Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Day 236
My bloody Vertigo has made a very unwelcome appearance once again and it’s been pretty severe this time around. No gym since Wednesday. Hopefully clears up tomorrow.


Today I am grateful for:

  • another day sober by the grace of God.

  • for being able ride out a rough day yesterday without booze (but with a few prayers) spent mostly in my own head.

  • for knowing the head to heart highway takes time to build and learning to have the patience while it’s under construction.

  • that my kids are spending the night (and most of tomorrow with me). Which seemed unattainable a few months ago.

  • for coffee with an old friend this morning.


Happy Saturday!

Another day sober and hangover free. An awesome gift.

Everyone MAKE it a great day!!


Hey all, checking in on day 1574. I hope everybody has a good one!


Thanks @acromouse Body Combat is a class led by an instructor that is brutal. It uses taekwondo, karate and kickboxing moves. It’s non contact, but my instructor makes it last an hour and fifteen and usually have burned 800 calories by the end of it and my whole body aches. Usually I do a strength training weight class straight after it, but alas today is not a good day with my head again. I’ve been eating sweets every single night in massive quantities for some reason… Now it’s become a habit and I’m really not happy about it. The headaches are like a two bottle of wine hangover, but that’s not surprising after consuming tonnes of sugar every night. I’m actually quite disgusted in myself. The effect it’s had on me is exactly the same as a hangover: couch and feeling sorry for myself.


Stay in the present moment, know that you are enough, open your eyes your heart and your mind to what’s around you and the possibilities of what could surround you. Think it, do it, live it.


Day 325, good start to the morning. My girlfriend loves her new shoes. We had some good talk and communication last night which was nice, in the last three months of being together it is kinda like weird having a partner who just doesnt drink at all, like im use to some partners having some drinks and yeah she just doesnt lol. Im not complaining bc it really helps us both stay in the moment. Today im thinking of getting a phone mount and tryiny to record again today. Yeah just gonna keep trucking, grateful. Much love


Day 965
Just arrived to work but still feeling so tired. Glad im here tho. Im grateful for my job and being able to work. I made sure to pray on my way here. Felt good to connect. Now just have to get thru my work shift. Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday


I cooked spelled pasta and to it a sauce with beef, on spring onions, onions, with garlic, and olive oil, later added tomato puree, mushrooms and seasoned it. I added too much black pepper to the meat so my forehead was sweating like I was in a sauna. :smiley: Quite productive today, chill later in the afternoon. Had very intense running training yesterday, was tired afterwards but woke up fresh and positive minded.


Day 218

Domestic Saturday :white_check_mark:. I lit the pumpkin candle which will bring Fall :maple_leaf: weather. Right? I want to cook and bake and I’m starving to death. :thermometer: hot hot. Hot. Maybe I should clean the house? Does that bring Fall? :thinking:


184 days sober
Took a hike with my best friend this morning and I told her about the ideas I’ve been having and the decisions I want to make. It was an encouraging conversation and it felt good to hear that my ideas are not too crazy or unrealistic. I was so excited when I got home that I started in on research on what it’ll take for me to reach my goals.
In the afternoon I finished the translation I’ve been working on for the alcohol recovery tools and then skyped with the volunteers who are going to come here in the spring to talk more about their trip and planning. They also send me the materials they will use for teaching while they are here so I can get started on this translation. It’s been a really productive day!
Next week I need to travel to finish a project I started this summer so will go to Kazakhstan for a few days. I learned there is an AA group in the city that is Kazak speaking. I am wanting to visit this group. I’ve never attended a meeting before and will only be able to go 1 time but I’ve gotten in contact with some people who attend and arranged to have a meal with a few of them while I’m visiting the area. I’m looking forward to that and am also interested in how these meetings go. Unfortunately thought I learned that most of their material is only available in Russian which is too bad because it isn’t the language of the country and the meetings are done in their native language and it limits who is able to use the materials. I already learned that several in the group aren’t Russian speaking so attend meetings but can’t read the resources available. But good to hear that there is this meeting available in the country. Perhaps a future translation project?? :thinking:


