Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

6 months sober!!!
I’m seriously proud of myself for this accomplishment! Having a great day so far. Got a lot of work done this morning on the translation project after having a really good and deep sleep. My friends invited me to dinner later today to celebrate making it to half a year sober. So I’m looking forward to that. I’m grateful that I have friends who remember and keep track of this with me. They have been so encouraging and supportive of me.


Darn! I’m really sorry. Glad that you already had some healing with the swelling going down, very best wishes for quick and complete healing with the cast and the crutches!


Glad this caught my eye! Congratulations Laner!
6 months…half a year: awesome! :confetti_ball:
And I loved your story about borrowing a camel.
I had to read it multiple times to believe what it said wondering if the word camel had more interpretations maybe? :smile:


Thank you very much dear, that is sweet :heavy_heart_exclamation:
I’m really bored right now but I have no pain! Only cold toes, but covered them with a hat helped :sunglasses:


This had me laughing :sweat_smile: my nearest neighbors keep a camel farm for milk and camels are just sorta around like cows would be.
But I like the idea of trying to figure out what other interpretation camel would have. Hope your foot is healing up okay and it isn’t too uncomfortable!


Congratulations @Laner on the six months sober!! That’s so nice that you have celebration planned with friends who are happy for you and keeping track of your time! What great support! So proud of you!! :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Gonna go get my chip this morning.


I skeep so much better. Waking up is easy.


@Tragicfarinelli That sounds awful, hope you feel better soon!

@Laner Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:

@Collins Wonderful achievement!



I stayed up past midnight watching some Netflix last night. I was so tired and grumpy today. How in the hell did I drink and stay up late, then go to work tired AND hungover? I can’t even slightly imagine it.
Work is fine, some good classes, some not so good. I keep putting off emailing / texting some people back. It is silly for me to feel like I am lonely when I don’t make the effort. I don’t know what my thought process is. I think I just don’t want the rumination that comes after I meet or talk with people.


Checking in day 200.
Man life just gets busier and busier. Our house is on the market and we have the first open home tomorrow. I’ve decided it’ll all be sold next week so I’ve booked a camping trip with my son in an area with no reception. Time to run away for a couple days!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Amazing shere
Thank you :slight_smile:

I deel like i have a higher power but i want to understand how my higher power works if thats even possible or even a good or bad idea

Maybe i can find my answer jn how it works in the big book of AA


Hey all, checking in on day 1573. I hope everybody has a good one!


TGIF (Thank God Im Frank) haha!

Its a typical Chicagoland October fall day. A little on the cool side and some rain.

I’m grateful that I’m not hungover and shaking. Grateful that I get to (hopefully) make a positive difference in people’s lives (or at least try to).

Make it an awesome sober day my friends!!


Wow!!! Congratulations on 6 months sober!!! Super proud of u!


Day 324. Thanks @JazzyS the ride did help yesterday, hit up a trail and did try to do a video but unfortunately trying to make sure i had my eyes on the trail the phone on the trail was difficult lol. Im going to invest in a gopro or something at some poit. Got my girlfriend a cute pair of shoes today that im excited are coming in the mail. Today not feeling as sad, i did say my gratitudes. Much love


Welcome to the 200s!!! Great work :smiley:


Yay!!! 4 years is incredible!!! Way to go :dizzy:


Day 964
Morning everyone! Slept not too bad last night but hubby said i was tossing and turning alot as well as snoring extremely loudly lol i rarely snore so idk what that was about. Maybe i was in a deep sleep.

Todays task is the gym. I dont feel like going bcuz i unfortunately binge ate last night on chips (ugh ate the whole damn bag). But i dont want to let this binge effect my days moving forward so im getting right back on track. Then I have 1 errand to run. All before my son comes home by lunch time (its a half day at school for him). So ya, it will be a busy morning.

I did my prayer already this morning and that made me feel good! Hoping for a good day!! Have a fabulous day also everyone!


Checking in on Friday morning. Not much going on. I had to be at work early for a meeting, now i have a couple hours to kill before my next appointment. I guess i should get caught up on my paperwork.
Im looking forward to the weekend. The weather is supposed to be nice and the leaves are starting to change. I need to get outside while i can. Once it gets cold, i hibernate til spring.
Hope everyone is having a great sober day :purple_heart: