Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Your neck and my knee. Maybe an October prank. Wishing us both be pain free in the morning.


We are quite the pair arenā€™t we :laughing:
That image made me laugh so hard! Check out that shroom :rofl:


I want to know her! She is cute as a button (mushroom type) Haha I am on a roll today.




Thank you! Iā€™m finally feeling more like myself!


Day 476 AF
Finally feeling better. Going away this weekend. It should be relaxingā€¦. Hopefully.

Stay safe and sleep well.


@Noshame So, Iā€™ve always struggled with finding my higher power. I do believe thereā€™s something, I just canā€™t pinpoint it. If anything, I guess Iā€™d say mother nature, but I donā€™t pray or anything. I surround myself with it. When I was attending AA regularly, I heard someone say AA as a whole was their higher power. It is a power greater than myself :thinking: so it made sense to me and I went with that while doing my steps.

Similar to what you said, I know exactly where Iā€™ll end up if I pick up, and itā€™s nowhere I ever want to be again. I was on that horrendous merry-go-round for so long, thereā€™s no more disputing it. Iā€™ve accepted what I am, and what I canā€™t do. The only power I have over alcohol is saying ā€˜noā€™ to the first drink, so I put everything I had into doing just that. Every single time without fail. It only got easier. From the very beginning I was able to be around it. Itā€™s not going anywhere. It canā€™t be avoided indefinitely. Everyone else can do whatever they want. What they drink has nothing to do with me. Thereā€™s no one on earth who could convince me to drink except for myself. And I say no! Every single time.


Worst thing that happened today was burning my tuna melt :unamused: Best thing was that my boss wasnā€™t at work bc she went home early. Pretty decent day overall :relieved: Not much else to say really. Keep fighting the good fight :muscle: ODAAT!


Day 1083 AF
Day 3 caffeine free

Sup, gang.

Decided to take a break from coffee. Iā€™m trying to go at least 30 days without it. It gets me too anxious, and I was starting to flare up again.

I bumped my antidepressants to 30 mg. Iā€™ve been knocking out and having some weird dreams.

Canā€™t believe weā€™re in October already. Every year goes by faster and faster, I swear. Damn. 2 more weeks until my 3 yr milestone. Iā€™m gonna make it, gang :weary:.

Nothing else is new. Staying busy with work and the munchkins. Havenā€™t really thought about boozing. Just gotta keep pushing forward.

I hope everyoneā€™s doing well. Take care, fam. ODAAT :heart:


Have you noticed any changes since you have quitted caffeine? Iā€™m also considering quitting it



My three day weekend is here! Therapy today. I slept well. Overall it was a good work week too, had some very good worthwhile conversations (I feel), yesterday was a very busy nursing day which was a bit messy but thatā€™s part of it too. One day at a time.

It looks like a beautiful autumn day today, and Iā€™m planning to do a little hike after therapy. And after that have some good food and some good rest. That will do for my Friday. Iā€™m going to make today as good a day as I can and expect the same from you all. Sober and clean or nothing would come from it. Much love.


@GOKU2019 @Finn ā€šonlyā€˜ two cups for me in the morning. This reduction was really helpful for me. I still have the wake up effect and the morning routine, but no jitters and better sleep.


Yes! Going to the V&D back in the old days to shop for the coolest Rijam agenda :star_struck:


Look at you! You where worried and anxious a few days ago about school and stuff. Now you are exited about it.
Happy for you Amy!


Day 725

One more week until my 2 year soberversary

Happy to be free from substance

One day at a time


*Day 2207 :walking_woman:
Ok, having the day off and going to chill a bit.
Tomorrow I work for 5 houres. Curious how it will go with plastered feet and a crutch. But the good part is that it shows that I cannot walk that fast :blush:

Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Hi all, checking in Day 14. I am struggling a little at the moment with the pregnancy so not as engaged here as I could be. I think I may have been over optimistic initially by thinking I could create a plan for sobriety at the same time as being in complete shock. I am now tired all the time and really emotional. I have an early scan on Sunday to see if baby is OK (my age makes it a 50/50 apparently).

The good news is I can feel the changes in my body from sobriety and they are wonderful. I am sleeping so much better and even though the pregnancy is making me sick and fatigued I know there is a difference.

I feel a bit of a downer at the moment, especially trying to maintain the realistic chances of the pregnancy progressing. Thank you all for listening


307 days
Packed up and drove home, wasnā€™t a long drive, 4hrs including a stop for lunch.
Got back early afternoon then headed to the gym for one of the kids and for myself.
Will be up early tomorrow to walk the dogs then drop off the kids at Nanaā€™s house before work. Tomorrow and the next I will be helping instruct on a course at work, my first opportunity as an official trainer but its still a progression to get fully qualified as a trainer.


@JennyH Congrats on two weeks! Great job :partying_face: Donā€™t be too hard on yourself. I remember the first months of my pregnancy, I was just useless: tired, exhausted, feeling like a wale, nauseous, hungry, and a total emotional basket case. Eat nice stuff, do nice things for yourself and surround yourself with nice people. I also was going through some tough emotional stuff at that time - my dad had just passed - and I decided to seek out professional help and found a therapist. Dealing with grief and the pregnancy at the same time was a lot. So look out for help wherever you can :people_hugging:
@SoberWalker So from SoberCouchSloucher, to SoberBored, to SoberCatPhotographer, and now to SoberPinkHobbler. Thatā€™s what I call progress :joy: I really hope your foot heals ASAP :mending_heart:
@Mno Enjoy your hike! Bring us some pictures :framed_picture:
@tailee17 That witch is soooo cute :heart_eyes:
@JazzyS You changed your avatar! With the current state of my brain I really had a hard time processing that :rofl: Hope your neck gets better soon. Maybe a hot pack, or bath, or a massage :person_getting_massage:
@Amy30 Go Amy!!!

Great words!

317 sugar
181 UPF
55 gluten
55 dairy

My hormonal cycle is in the downward phase and I feel like having a tremendous hangover or having been hit by a lorry: tired, exhausted, all kinds of aches, no brain. There is no sense in fighting this.
Instead of my run I got on the rower this morning. Better than nothing. At least my body got to move a bit.
Iā€™ll probably spend the rest of the day on the couch. The sun is out. I can enjoy that.
My daughterā€™s dress rehearsal for her ballet performance on the weekend is this afternoon, and I am going to join friends for a cabaret show.

Todayā€™s picture: Snowy woods where I live. Looking forward to this part of winter.

Thatā€™s it for today. Iā€™m going for peace and love for life - on and off the couch :lotus: :couch_and_lamp:


@Mno @tailee17 @Dirk @Mischa84
They were great to offer the camel but it was mostly because I was doing them a huge favor by delivering it for them. Itā€™s common where I live for animals to go back and forth from one village to another especially if it belongs to a shepherd. I do this with my animals if I donā€™t have time and someone is going that way.
The owner of this camel needed to bring it to her shepherd who was about 9 kilometers away. If she did this she would need to then take the 9 kilometers hike home. So all I did was drop it off for her as I passed through. It just ended up being real convenient for me giving me more time to hike where I was wanting to.

Iā€™m amused that other people find my life so interesting and different. :joy: in my area of the world Iā€™m pretty ordinary but I do travel a lot and often to more unusual places. For me the way of life here is just normal.


I am in the second day of an enormous tension headache. My crown and forehead and temples are throbbing. Had to cancel my gym for two days on the trot now as I literally could vomit each time I move. Only painkillers are dimming it some. So annoying and quite unlike me, but I also have a low level cold thing going on too. That time of year I guess :crazy_face:

My sharing circle was last night and the first half hour set aside for those who havenā€™t shared so far. I put my hand up and down a few timesā€¦ Then I actually shared. It felt surreal to talk in front of sixty plus people about my issues and relationship with my mom, but nothing blew up and I didnā€™t crash, so I was proper proud of myself. Maybe thatā€™s the headache, Iā€™ve been working on this for a few days now and Iā€™ve been super tense and uptight and holding a lot of stress in. But I did it and Iā€™m glad I did.

Not much planned for the weekend, I am aiming for relaxed vibes and to kick this headache away.

Peace :dove: