Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Thanks! I have to go through the rest of training and orientation first. They’re all booked up till November 2nd, but I’m good to go after that day. Looking forward to it as well!


Thank you Dana! :heart:


So grateful for 2100 days! Keep going!


Wow great number!


Great job Hotic! We’ve been here and sober for almost the exact same time - that’s so crazy to think about! Congrats!



Day 2384. Been a good day. Ms. Monkey and I started an aerobics class tonight. I stink! It was fun and I think we will continue. Just waiting on a pot of Etouffee to finish simmering, then a yummy dinner.

Stay sober friends!



Congratulations that is awesome!


Hell yes!!! Congratulations on 5 years!!!


@refreshedperspective Good luck with the move. Change can be exciting but also stressful. We are here if you need to vent or talk :hugs:
@jennyh hope the bath and candles helped – sending you comfort and love :heart:
@lighter YEAH! 7 months is amazing Marie. Sorry that you are dealing with the isolation and anxiety. Milestones can cause many anxious feelings and build up urges – keep fighting the good fight my friend :muscle:
@newbeginning1 I’m sorry that you had the breakdown at work. I do hope that you are feeling better now. Congrats on your 3 days. Yeah to today being your Friday – hopefully you will be able to rest and relax :hugs:

Don’t need that while you are resting. Plenty of time to deal with work bs tomorrow. I’m sure you will do fine in catching up. Glad your hubby enjoyed that meme. It was a perfect find this morning and made me chuckle too. I know its hard for our loved ones to understand the importance of TS. Especially if they are old school and only know of online as a scam of sorts and can’t fathom addicts coming together to support each other. This is a magical place.
@hotic Impressive number! Keep going is right – :muscle:
@axsis WOW 5 years! That’s amazing work :tada: :tada: Keep up the awesome momentum! :muscle:
@thirdmonkey aerobics? That’s cool. It takes time to get the hang of the movements – I’m sure you will be slaying it in no time. Have fun with it.

Checking in on Tuesday evening
650 days free of alcohol and weed
1065 days free of cigarettes
Day has been hard so i’ve spent it relaxing and enjoying horror movies. Not much movement today. Hoping to get some sleep tonight.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I just kept my feet moving…i will figure out the routine later


How amazing that you two do that together! My neighbor just invited me to a game of pickle ball next week and I am already dreading it… I am SO unfit! :hot_face:


@JazzyS I’m sure they do, I think it’s a subconscious fear of ‘jinxing’ myself so to speak, as I’ve become more mindful of being honest with myself and not getting ahead of myself. But I did some more self-analysing this morning and feel more on track mentally again. Probably helps that I’m not as sick anymore :slight_smile:


Day 961
Day is winding down and Im feeling super grateful for recovery today. I had a good day overall. A good workout, ate well to nourish my body, did some tidying up afterwards and attempted to relax. But I had a hard time doing nothing. Its like i always have to be doing something to occupy my mind.

Today i had some thoughts about my past. Ive been having these thoughts pop up alot the past 2 weeks or so. I wrote an earlier post and then deleted it right away bcuz i was in too emotional of a state to be posting (thankfully only 1 person saw it). But basically i feel like theres business that needs to be completed back in Winnipeg (where Im from). But unfortunately it wouldnt be good for me to go back there. I guess i just dont know how to deal with these thoughts of bad things that have happened to me. I made a mistake of looking at someones fb who him and his 4 other friends, did me alot of harm. Idk why i decided to look him up but i guess it was to see if i still had a reaction to seeing his face. Which of course I did. Do i write a letter and burn it? Pray? Just move on (which is basically what ive been doing for over a decade now). But all i know is that recovery is my priority, first and foremost. I am soooo proud of myself. And i dont say that often. But today i feel it. Im really proud of me 🩷 And Im thankful for the old me bcuz somehow we survived that life. She was strong and resilient. I am also strong and resilient today. The only difference btwn me and her is that i am no longer surviving today. What a blessing of recovery. Much love to all of u on this journey! :butterfly:


What a wonderful way to end day 104 I hope everyone has had an amazing Tuesday :slightly_smiling_face:


@Lighter Congrats on 7 months! :tada:

@Hotic Nice catch :sparkles: And even nicer number :star2:

@Axsis Huge congratulations on 5 years!!! Thanks for sharing your milestone with us :confetti_ball:


Today was all over the place. I slept thru my first alarm. I actually turned it off and don’t remember. I can’t remember the last time I did that! Woke up to my ‘5 minutes til the bus’ alarm so we obviously didn’t make it. I didn’t know what time the doors actually opened so I called the school :sweat_smile: Luckily we had plenty of time. Then I changed my alarm tone to something louder and more annoying :joy: The rest of the morning was pretty normal.

I noticed my daughter hadn’t mentioned her best friend for a while. I asked about it a few days ago and she just said “she changed”. Middle school. I get it. But…today my mom calls and tells me that girl’s mother called her and told her that Zoi was harassing her daughter and she was planning to get the police involved! What?! :astonished: Sooo…my first question is “Why didn’t she call me? And what does my mother have to do with this?” Also, “Wouldn’t I’ve heard from the school if there was this serious an issue?” :thinking: So I sit my daughter down and ask her what happened. I asked what the first thing was that started it. It was like pulling teeth, and I had to keep prying further, but I think I got the truth.

Apparently her ‘friend’ came up to her and called her new (black)friends ‘N******’! (I hope you got that bc no way I’m spelling it out) Zoi told her not to say that bc it’s offensive, and she said “I can say whatever I want, my mom says it” This is where my daughter fucked up and, instead of telling a teacher, she told her friends what was said about them. Now they’re the ones who are actually harassing her, and tbh, I get it. I know my daughter’s not innocent here, and sure she’s left parts out, but if you walk around dropping the N-bomb, there’s gonna be repercussions regardless. I can’t even believe people still teach this to their children! Where are we? The 1950s? Anyway. I’m not too worried about it. When that girl came to our house before, I caught her lying twice over something totally unnecessary, and she started drama with the girl upstairs and wouldn’t listen to me when I said leave it alone. The real trouble maker will shine through in the end.

Anyway. That’s enough words for today :upside_down_face: Goodnight!



First time in forever I closed Luna out of the bedroom at 3:30 in the morning, hoping to get some more sleep. It didn’t help really although I was asleep when the alarm went just now, which I only knew because of the dream I was dreaming.

Anyway. One more day of experience work ahead. That’s good. Had some great conversations yesterday and hoping for the same today. Whatever happens it will be a sober and clean one. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Pic is from Idaho in 2017. Wearing a cap from Sammy’s gasstation and coffee shop in McKay made me think of it. Love.

@Axsis Huge congrats Mykola!


246 days AF
Just a short checkin :wave:t2:
Mucho :heart:


Bedtime checkin.
Big day: No down time, procrastination, or personal time. Did the before and after daycare time and parks with my little girl, ran errands on my work lunch break, cooked dinner, and got her down to bed perfectly. Did a yoga class in the living room with my wife when she got home from work. That is something we’ve only done 4-5 times, and keep meaning to do more of.
Going to bed in a great headspace, and going to kick ass again tomorrow.


Got told today I would make a good psychologist… NEW PEOPLE, listen carefully to the long - timers they are not clever they are just passing on what was given to them and it worked.