinelli WOW – love the determined attitude! Glad your classes are getting easier to handle – total bad ass :muscle: Hope the funk dissipates soon :pray:
@soberwalker Oh I’m sorry Claudia. Glad you were able to get it figured out and know that it was indeed a fracture – makes sense why it was not healing with all the rest you were giving your feet. Sending good energy and positive healing vibes as you heal :hugs:
@lisa-b 9+ months is awesome work! Way to go :muscle: Sleep is such a bitchy mistress. The smallest thing can set it off and man is it draining. Hope you are able to get the sleep schedule regulated soon. Grateful it is not a mess due to drinking or being hung over – small blessings
@acromouse I’m sorry that your daughter is going through this and sorry that she does not feel like talking about it but rather suffering through it. I know it was hard but IMO you did everything right. She knows you are there for her and that she has your love and support. I’m sure she will open up when she is ready. Hugs to you both :hugs:
@1in8billion Oh that is fantastic news! Glad you are feeling better. Its good to get a good vent off here so you are not carrying things around. Hope that helped I can relate to what you are saying. Know that the people in your life love and care for you and even without the full picture just want you to be well and happy. This helps me in similar situations and hoping it may be good for you too.
@seizetheday WOOHOO Hannah! That is absolutely fabulous! Check you out stacking up the days :muscle: Congrats on your 9 months :tada: :tada:
@lile01 I’m so sorry Indi. That has got to be a hard diagnosis to get. Know that you are on a sober path now and doing what you can do to heal. Drinking will only make things worse so stick with the path you are on. I am hopeful that you will be able to reverse the damage and heal. Big hugs and loads of love your way - :people_hugging: :heart:
@seb that is an awesome challenge – wishing you luck with it! :muscle:
@noshame Great numbers friend. Glad you are working your recovery and staying committed. Glad you are sober and clear headed so you don’t have to be worried about being caught or unsafe at work. ODAAT!

This is totally relatable. Keep working your recovery and you will find solid ground. It does take time to put all the pieces back together and heal but it will happen with time and patience. ODAAT!

Checking in on Tuesday morning
Had a really crap night. I am not sure how I managed but I did go for a walk this morning. Grateful that I was able to rest when I got home and now feeling ill and just off. Enjoying some coffee in bed and about to zone out here shortly.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day three - made it into work today and I am doing okay. Still wrestling with some of the same old guilt but I can almost feel it passing.

I have a move coming up and I’m getting the keys tomorrow! Really trying to allow myself to be excited about this.

Would also like to state that I am incredibly grateful for:

  • My health
  • My job
  • My family

Thank you so much :heart: xx