Feeling numb guess its time to lick my wounds. Keep treading water


@DamianUK Sorry you are not doing well. Keep connected and fighting to get back on track. We got your back here friend. :hugs: This place is for all trying to work through their addictions. You are most welcome in this community. Wishing you well on your journey
@jbaldwin84 Happy to hear that you feel stable enough and are able to see yourself living a sober life. Congrats on almost 5 months and having a clean car to reflect how well you are doing and feeling
@spgand28 How are you doing Sonia? Sending hugs your way
@catmancm thanks friend - congrats on double digits of no binging :muscle: I am so sorry to hear about your journey. That sounds very stressful and a long day of travel which is super exhausting. I am glad that the in person session turned out better than virtual but hoping you can find an easier way to travel so you are not so stressed before and after the session :hugs:
@misch84 Sorry friend. I can imagine this cycle being frustrating and hard to trust someone when you hear the same line over and over again over so many years. Wishing you luck with your race. Hopefully you and Sacha will have a wonderful time and you will be able to rest afterwards.

YIKES – hope not. Them rascals really at it early today eh? Sorry about your head. Hope the pain goes away soon. Hope you are able to Kick ass at your Body Combat class :muscle: Ah I’m sorry the headache is being so persistent. The sugar cravings are a bitch. Don’t be hard on yourself – I know you can get a handle on this and keep kicking ass like you have been doing. ODAAT! Sending you hugs :people_hugging:

This is the exact place for it. Glad you were able to come here and share. You my friend are not alone and your story is inspiring and encouraging. Seeing you wit so many days of SH free and addiction free is incredible. Glad you have made a plan to attend a NA group meeting next week – what a lovely way to celebrate your 2 years! Hoping you get some down time so you can relax and spend time on you :hugs:
@chevy55 WAY TO GO! 9 months is great work Nick :muscle: :tada: :tada:
@seb Oh I’m so sorry to hear this – Vertigo is awful to deal with and I do hope that you rest and are able to feel better soon. Sending healing vibes your way!
@aussie_tiger Sorry that yesterday was rough but glad you made it through sober. WOW – spending time with the kids :heart: I love this for you and know how you were worried this wasn’t going to happen for a long time. Glad to see your sober journey working so well for you… keep stacking up the days my friend! :hugs:
@climbin Sorry friend - sending you comfort and hugs and hoping your day gets better. Are you able to connect with anyone to talk through what is bothering you?

Checking in Saturday morning
I am happy that I did get my outdoor Halloween decorations hung. Hoping to put out hte graveyard scene once the Condo’s maintenance have completed mowing for the season.
Was a really bad night with pain and vomiting but grateful I managed some sleep and woke up ready to walk and work out. Now resting and trying not to let this pain piss on my day.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Congratulations 9 months!


Yes there is a way. I connect here with all of you and feels amazing. I have my AA group and will see them Monday. I have a sponsor who is always kind. I’ve been praying about me. I need to be dripping with kindness. I need to respond exactly how I want to be treated. This is a character defect. I have improved but room for more. Sobriety has taught me calm and patience tools. Sometimes I impulsively react! :heart_eyes:


I am sending you healing thoughts. Feel better soon!


Spent a while catching up on here this morning after having coffee with the cats. So a mellow morning. I don’t have plans this weekend other than my women’s meeting tomorrow and meeting with my sponsee after for stepwork. So I’ll just try to go for some walks and do my consulting work. I don’t want to do work, but I’ve been paid two retainers so I’d better earn them at least, lol. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I’m inspired by your successes and by those just coming back here.


I just love your post. You are doing so great! Good to remember how you were and how you are now. Have a great time with kids. Sending big hug! You can share this hug with kids!


Day 469. Second check in. Weather is shocking. Going to watch strictly come dancing and switch my brain off :joy:


Day 630.

Guuuys… Today was my first day of school and it actually went pretty well. I… talked to people and I didn’t feel awkward or socially anxious or anything that’s plagued my engagement with other humans in the past. I was like… normal… engaged in a few conversations, chatted with people, offered to help others with the English units, listened to other people talk… you know, acted like a person among other people. :joy_cat: This sounds really stupid, but dealing with people has always been a huge issue for me. So I’m taking today as a massive win. Most people there are also in my age group and even older, so my worries about being the oldest in class were unfounded.

And a 19-year-old literally made my day when she said she thought I was around her age. She was probably just being polite… but still.

The course itself is gonna involve some hard work and studying, but the lecturers seem nice and responsive and all the materials needed are on the online platform. So… yeah. I’m officially in school. :grin: