Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Thank you :heart:


@MooseTracks I hope your first day went well :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: and today too :blush:
@Its_me_Stella that is inspiring indeed, your daughter, and you too 🩵 sorry about the break-up though :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@PositiveThoughts congrats on 80 days :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman I’m glad it went well :clap:t2::star2:
@JennyH congrats on double digits :tada:
@Juli1 sorry about your weekend :people_hugging: but congrats on 8 months :tada:
@Amy30 that sounds like a nightmare, the students, and your back :people_hugging:
@Raspberry congrats on your week+ :tada:
@Refreshedperspective welcome back :people_hugging:sending strength 🩵 good luck with your move :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Just_Laura congrats on your thrift store find :raised_hands:t2:


@Collins congrats on the new job :clap:t2: :tada:
@SoberWalker damn, I hope you see the orthopedist soon so you can start healing properly :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: :people_hugging: that is one impressive chandelier! :star_struck:
@Lisa-B congrats on 9+ months :tada:
@Seizetheday congrats on 9 months :tada:
@Lile01 hoping you get the treatment you need asap, sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@JazzyS sending healing vibes :people_hugging::sparkles:

1512 days no alcohol.
977 days no cocaine.
7 days no binge-eating.
1 day no vape.

I’ve just realised I didn’t check-in on this thread yesterday, and so it’s taken me all day to do so today, definitely a focus problem…

I managed to do one of the jobs that needed doing on Sunday, but my back was fked afterwards so I’ll be doing the next job another day.

I gave in and bought another disposable vape on Sunday evening, to stop myself from binge-eating, because I wanted to make sure I made it to a week for that. I don’t want to do it again though so I need to be stronger and not buy another one. I did do two really long meditations beforehand, hoping I would fall asleep, but unfortunately I didn’t until 2am.

I also had to reset my impulsive spending counter at 1am Saturday morning when I couldn’t sleep, my friend sent me a gift card for a sports clothes shop we like, so I went on their site to “browse” and ended up spending much more than the gift card amount. It would have been 9 months yesterday otherwise.

I did manage to watch 2 episodes of TV without bingeing, the nights I couldn’t sleep.

I had therapy yesterday, 4 taxis cancelled on me at the last minute, so I had to drive there at the last minute! I got there at exactly my appointment time, but she usually comes down to get me a couple of mins before, so I missed her. She came down again 5mins later so we did do our session. It went okay I guess.

I can definitely feel the depression amping up now the season has changed, but I’m enjoying being able to wear full length joggers and a hoody.

I posted in the wrong order and now it’s not letting me post because ‘body is too similar to what you recently posted’ (hoping adding this helps🤞🏻)



Great job you got this hopeing to do the same those voices really suck some times we have to learn how to not to listen to them. Its been hard for myself this days but im doing it one day at a time :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you :heart:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Today I went back to work, the atmosphere has been tense all day. Our regular BS drama continues, and dang do I want to be kept out of it! Also today it was our anniversary at work, and… yes… you guessed it…. a bottle of cava was popped open… cause that’s what everybody does; drink for no useful reason! Luckily it didn’t trigger me at all, and my boss even said “well…anyhow you don’t want a glass, right”? Well no, I didn’t want a glass.
Other than that, I just came home from my walk, while listening to a suspense audiobook from Dean Koontz! Quite somber stuff! :sweat_smile:
Now it’s bathtub time! :grin::grin:


Hi all, evening check in. The shock is coming in waves and after a full day at work and helping with homework I am tired and can’t imagine adding a baby into that. I feel too old :sleepy:

I am going to have a bath, wash the day away and maybe finally be warm, then light a candle and take a few minutes in a dark room. Before next homework and dinner stage. When the kids were little they went to bed at 7ish, now I go to bed before them!


304 days
Couple of bush walks and a trip to the beach, too cold and windy for swimming though.
Weather is supposed to turn bad today. We’re staying with family so the kids will still have fun hanging with the cousins.


Day 214

Feeling wobbly again. Am supposed to go to a neighbor’s small gathering tonight but I’m having all these stupid drinking thoughts.

I think, at the root, I am lonely and just want to be accepted. I don’t really want to drink. I have found, if I am craving a drink, I really do need something, but it’s never, ever that! So I think of HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired). I see where I tick a box. So yes I want to go because I like the people. I don’t want to be isolated. Thinking it through. No use getting angry at myself. I’ll spend the next couple hours here before canceling. Maybe I can still go.


Maybe an anniversary thing? :thinking:


Congrats on 7 months! :tada: What have you finally decided? Maybe if you have those wobbly thoughts, better not take the risk! Just my opinion!


Checking in on Day 3. Had a breakdown at work and started shaking and moving uncontrollably and thought everyone was watching me.that has never happened to me before. Thats where i called it quits and now on Day 3. Miracle i didnt get pulled into the office to be fired. Head is feeling really cloudy and not really feeling good but today is my Friday so im gonna push through and get through this


My hosts just cancelled the party due to one of them being ill. I hope he feels better soon. And I am relieved. :white_check_mark: Lunch thing tomorrow. Much better! I can just let my back ease up a bit tonight. I’m still sore. I’m going get stronger in my sobriety too. 7 months!!!


Hi @Lile01 thank you so much. I do have a fundraising page but I’m not sure if promoting fundraisers is acceptable on this forum. I could possibly message you a link if you’d like? Perhaps an admin could contact me in regards to this matter?
Thanks for the kind words and encouragement @Butterflymoonwoman @JazzyS


Congratulations. 7 months oh ya. Did you make it on patrol? Curious to hear about it.


How did your procedure go today, @tailee17? :crossed_fingers:


Just perfect. All good. So good I get to lay around for awhile then a nice dinner out. Although as I lay on my back Hubby is texting all the paperwork I get to catch up On as soon as I get back home tomorrow. Thank you for asking.


Glad to hear, I know from experience that these procedures can be a bit rough in terms of the prep :scream:


Checking in on day 217. I wanted to share today was first day hubby asked about here Talking Sober. I took a few moments to share what it is all about. @JazzyS he actually laughed out loud at the pumpkin spice colonoscopy. I really need him to understand how very important this is to me and me staying SOBER! Baby steps ODAAT


Big congratulations to u on 7 months!!