Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Day 1384,

Have my meeting with my therapists in about a hour. Feel grounded, but need myself there and observe my boundaries what I want and still need. Talked 2,5 hours with someone to discuss work. Not that he came up with a solution, but it was a nice conversation. He had the same thoughts about another treatment as I do, done with analysis, I need exposure just like with meeting new people, get a taste of different work environment. Discussed coaching and that I wanted to start education, he replied, why? I know itā€™s my thought and it is just learning another trick. I know enough and I want to work as myself not by a trick, I very much belief in listening and a holistic approach. At the end of the conversation he said you know it already, a lot of coaches can learn from you :see_no_evil::pray::man_shrugging::heart:

But first I need to get the f*ck out of my head and start doing.

End of a slight rantā€¦:man_shrugging:


Looks like you passed all the tests with flying colors! Awesome!!!


27 days alcohol free
7 days nicotine free

Yesterday I had a lot of energy and got things done. Today I havenā€™t got motivation at all. I donā€™t get it. Nothing has happened which could affect my mood. Maybe I pushed myself too hard yesterday. The least I should do is to change winter tyres to my car. Itā€™s getting freezing nights below 0 celcius here in Lapland


Happy Thursday all!

Checking in a tad bit early (3AM) compliments of not being able to sleep lol.

Went to a mtg yesterday and the topic was step 6 (character defects). Its great to take a new look at this so I can focus on identifying them and doing what I can to keep them under control.

Make it an awesome sober day my friends!!


@Mira_D I send you some energy :sunny:


@Finn Moods change like clouds in the sky. They are not something you can controll. You obviously can do stuff to improve the base line, but in the end bad moods will come as sure as the snow in Lapland - I hope you donā€™t mind the bad pun. So sleep well, eat, relax, take care of yourself, do meaningful stuff, love life. Best wishes :snowflake:

Yeah and amen to that for all of us. Thanks for reminding.

@Raspberry Hey friend :wave: Good to see you are not believing all your thoughts. This is a very important step. Recovery Dharma has online meetings including a guided meditation, a reading and shares. I find this a great addition to my practice of recovery. Doing these things I already do by myself - like reading or meditating - in a community and holding space for each other, opens a space for recovery that is not available if I am just there by myself. So maybe such a meeting would also be of benefit for you.
@Juli1 Enjoy the holiday :de: :swimming_man:
@SoberWalker It is so good to hear the swelling of your foot is receeding. That indeed is a very good sign. Fingers crossed for your appointment at the hospital :crossed_fingers: I get the osteoporisis thing. Since starting perimenopause I am very aware of the consequences to my body this can have. Better to get that checked out sooner then later.
@1in8billion I very much enjoy the shares from your journey. Keep tracking on!
@Just_Laura Congrats on being so f*cking clear on your sobriety. :muscle:

316 sugar
180 UPF
54 gluten
54 dairy

National holiday here. No school, no work, shops closed. People are just chillin. At least I hope thatā€™s what they are doing. I slept in. Weird dreams.
I am going to work a bit on my game. My daughter will spend the afternoon with her grandparents, and I am going to use that time to chill and not care for anything at all. Do some yoga I will.
My ex is coming over in the evening and I will co-host a Recovery Dharma meeting tonight.

Picture: Wodden sculpture from Bergen in Norway. My daughter and I are pretty sure itā€˜s a troll.

Goal for today: peace and love for life :lotus:


Thank youšŸ˜Š


@acromouse thanks for the suggestion. Iā€™ll look into that. :heart:


I reached a milestone, checking in with three digits 103 days!


Day 234
Just cruising along this awesome journey


Hey all, checking in on day 1572. I hope everybody has a good one!


Well this is the result :sweat_smile:
Got my feet for the next 4 (!) weeks in plaster.
I may walk with it though, so thatā€™s the good part.


Well, at least youā€˜ve got nice pink overshoes nowā€¦ :roll_eyes:


Flying over northern Norway towards TromsĆø.

Slept weird, have terrible pain in my neck and shoulders so no gym today. Still havenā€™t done my homework for my course tonight. Iā€™m keeping this one on the back burner for now. At least Iā€™ve been thinking about it a lot if not committing it to paper.

Looking forward to a big breathwork session after the core session tonight, I really need some release of cortisol. Looking forward to it.

Happy 24 all. Peace :v:t2: :dove:


Checking in. Nothing much going on - just the usual going to work, cooking dinner, clean up, spend some time with the kitties and then time for bed. I live such an exciting life!
The weather is finally going to clear up and the sun is supposed to come out today. Itā€™s been raining forever. Looking forward to the weekend. There are a bunch of fall festivals going on. Im hoping to get outside, get some fresh air and get moving. I havenā€™t been doing my nightly walks because of the rain. Not sure why i havenā€™t been doing yoga. Guess im just being lazy and blami g the weather.
Iā€™ve been sticking to my no sugar, no UPF diet, but Iā€™ve really been craving things. I even wanted to smoke last night. I didnā€™t, but i certainly thought about it. At least no cravings for alcohol. Im grateful for that.
Hope everyone has or had a great sober day :purple_heart:


Checking in day 199!
Hope everyone has a great end of week :muscle:


Day 46

This covid thing lingers quite a bit. Still coughing and no energy. After a few hours working I want to lay down and sleep. So we try to take it slow.
Had to go to the vet, since the cat has blood in the urine at times. They measured her blood pressure and its way too high. Now we have to sample her urine (easier said then done) and test it. I hope the diagnostics is conclusive in the end and we get treatment options.
The in-laws visited Tuesday. They brought me a six pack of beers as a treat - I told nobody so far that every morning I tell myself ā€žtoday I do not drink ā€ž. I was in shock first when I saw the beer and put it in the basement. Completely forgot about it until just now. I will bring it to work tomorrow and give it to my colleagues. I do not dare to pour it away - an open bottle in my hand? No thank you! When we visit the in-laws at Christmas for a few days, I will tell them beforehand that they do NOT have to stockpile booze for me.

Have a great sober day!


I hope the temperatures remain above zero :cold_face:

And a speedy recovery for your foot.


Lovely post. Congratulations on your sober days and finding comfort in your spiritual journey. I am praying for you!


Wow I admire your strength. So very positive. Thanks for sharing!