Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Day 34. Still down with covid :mask:, but at least the fewer subsided. Spouse and me are super low energy right now. Thanks so much for your support and gifs! They really brightened my days :grinning:


Happy Sunday! Looks like we are supposed to finally get some much needed rain.

The open house went great yesterday. However the police and fire department both showed up late necause they had calls to go on. I cant fault them for that because there job is more important. At the end of the day my current students had fun and I got 7 new sign-ups! Now to clean up this morning.

Make it an awesome day my friends!!!


Day 205

Happy sober first day of Fall! :maple_leaf: All good here. Definitely got a mental boost from starting a job. Iā€™m so happy to have something totally different to do. A hard pivot is sometimes worth it :white_check_mark: Enjoying this trip into something else.

Cleaning, cooking crime show kind of day. Itā€™s HOT :hot_face: Fall is most definitely welcome here. Now hurry!

Love you guys


Hey folks,

Just checking in, what a day Iā€™m a bit exhausted. Mentally from constant self-analysing/motivating and internal debate to stay mindful and on track, and physically from working out and hiking. All took a bit longer than I expected so will be staying another night at the campsite and drive to Adelaide tomorrow. Iā€™ll try to sort out a refund from that dodgy mechanic tomorrow. He installed the wrong part, and when I broke down recently again because of it he played defensive and tried to deny any fault, but I have the part and mechanical report as proof, so heā€™s just being difficult for nothingā€¦ Anyways, still sober and trying to work on myself, mindfulness, healing, learning and self-improving. Time to cook up something healthy and tasty, & sleep early as itā€™s already dark. Iā€™ve limited phone usage pretty much to this app, notepad, google maps and youtube just for songs whilst driving or videos about philosophy or space whilst cooking or going to sleep. Cleansing the mindā€¦

Almost thought I heard screaming near me in the forest, turns out itā€™s just some weird and creepy animal or bird noiseā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Anyways thatā€™s all for now, keep that light of yours shining, & working on your potential friendsā€¦ :v:


@Shell38621 grateful to see you on the sober path. Keep continuing to fight the good fightā€¦many more amazing benefits of sobriety to come
@LadyHatt congratulations on your 1+ month of sobriety. Glad to hear that the cravings are lessening. Changing up routine and places I went was key for meā€¦ keep up the great work :muscle:t4:
@Dirk I hope you found that mojo my friendā€¦ happy Sunday!
@flux you are doing greatā€¦the early symptoms are rough but remember that you will not have to go through this again - just keep pushing forward :muscle:t4:. Love that you dreamt of sobriety long term
@Butterflymoonwoman sending loads of love and healing vibes your wayā€¦ hope your little man starts to feel better soon :pray:t4::heart:
@Just_Laura thanks girlā€¦it really was a cool experience. Sounds like you had a great day. Glad you get to enjoy your Sunday off without any chores.
@GOKU2019 thanks friend. Sorry your back is causing so much trouble. I did have to start sitting on the floor in a special cushion to help with the painā€¦still canā€™t sit for too long but itā€™s better than before. Hope the injections help. Oof - TMJ is a bitch. At the beginning of this year I got a mouth splint called Silent Nite. Had to get a sturdier version of it a few weeks ago but it does help with the locking and the painā€¦may want to ask your dentist about it. Love scary moviesā€¦I too end up watching many by myself. Tis the season :smiling_face:
@Tragicfarinelli glad you were able to advocate for your babiesā€¦ sorry that the place wasnā€™t better at taking care of em. Hope your sleep gets back to 8 hours soon.
@zzz great to see you back and at it friend. That lie is our addiction trying to keep us in its gripsā€¦ grateful you are here with us counting your sobriety days and kicking ass towards day 1

Damn addiction. Sorry friend. 483 days vape free and your binge free time is not lost. That voice is intense and convincingā€¦i am glad you are making a plan of attack for future urges. Keep at it Cam :people_hugging::muscle:t4:. Thank you for being here and all your support
@acromouse 10 months!!! Way to go super star. Thatā€™s impressive work :muscle:t4:. Oh have a great time todayā€¦what a lovely way to celebrate the Equinox

Knowing this is something you need is the first step and Iā€™m sure you will make it happen. Not sure if you can find one through the on line meetings. You may need to check out some in person ones. Best of luck my friend - your timers are looking great

Sunday morning check inā€¦ happy 1st day of autumn :fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::jack_o_lantern::ghost:
Woke up for my morning walk but had to skip as Iā€™m just not feeling great and donā€™t have the energy to push myself through it. Iā€™m in the un between stage now if not being awake but not being able to sleep. :sweat_smile:
Will get some coffee and see how the day unfolds
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Thanks Jas. @JazzyS take it easy today. Iā€™m restarting gym work tomorrow and chalking up a slow couple of days to recovery. I feel the need to watch a horror film today on this gloomy British rainy day.


Hey all, checking in on day 1561. I hope everybody has a good one!


I forgot about that one time I went to the Emirates last yearā€¦ @Dirk



Day 8

No alcohol and drugs.

Im doing well, today i went a AA physical meeting, met many sober friends and had lunch with them.
I praying to god, god please help me and you can only help me


Day 952
Goood morrrning everyone! Its an absolutely beautiful fall day out here today :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf: Just at work for another shift. My son still isnt feeling much better but hopefully he will recover quickly. This week is super busy with appts. We have to take care of this wheelchair issue, he has an Orthotics appt, I have formula pick up to do, along with preparing for my speech for this Saturday. Its alot but since I have been praying on a regular basis lately, i am finding that i have a calmness about me and the reassurance that everything will go as it should. Ive given my worries to my HP and its helping ALOT!! Thy will not mine be done (was thinking of getting my husband to tattoo this phrase on my left inner wrist bcuz its one of my fav sayings that really speaks to me). Anyway, im feeling alright today. Hope u all have a fantastic day!


171 days sober
Still sick here. Whatever Iā€™ve got has knocked me on my ass. I just donā€™t have any energy. I needed to do my chores this morningā€¦water and feed the animals, muck out the pen, needed to fill my water buckets but I just couldnā€™t cope with it today. I was too tired and feeling too sick. I ended up calling my neighbor for help. They took care of it and said they will come help tomorrow morning if I need it. It is seriously hard for me to depend on other people. I find it really difficult to ask for help. I have a lot of people around me who are happy and willing to help I donā€™t know why I find it so difficult to accept it.


I love this ā€¦have fun :blush:ā€¦itā€™s always better watching scary movies when the weather is also playing along :rofl:


27 days sober. Vibing with my puppy. ODAAT!


I hope you son feels better soon! :face_holding_back_tears:


Checking in. Yesterday got away from me and i didnā€™t get to check in. I decided to just let go of the frustration and worry i was dealing with Friday and enjoy my weekend. I need to accept that i canā€™t control other people. What theyā€™re doing doesnā€™t have to affect me.
Anyway, itā€™s been a good weekend. Yesterday, my husband and i went out for breakfast and then to a fall festival that had a car show. I love car shows. I donā€™t necessarily know much about cars, but i love looking at them all shined up with pretty paint jobs. Afterwards, we went shopping. Got some things we needed for the house, some clothes and some fun stuff. It was a great day. We had no agenda or plan, just went wherever we felt like. I got an iced coffee maker and tried it out as a reward after i cleaned the house this morning. I love it! Now i have to get some different flavors of sugar free syrups. I just baked a cake for my husband, waiting for it to cool so i can make the icing and finish it. Not sure if im going to go bowling or just sit around and watch football the rest of the day. Maybe bowling, then football.
Hope everyone is having a great sober weekend :purple_heart:


Awe thank u! Hes quite ill right now. He keeps asking daddy where mommy is :cry: im at work but trying to see if i can leave early. Hopefully i can


You have your big book now? Perfect. Read the doctorā€™s opinion and send me a message. We will set up a time to discuss it. If you donā€™t have a sponsor yet you havenā€™t started the steps. Youā€™ve already skipped 4 chapters of the big book that you will need to read before starting the steps. The steps donā€™t start until chapter 5 for a reason.


Day 312. All is going pretty well, had a nice vacation. I dont think there was a day where i wasnt out riding my wheel. One day i did like 40 something miles, im definitely sore alot lately and a little tired. But its wayyy better than any day hungover or depressed from a binder or drugs. My buddy at mhab now has started using other drugs, when he moved to mhab he had two years and started smoking weed and said he loves weed it wont hurt anything and now he is smoking crack. Which deep down i knew was gonna happen. My other buddy recently just started smoking pot again and well i fear the same will happen. Its so crazy too see that out of 22 of us in the half way house, literally im not kidding one only stayed sober from the time he got there until todayā€¦ i see so many people think smoking pot is fine, and i wont argue with them. I agree with them bc the argument is not worth it, but once you smoke pot youā€™re not sober, and your chances of doing other drugs is most definitely gonna happen. Thats why i dont do the whole cookie cutter bullshit, when i was in the half way house sniffing my welbutrin but doing nothing else i said i was sober. Then i eventually got meth and crack and then drinking. If i sniffed a welbutrin today, or did a line of coke. If i didnt drink or do other drugs id still have to start my days over bc well for me if i cant stay sober from one thing i dont like trying to devide it up bc then it just gets complicated and messy. Well much love everyone


Day 713

Got up, went to work, did my shift, now waiting on a line for an oil change, then taking the kids to either shop at the mall or go to a movie.
A few weeks ago my cat got fleas and they were all over the house because well there were 3 cats and rugs everywhere. So we did a flea bomb, and today is the follow up flea bomb in case any new fleas hatched(?) so we have to be out of the house this afternoon.
I havenā€™t smoked all day so far. And even if I donā€™t get the full day, I am happy to have made it over 12 hours.
Itā€™s the first 72 that are the worstā€¦so if I do get past today, ill be 1/3 the way thereā€¦


Keep going friend! The gains of quitting smoking are HUGE! And we all can do it. Just another addiction. Enjoy your smokefree afternoon X