Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Another day sober
Just checking in.

It’s funny, I’m sober with my issues, but still imbalanced with gaming. Essentially trading one addiction for another. Odaat


Day 951
Work was pretty good but came home to a sick little boy :frowning: My son isnt feeling well, so I spent some time giving him extra cuddles tonight. Hes almost ready for bed and then Ill get a chance to relax before bed also. Glad it was another day clean and sober 🩷 Have a great night everyone!



Last day of my holidays. Taking my friend to the airport in a little bit. Feeling sad now. It will be quite a switch to getting back to my ‘normal’ life. Bit it’ll be OK right.

Let’s have as good a day as we all can friends. Sober and clean or nothing would come from it. We’re in this together. Love from the ride I did yesterday morning .


@Dolse71 Congratulations Paul!!! :tada: I’ve loved watching your progress over the years :grin: Awesome stuff!

@JazzyS Gilmore Girls was my show in highschool! That sounds so cool :smiley: Sorry you’re not feeling the best, but glad you were able to push yourself to get out there. Congrats on 21 months :tada: Rest up and feel better :heart: Tomorrow’s a new day :sparkles:


Today was pretty great. Fell right asleep last night(for once) and woke up before my alarm, ready to go! Doesn’t happen often. Luckily work wasn’t too busy bc the humidity got to me and slowed me down towards the end. I went home and took one of those perfect 20 minute naps where you just barely fall asleep but get up super energized. I wish they were always like that :sweat_smile: Went shopping and made dinner. My daughter went to a friend’s and I still had energy so I started vacuuming(a chore I enjoy), which motivated me to keep going. It irritated my neck a bit, but now I’ll be able to enjoy my day off better waking up to a clean house. I haven’t had a Sunday off almost all season. Definitely need to enjoy it with my daughter :relieved: Hope you all enjoy your Sunday as well :heart:


Day 1071 AF

What’s up, gang.

Not a whole lot going on. Busy with work and the fam. My lower back has been killing me lately. I can’t sit down for a long period. I might go with the doctor’s recommendation and get the steroid injections. I’m also dealing with ear and gum pain. According to the docs, it’s not an ear infection. They believe it’s TMJ. Feeling pretty beat. Scheduled an appointment with PT. We’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, I had to work the Saturday shift today, did laundry afterward, watched The Conjuring for the first time, and went for a walk. Gonna watch The Conjuring 2 before going to bed. My wife is not a big fan of scary movies, so I guess I’ll watch it by myself. Idk I like all that creepy shit, :laughing:.

I hope everyone’s doing well. Take care.

ODAAT :heart:

@Dolse71 Congrats on your 4 years sober! :tada:
@JazzyS Congrats on your 21 months sober, friend. Thanks for all your support on TS.


Have you ever seen a chiropractor? I’ve been to physical therapy 3 times for my lower back since I was 16. It helps for a while, but it wasn’t until I started seeing a chiropractor regularly that my pain reduced tremendously. And it’s not just for your spine. Over the years she’s fixed pain in my ankle, knee, and TMJ. Just a thought :blush:


Time flies when we’re sober. And older.
Congratulations my friend. That’s incredible. I’m so happy for you.


Four hours sleep is my welcome home :sob::joy:. What a bummer after getting eight hours once while I was away. Now we are in a :yellow_circle: rain alert for 24 hours + of some rain and flooding. Crazy weather. Insane that it was 25 degrees yesterday on some parts of London.

London was sadly London still on my return home. Still the same rude people pushing and jostling to get 2 inches in front of everyone, some idiots drinking on the tube running and screaming along it, rubbish all over the floor, tents and cardboard as soggy homes In front of million pound flats empty as holiday lets/second residences. I’m not certain how much longer I can do this merry dance with my London. I’m sure it’s just going to take time to decompress into it again, and I realise a lot of people love this city for vibrancy and it’s edge. I now need space and air and to touch grass. It’s the main thing I want in life. :pray:t2:

We got the cats back yesterday, but we were really not very impressed with their carer/s over the days they were there (apart from the first day). I’m not particularly demanding or difficult, but around animals I am very fierce and protective. Anyway, we had a long call with the owner of the company last night, and reached a satisfactory conclusion. So fucking awkward, but I feel better that I trusted my gut on this. Drunk me would have had zero impulse control and wanted to burn the world. Cats are now back with us and happy and being their lovely little cheeky selves!! :smiling_imp::smiling_imp:.

One thing I’m super happy about is the start of footie season for us. Another big game today and I’m looking forward to that greatly. Sunday needs football.


Who’s your team?


Chelsea, but we played already (and won, both male and female teams). In this one today (WSL- man city and arsenal) I’m waiting to see Miedema put some past Arsenal in a fitting revenge show over the free transfer debacle this year. London is blue :blue_heart:

I watch a lot of games. Love it.


… Is the wrong answer :wink:


1 Like

… Oh no, this is horrendous news…I did like you at some point. :crazy_face::joy:



Well… so this elevator crashed… Actually it crashed several times, but I still tried to trick myself to count and ignore numbers. I said numbers does not matter, not to focus on numbers and still counting… but then this fake brings you down even lower…


@Tyland yes, lots of trees here, I wouldn’t be able to identify them though :thinking:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: it seems I spoke too soon :pensive: good for you for going to the nearby town, a great way to celebrate your 21 months, congrats :tada:
@Shell38621 welcome :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Dirk :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@zzz welcome back :people_hugging: keep trying 🩵

1503 days no alcohol.
968 days no cocaine.
8 days no binge-eating.
0 days no vape.

So 483 days of no vape became 0 late last night. I had insomnia and I’d eaten at 4:30pm and 7:30pm, but my addict still wanted more and more, specifically to binge crisps or takeaway food. I definitely didn’t want to do that. Then boom, the craving to vape came back from the other day, and I felt like I had to chose between the two vices, at the time it didn’t feel like there were any other options, my addict had taken over, and twenty minutes before the shops closed, I went to buy a disposable vape. :pensive:

When I had the craving the other day, I probably should have increased my NRT dose to 4 sprays at a time, instead of the lower 3 sprays dose I started on Monday. I can only speak to the nurse every other Monday. I’ll try 3 sprays but if I start to crave again I’ll increase to 4 and wait until I speak to her on the 30th.

F**k addiction.



10 months = 305 days sugar
169 UPF
43 gluten
43 dairy

10 months of my recovery journey. I am very happy about that. This is peace :lotus:

Today just a very short checkin. It is the time of the southward equinox and for thus for me the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The time of harvest and celebrating the bounty of this year’s harvest.
I am going to celebrate this time today by going on a short hike, enjoying nature on the brink of another turn. Tomorrow I’ll take my time to look back on summer and forward to autumn.

Always looking out for peace and celebrating life the way it is :lotus:


295 days
Gym after work, then took one of the kids to a bday party.
@acromouse we can sleep at night if we’re not busy. Usually get about 4-5hrs sleep, often broken though.
Usually just have a nap the following day either as soon as i get home or later if i have things to do


Fuck Addiction indeed friend. Nicotine is a beast. Still the only way to really make it go away is to reduce your intake to zero. But of course you know that :people_hugging:.
The building the other day was the Utrecht Dom btw, or better said the back part of it. The middle part was destroyed in a tornado in 1674 and never rebuild. The church tower stands alone since, separated from the back part of the cathedral by a square.

@acromouse Congrats on 10 months Aga!


Day 223
Sunday night check in. Another ripper sober weekend. Hope everyone is doing well.


Day 1373,

Had a nice evening yesterday. Somebody baked cake, I ate it. Somebody said there was rum in it. I wanted to give a bit of drama reaction, but I refrained myself of doing so, nobody there knows I’m an alcoholic/addict. It’s no drama, no intention of drinking. So I’m fine, I’m also fine with breaking up the relationship, so also no need for drama there. We’ll meet one more time on the fifth of October, we had some conversation via app which ended up reproachfully. So proposed to meet one last time, of course we have different perspectives so it will be a agree to disagree from my side and a farewell. I’m surprised how calm I am that it is still about two week away. I noticed since the relationship, I had a tendency to create a bit of drama again, but that’s gone. I think a I dodged a bullet, at the fifth I’ll wear a armoured vest :wink:. Back at myself and reconnected with myself again more and more.

Have a good 24 hours :pray:


501 no alcohol
432 no vapes or ciggs 141 no form of nicotine
9 no form of marijuanna

On step 2
I houestly dont know how this is going to go but i need a very laid back and simple sponcer

I have a wife
A 7 month old
And a full time job

I like online meetings