Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

182 days sober
I took a longer route on my hike home today to be able to summit a pass I’ve always liked but haven’t had the opportunity to go up in a few years. With the borrowed camel it gave me just enough time to fit it in and still make it back home before sun down.
This summit looks over into China. On a clear day you can see a small village in the valley and it’s a really special place to me.

It was a long hike but it gave me the time I needed to be alone and think over things. There are some big things I’ve been pondering for some time now and with a sober mind and I think a healthier mindset I feel good about acting on those decisions. I want to talk to my friend about my ideas in the next few days to get her input and advice.


Day 323. Yesterday was good. Made some people laugh and smile, lots of honks and people recording me. Today im blah, have noticed i dont say my gratitudes as much so i definitely will get back into that. Went Yesterday and checked the dmv about my license…they gave me a number i can call to see if im permanently revoked or not. Idk today i do feel sad. Some days i just have felt sad, but today is just overwhelmingly sad and not sure why. Might be the decrease in medicine, might just be me projecting bc i think its the decrease. After work was thinking of going for a ride on my unicyle and maybe recording my ride and just talking and posting it on youtube. May get some views and i may not lol


If you dont mind ke asking, do you have a higher power? That temptation is a lot and took some bravery to over come and you beat it with ease i think. Im proud if you for not drinking.

I get angry when i drink and/or smoke weed. When im thinking of picking up i found out it’s the beginning of a process of loosing control and when im not in control i freak out.


Now I’d like to borrow a camel and look into China! Thanks for sharing some of your journey with us Laner. Makes me feel special to know you and all these folks here, from all around the world, sharing and supporting and helping each other and themselves. I’m lucky to be a part of all this. :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


I just keep thinking about the camel. I actually have had a camel ride and elephant too. Of course at a wild animal park completely controlled. I think the folk who offered you a temporary camel are amazing . Curious as to how does the camel get back home?

On another note … I am always amazed with your life and events all while on your sober journey.

I hope you are feeling as extraordinary as you really are! :heart_eyes::hugs:


Checking in 219. Start with negative…I am sore and achey! Had an elbow thing happening for a few days and now my knee as elbow better. Pretty sure self diagnosis is arthritis as age creeps in. I have not been to gym 9 days but definitely back tonight. Always feel so much better after exercising.

Positively Sober! I have tasks to complete today and ready to face them. Prayed for you all this morning whether you wanted or not. :hugs:. Hubby may or not make it home today from work but I am ok with the unknown. Cleaners come today which is always appreciated and wonderful.

To start the day coffee and homemade ice cream is the menu choice!

If you haven’t caught the MEME thread today….it is hilarious! Just a tease I don’t really care why the chicken crossed the road either.

Stay sober today my friends. Reach out if in crisis or just want to share and connect. This resource is priceless.


Jup, they made me choose between many colours. This one made me smile :wink:


Ha ha, thank you I hope so too!


You and me both! @Laner - I am regularly jealous of how you describe your life and adventures. That pic looking into China is just :heart_eyes:

Edit: maybe ‘in awe’ is a better term than ‘jealous’


Day 216

Hot hot. Got out before dawn with my new walking buddy and went briskly for an hour, including some hills. I’m ramping up on exercise more each week. I want to be ready for my high-elevation dog sitting adventure later this month! Altitude was rough last time, so being a little fitter will help.

Calmer, more content with thoughts of drinking gone. Sure was strange to go through that again but it’s over.

Hurry Fall!


Checking in day 276 AF :blush:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Productive day at work, but a lot a BS drama going on. I’m thankful for my air pods (the chinese low cost version - they work just as well)
After work today I took a bath while listening to my audio book! In the book the main character was talking about booze, that he “bought a bottle of Absolut”, because he “needed the buzz that will help him sleep” or something like that. Slight trigger there, even though I know alcohol does not improve sleep!
Just a slight trigger, no cravings came. Chilling on the couch with the TV on! :zzz: :sleeping:


Day 467. All good. Started my course. V excited

Watching Ted lasso on apple. It’s fabulous


I second everything @Mno @tailee17 and @Dirk said @Laner. You are very special person and your life is extraordinary. When I read your posts I feel like I’m reading a book, I want to know what gonna happen next! :wink: I would love to know more of your story. I’m grateful you are here with us :blue_heart:


Day 628.

Well… I’m officially a student. Got all the beaurocracy sorted, downloaded the app, printed the course materials for this semester aaaand, most importantly, went shopping for cool stationary stuff.

This feels like a good thing. I haven’t felt this animated in my day-to-day in a very long time. So… yeah. Sober life is pretty nice right now.


‘New school year stationery’ used to be such a vibe when I was in school, very excited for you! :nerd_face:


Day 2386. 8 months caffine free! 2nd day of aerobics.

Stay sober friends!


Day 963
Well i kept my promise to myself to start being more spiritually connected. I started my day off with prayer. Went to the gym. Ran an errand. Came home to rest until my son came home from school. Made sure to think about my HP thruoughout the day, asking for guidance in my thinking and acting. I feel better overall. I can sense my anxiety rising every so often with regards to this financial situation that I have to work thru. But i am giving it over to God and just doing what I have to do to take care of it on my end. I had a very small thought of using earlier. Nothing that bothered me too much. I guess today was a decent day overall. Hope everyone a great addiction free day also!


So excited for u! Getting cool new stationary stuff was always my fav part of school too. Really proud of you for starting this new journey!


@butterflymoonwoman Ah you are such an amazing mother love! Grateful you were able to talk it out with your son and come up with possible fun things for him to do :hugs:
@jbaldwin84 about to be 5 months!!! So amazing friend! Glad you had such a great camping trip and it was so cleansing! What a great way to lead up to your baptism :pray:
@mischa84 Wishing you and your son luck with the race this weekend. Also great advice for yourself to have fun and finish – not worry about the results. :hugs: Hope you get your energy and motivation back. I know I start to drag when I am unable to stay active.
@raspberry Focusing on the positives and self compassion is a great way to heal :pray: Well done on not allowing your anxiety to rule you or make you feel less than. You are doing amazing work. The beginning stages I was just relieved that I did not pick up. Many things got missed or fell through the cracks and I was craving loads of sugar but for me staying sober was my priority. You are doing all the right things. Whatever you can do to keep yourself busy is also good. Work out, walk, participate in a hobby that you enjoy, puzzles or reading or self care. ODAAT :hugs:
@finn congrats on 1 week smoke free and coming up to your 1 month AF milestone! My energy levels are funny too from day to day. Do what you can and try not to be hard on yourself. You are detoxing from multiple addictions and your body is repairing itself and that can be a rollercoaster of a ride but believe me its so worth it. Keep stacking up the days :muscle:
@timbuk Great that you know that opening up the bottle will be triggering and you have a solid plan to rid your home of the alcohol 46 days is fantastic work! Keep putting in that solid effort into your recovery :muscle:
@mindofsobermike How are you doing Mike? I get that we get overwhelming feelings at times and it is hard to understand what caused them. Like an emotional switch goes off and we are super happy or super sad without any explanation as to why. It is ok to sit with these emotions and find a healthy way to deal with them. Hope the unicycle ride helped. Sending hugs and love your way! :hugs: :heart:
Checking in on Thursday evening
652 days free of alcohol and weed
1067 days free of cigarettes
Been a fairly productive day. Feeling super drained and tired. I’ve pulled something in my neck yesterday and its not getting any better. Seems I’m reading others having similar issues - wonder if something is going on :thinking:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: