Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Hey :wave: Tara

This is another great thread people like to use for a daily check in. Read around and get to know some of the wonderful people here.

Being active on here helps keep me sober. Everyone is very welcoming and so nice. Weā€™ve all had a day 1. And itā€™s brutal. No matter what your DOC is. Hang in there.


I guess Luna is your cat @Mno? I donā€˜t know why they do not let us sleep sometimes. Good that she did not work the door and you could get some rest!


Hello all, checking in on Day 12. Still feeling very overwhelmed so taking a moment to watch the birds with my decaff coffee. I have rejigged my schedule a bit so can stay home today, out on site tomorrow.

I keep imagining after and images of me with a drink are flooding my mind. I need to actively work on the plan rather than relying on the pregnancy to be the solution. I am not sure about going to a meeting pregnant, do you think it would look weird?


I feel a little bit guilty. Sheā€™s 19. I think she canā€™t scratch the door no more.


*Day 2205 :walking_woman:
Happy to have an appointment in the hospital tomorrow :confetti_ball:
Worked a few houres yesterday but wearing shoes is difficult. Going to work 4 houres today too. Tonight I see my kids again, missed them for 2 weeks because of our holiday.

And because I do not have a new walking picture to share I share a cat like Menno just did myself. Not that old, but as cute :wink: Meet our :orange_heart: monster.
Have a splendid day ore night all, if we havenā€™t manage to accomplish that we had probably a good day instead? :sunglasses: Iā€™ll take it!


Day 1383,

Continuing and nearing the end of the book ā€œthe body keeps the scoreā€. Impressive read. Tomorrow Iā€™ll have my appointment with some therapists to discuss the results of an interview I had with them.

Planned a lot of social activities via a social app. Got to know a lot of people this year and feel respected and appreciated as who I am. Total contrast with the girlfriend I just broke up with, she totally objectified me. But still there is this voice whether it was the right thing to do. But I know she would drain me, as she already did like I drained the people who loved me when I was in active addiction or just a dry drunk. Also a lot of contact with women there, weā€™re my head likes to make things out of it. But there is no harm in flirting, I think. Although I admitted to my therapists that I might be a flirt. Donā€™t know why it might be a problem, flirting is part of life isnā€™t :face_with_peeking_eye:.

In the evening I have an appointment with someone who is working as a coach to discuss a potential career switch. Got the contact via a friend. Also need to start working on a room weā€™re my son can retreat, he wants to visit me more often. I realise there is a lot of movement while I write this down, journaling is on the agenda but prone to procrastinationā€¦

Have a sober 24 hours, grateful to be part of this community :heart:


@SoberWalker I see you are going for SoberCatPhotographer :wink:
@JennyH I only do online meetings but I can assure you that a pregnant person would not be more weird than anyone else there. We are all in different situations, places, phases of our lifes, illnesses or injuries. The one thing we have in common is that we want our lives to change for the better, to stay sober, to work on recovery. If an in-person meeting should prove to be difficult for you, you can always opt for an online one. The important thing is - as you already said yourself - to work out a plan and work a recovery program. Best wishes and tell us how it went, when you decide to attend.
@Dolse71 Nice numbers :grin:
@PositiveThoughts Sounds like sobriety suits you :smile:
@Mno I donā€™t have a pet, but I have a child. Sometimes boundaries are necessary. Luna is better off with you having gotten some sleep.
@Butterflymoonwoman Hey Dana, sounds like youā€™ve got a lot going on in your head, emotionally and thoughts wise. It sounds like you could use some help with sorting that stuff a bit. I would suggest to find someone to talk it through with. Either a professional, or just someone who is good at listening and maybe can ask a few questions to help you sort stuff out. If there is no one there available for you right know, you can also try to do this by yourself. Journaling, writing your thoughts down just as the come out can help. Otherwise if writing is not something that works for you, just talking to yourself out loud, like you would if you wanted to explain that to someone can also be helpful. Above all: You have every reason to be proud :muscle:
@Just_Laura Middle school is hard. So many changes going on for the kids internally and in their lives. And it is often such a drama even if for us adults it would just be a minor hickup. But also they have to learn that somehow. Just sending you positive energy from one parent to another :people_hugging:
@Lefty624 Thanks for the beautiful sunset :heart_eyes:
@JazzyS So I am too much of a chicken for horror movies, but: What are your top 3 ones to enjoy forever? And: Is there a category you enjoy especiall? Like slashers or whatnot.

315 sugar
179 UPF
53 gluten
53 dairy

Did my run, send my kid off to school. Packed like a mule. She has some kind of arts project going on and ā€˜needs all that material absolutely!!!ā€™ Her words. I like her to be passionate about stuff.
I decided to do a day switch today. Tomorrow is a national holliday here and I usually would not work on that day and had a hike planned instead. But a friend called yesterday and we are going to take a hike together today. So I decided to switch days. My work does not care if it gets done today or tomorrow. So today is all about relaxing stuff: a hike, good food, lots of sofa time, TV, books, that kind of stuff.
A relaxing yoga practice and a meditation later in the day and hosting a Recovery Dharma meeting in the evening. I hope my cohost is ok. As I mentioned yesterday she has been severely affected by the hurricane in southern US. I do worry a bit.

Today you get two blue frogs from my Sunday trip.

Whatever may come, letā€™s go for peace and loving life :lotus:


305 days
Theres a bit of a rain front coming across the country today and the next few days. Had quite a bit of rain already. We got out today and did another bush walk and visited some historic places.
Kids have had a blast playing with their cousins. The sound of kids hysterically laughing never gets old


Rain has stopped, for now. More planned. Iā€™m still fighting about my bathroom every single day with absolute jokers. Itā€™s going around in circles so much Iā€™m so fed up of them and dizzy with frustration. This is when I have to dig my heels in further and push harder. Iā€™ve started the official complaint process now. Letā€™s see. I might get environmental health involved.

I am still working on job applications for submission mid to end of October. The drop in session I had for the last job turned me right off the job so I didnā€™t apply for that one. It felt right not to. These newer positions I will apply for and at least my application will be correct this time as I found out what exactly they want from me. It would be helpful if people were more clear on their communication, but again I take my responsibility for royally fucking it up at the very first step. It was completely pointless. Iā€™m over it. Everything for a reason.

Off to yoga and Pilates class soon. Need to stretch.

Peace :dove: :pray:t2:


I donā€™t think sheā€™s sober, she has deffinitely a food addiction :laughing: But I am if thatā€™s what you meant :sweat_smile:


She is a cutie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am sure she managed that night.
Our Lissi is 17. She usually lets me sleep, but sometimes insists to be petted at 3 AM


Hey all, checking in on day 1571. I hope everybody has a good one!


I believe you have a couple of days more and at the beginning i thought ā€œwow - he has got already 30 daysā€ :joy:


@Lighter congrats on 7 months :tada:
@NewBeginning1 welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Hotic congrats on 2100 days :tada:
@Axsis congrats on 5 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@JazzyS congrats on 650 days free of alcohol and weed :tada::tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman Iā€™m proud of you too šŸ©µ
@JennyH I think it would look like you were trying to do the right thing for your baby, which is far from weird :people_hugging:

1513 days no alcohol.
978 days no cocaine.
8 days no binge-eating.
1.84 days no vape.

Not much has happened since I checked-in yesterday late afternoon, I fell asleep early thankfully, and didnā€™t wake up until the shops were closed.

Today so far, I have no energy at all, even getting up to go to the fridge to have a drink feels exhausting. I for sure will be doing some meditations, and maybe start watching the new season of Brassic.



Happy hump day! Well technically it isnā€™t for me because I basically work 7 days a week but thats ok haha.

I went to a local farmers market this morning and got some scones to snarf down.

Currently in the upper 60sF and clear skys.

Make it an awesome day my friends!


Day 215

Checking in. Feeling much more steady today. Attending a lunch that will have no one drinking. Breakfast and lunch and coffee are all safe! Exercise is safe. Even if people stand in the pool forever gossiping and getting day drunk. A group of ladies were so obnoxious Monday afternoon, going on and on about crime that I went and did a butterfly stroke right next to them :laughing: They shut upā€¦haha. (Go watch the tv and yell at it, youā€™re in the way maā€™am! )

Happy to be sober, arenā€™t you? Thereā€™s just no comparison :heart:


181 days sober
I woke up really early this morning and couldnā€™t get back to sleep so ended up taking an extra long morning hike which turned into a most of the day hike.

I didnā€™t have time to walk back home before dark so am spending the night with some ladies I meant along the boarder. I did a lot of thinking on my hike and feel like I gained a lot of clarity. It was foolish of me to hike so long unprepared and to just miss work today but I feel so much relief and peace now.
Even meeting these ladies who are letting me sleep in their home tonight gives me no anxiety and Iā€™ve only enjoyed their company. Am just feeling a lightness and peace that Iā€™ve not felt in a long time. And yeah it will probably fade some overtime but for now Iā€™m just resting in the good feeling. And am grateful for this day to just go off and hike.
Iā€™ll walk back home tomorrow my new friends have arranged for a camel to take me part way so I should get in at a more reasonable time. Poor dogs are probably missing me but my friend is taking care of them for me.


Been a while since I checked in. Second half of my summer was rough. I think the last issue I was talking about on here was not feeling appreciated by anyone around me. Well the first half of my summer was great, met a nice girl, it got a little serious then crashed and burned.

But Iā€™ve picked myself up and got back on track. Iā€™m in a good place again, learned a lesson I needed to learn. Funny though how if Iā€™m a 3rd party to something I can see the trainwreck coming but when itā€™s me, even if I really know better, Iā€™ve got to crash it before I accept itā€™s coming off the rails. But anyway.

Fall is here, Iā€™m trying to make the most of my last few hot sunny days. Mourning the summer. Looking forward to the holidays because Iā€™m going to try to make the most of them. Though I dread the cold. I do so hate being cold :pensive:


So Iā€™m ashamed to admit that Iā€™ve been drinking on and off for the past four months. Iā€™d quit for a week or two then drink again. But I finally got a good reason to get back on the sober wagon for good this time. Unfortunately, itā€™s a very tragic reason.

My 27 y/o nephew, who also had issues with drinking, got drunk this past Saturday night. He got into some altercation and was shot to death. :broken_heart: I just found out yesterday evening.

Thereā€™s some family members whom Iā€™m not close with anymore with my nephew being one of them. However, no person deserves this. Alcoholism is truly one ruthless disease.

Itā€™s crazy too because in another thread I had JUST mentioned how, when he was little, we wore out the VHS of ā€œThe Nightmare Before Christmasā€ because it was his favorite movie. :pensive:

All I can really do is pray for my sister make arrangements to add my nephew to my DĆ­a de los Muertos altar in November.

Thereā€™s been a lot of death surrounding me these past months. My aunt died two months ago, my dog died two weeks ago, and now my nephew.

Itā€™s like a dark negative energy and I feel like I am needed of a cleanse. And the first thing I want to do is finally drop the negativity of alcohol. It does no good for anyone.

Sending love and light to everyone and your loved ones (whether they are still here on earth or not). Hug your family and pets. :heart:


Checking in with 178 days sober. Iā€™ll stay sober today too. Looking forward to hitting my 6 months. :smiley: