Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

I’m also bi sexual I’m not so sure if I’m allowed in here anymore or not but I tend to have a short fuse when it comes to my sexualities I like both why not



7am here. I could, and I should, sleep longer today but I’m already 1h awake. Hubby had some coke yesterday so he will be nervous today, like he always is afterwards. We have some things planned for today and I already know its gonna be hectic. Am I projecting? Idk, maybe. Or maybe talking by experience. He is also telling me.i don’t believe in him when he say it’s his last time doing coke. That I don’t have faith in him. Dude, I hear this last time bullshit more than 6 years already! I remember when he was saying it when I was pregnant with our first one. That now he’s taking cause soon we gonna have kid and then he won’t. And since then I hear it over and over again. And to be clear - I don’t make him say that. I don’t even say anything anymore, for a long time already. He is in such a denial.
Well, sorry for the rant.
Im having a smile on my face cause I want to have a nice day. Sacha and me are having a race/run today. Weather gonna be perfect. I’m not sure about my performance cause I’m absolutely not prepared. It’s 10miles race and lately I only ran short runs (3-4mi), last month I barely ran at all.
This competition is taking place in Kinderdijk, beautiful place, Unesco World Heritage. Lots of old wind mills, lots of green, water etc. Plus today blue sky and sunshine. Just keep smiling Agnieszka, gonna be fine :slight_smile:

I wish you all beautiful Saturday, day or night, or what you have now in Australia? Next Tuesday already I guess :wink::wink: Joking. Love you all and god how I hate addiction! I’m so happy to be sober. Feel so sorry for the warriors who fight this battle and losing. Keep fighting! It’s worth it.


Checking in on day 107

I hope everyone has a great night and morning :heart:


Quick morning check-in! :wave:t2:
I forgot to check-in last night, off to work now!
Not too much to tell! Today it’s Friday for me, and the weather forecast for tomorrow and the day after, my days off, is looking good! :sunny:28C
Good day to everyone! :blush:


Hey Damian, welcome back here, where you can stay sober with us! :v:t2:


Day 249
Checking in to still be sober. :heart:


Day 15, I reached 2 weeks :blush:

Thank you so much to those that reached out, I have been in a bit of a slump and your messages really helped. Still quite low but pleased with how calm I am with these emotions too. Being sober has meant I can see the issues and know what is pregnancy hormones. Everything would have just been mixed into a giant hangover mess if I was still drinking.

I can’t get used to my new bodyclock, early to bed and up before 6 (very reluctantly).

@acromouse thank you for sharing, I am so sorry you had to grieve during your pregnancy, that must have been so hard. Therapy is a good idea for me I think.


Good to see you checking in! Means despite everything you’re still fighting for sobriety! :muscle:t2:

  1. Gah, the head is still aching. I’m wondering if it’s sugar and I’ve been eating too many sweets lately. It’s really making me feel icky. Need to stop binging on sweets, it’s obsessional. The boys have been messing under the bed for the last hour and I dread to see what they have done… It sounds like they have hollowed the mattress out. It’s 7am, I have two hours to rid this horrendous head pain as I want to do my Body Combat this morning! :muscle:t2:


Looks like another beautiful autumn day. Not sure what I’ll do today, but it will involve some outdoor activity. Nothing huge though, I did a pretty long hike already yesterday after therapy. Need some rest as well. Go into town this morning maybe. I will need to hurry a little bit then. Before the crowds arrive.

Let’s all have as good a day as we can friends. Make it sober and clean to begin with or nothing will come of it. Love from my hike yesterday.

@Climbin Good days and bad ones. Three steps forward and two steps back. Sorry you’re not feeling well, but please know using or drinking or indulging in our addictive behaviours makes nothing better. Only much much worse. Hang in there. Hugs.
@Twizzlers Thanks for checking in. Easy does it. Miss you X
@tailee17 Sorry friend. You do what is best for you. This is your life :people_hugging:
@Mischa84 You picked the right day for a run, enjoy friend!
@JennyH Keep going friend. And welcome to the early morning club :hugs:
@Tragicfarinelli Healing vibes your way. F*ck these headaches!


Next Thursday I will go to my first in person NA meeting. If I don’t chicken out. I get so anxious meeting new people…
But it’s going to be my anniversary so I want to at least plan to go.

More importantly tonight

464 days free of self harm.

Before this time, I never made it over a year, and only a few times longer than 6 months.
It’s hard. A lot always on my mind and on my plate. But I am staying on the straight and narrow. Hopefully one day I’ll get to 2 years SH free…
I don’t want to start over. It’s always harder to quit after a relapse (at least for me)
I fill my days as best I can, doing things that keep me busy, and try for things that make me happy when there’s time.
Because when I sit still…my mind goes places I don’t want it to.

I am sorry this isn’t really the place for my not so positive ramblings…
But the message i am hoping comes across is, even with all my stress and mental health struggles, I have been able to stay SH free over 450 days. And it’s a miracle in my mind. So hopefully it’ll help someone who doesn’t think it’s possible for them.



This is the perfect place for any rambling friend. Good times and bad times. We’re in this together. So glad you’re here with all of us. Huge congrats on staying drug and sh free for all this time. That’s a tremendous and inspirational feat. Much hugs and love your way.
:heart: :people_hugging: :heart:


Hope so too :crossed_fingers: Headaches sucks :disappointed_relieved:
Cool that you’ve shared you’re story for this many people!


Thanks hun, sorry about your foot as well. :heart:

Headache is back unfortunately :roll_eyes:


Day 274 AF check in, or;


Whether the race is still to come or already over I wish both you and your son Good Luck and Have Fun! Hoping you have a wonderful day with the race! Big hugs! You get a medal from here in any and all cases. You and Sacha


Thank you! It’s still few hours to go :slight_smile: But I have butterflies in my belly already :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


308 days
Up early to walk the dogs then drop the kids off before work.
Was helping teach today, but was more observing and adding in where I could.
Hard day with lots of concentration to ensure things were getting done right.
After work I went and got a workout in at the gym, a quick 8 rounds and done.
Wife came home from work and we had a quick dinner now just finished cleaning the house, we have guests coming to stay tomorrow night and we’re both working tomorrow day so gotta clean now before bed.
Hectic day but enjoyed it all.




@Chevy55 Nice work! :muscle:
@Scorpn This absolutely is the place for all kinds of ramblings. Ramble away. Every ramble can help someone else who might be in a similar spot. Congrats on your sobriety achievements!
@Tragicfarinelli Hope your headache is going to resolve soon. They totally suck. I do get massive headaches from sugar, but I also get them from bascially every processed food. What is Body Combat? What or whom are you combating with your body?
@Mischa84 No wonder you don’t have faith in your husband. After all when has he shown to stay true to his words about his addiction. We all know how this goes, we all know empy promises. We have mad them ourselves. I hope he will see the light at some point, and actually be able to get sober :people_hugging: Enjoy your race, steal those medals, have fun with your kid!
@PositiveThoughts Now that’s a positive attitude friend :smile: Really nice to hear how your life has changed with sobriety :partying_face:
@wahtisnormal 21 days is a nice one :grin:
@jbaldwin84 Wow, that sounds like a ton of work, cleaning that car. But it also sounds quite therapeutical. Congrats to that :tada:
@DamianUK Good to see you back :wave: You already made the first step by reconnecting here. Do you want to share more? What happened? What you are doing right now for you sobriety?
@Lighter Thanks for sharing about your neighborhood. Sounds really nice to be able to connect to people around you like that :musical_note:
@tailee17 So sorry to hear you have to endure such a toxic and abusive environment. Sending you love and hugs. I know it is not really possible to stay indiferent to this kind of behaviour. Is there a way for you to connect with someone nice for a while?

318 sugar
182 UPF
56 gluten
56 dairy

Hormones make me want to eat, sleep and watch the telly all day. Exhausting :roll_eyes:

Did my morning groceries for the weekend in this beautiful sunny autumn weather. I’m going to take care of my IT-tools today, my plants also.
My daughter’s ballet performance is today in the evening. She’s got another one tomorrow around noon. I am going to see today’s one, and the grandparents will enjoy tomorrow’s show.
Not much else planned, maybe a late evening meeting.

Today an autumn picture for you sober people.

Whatever comes my way I’ll go for peace and loving life :lotus: