Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Checking in day 278 AF :blush:


Oh yay!!! Im so excited for you! Im really happy to hear that it went well and that mingling with the others was a success! Way to go :dizzy:


Saturday afternoon check in.
Daughter is down for a nap. Just tidied the kitchen, and am going to relax for a bit for the first time in several days.
Weā€™re meeting up with friends for a buddyā€™s birthday at a brewery when my little girl gets up. Iā€™ve got her toys and snacks ready to go, and already verified online that the brewery has some good quality non-alcoholic options for me.

Happy Saturday, yā€™all. As Frank said a few posts ago: make it a great one.


181 days sober.
I want this weekend to be fun and relaxing with my kids. Usually itā€™s stressful and draining to have everyone home. Iā€™ve planned some fun activities and will force myself to relax with them and let the house get messy.


Day 965
Just finished work and am on my way home. I have had alot of anxiety today and ive been praying to have it be removed. It does help but i feel like i have to constantly be in prayer in order for it to stay gone. Definitly going to do some self care tonight and do my best to stay in the moment. Thats all i can do. This past financial situation is really getting to me (thats what the anxiety is about). I am about halfway thru getting all the paperwork i need. Am hoping to send this all off late next week (depending on when i get my paperwork emailed and printed off). Then i think it takes about 4-6 weeks for it all to be reviewed. So i better get used to being in the moment bcuz i have a long wait ahead of me to find out the outcome.

Anyway enough about that. Im grateful for my recovery and my family. Grateful for this gorgeous autumn weather. Grateful for where im at today. Grateful for exercise and grateful for u all being here. Much love to u all


I can well envision how seeing your past finances is anxiety-inducing, but dear @Butterflymoonwoman, maybe let bygones be bygones? There is literally not a single thing you or anyone else can do about the past and you are doing SO well in the present! :pray:


@Mischa84 Checking in Tuesday morning 2025 from Australia, how is everyone? :joy:
@Scorpn This should be the last place to worry about judgement, youā€™re not here to please anyone friend! :wink:

Checking in,

I promise to try to give my best to be my best today :seedling::sunflower:


I am on day 11 and wonder this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.:rofl:


@Seb Ugh! Sorry youā€™re dealing with vertigo :face_with_spiral_eyes: I experienced it a few times years ago and it was awful. Just getting out of bed was difficult. My father gets it really bad sometimes. I hope it passes soon for you :pray:

@Amy30 Super awesome to hear you had such a good first day of school! I think itā€™s wonderful youā€™ve gone back :smiley:


October came, and as usual, business took an immediate nosedive. As the amount of good golf days dwindle, so does cash flow. Oct/Nov are always brutal. Gotta hold out til the holidays. On the plus side, my body is considerably less tired and sore and Iā€™ve been able to keep up with chores easily. Soon Iā€™ll be able to start chipping away at the bigger projects again. Iā€™ve got the next 3 days off and the weather doesnā€™t look great so Iā€™m hoping to get to something. Anything. But first I must unwind, sleep, and wake up naturally to no alarm. It made all the difference last week when I was finally able to catch up on sleep :pray: Have a great Saturday :heart:



Another day down. Itā€™s my motherā€™s birthday todayā€¦
Idk how I feelā€¦


Day 1085 AF
Day 5 caffeine free

The app is lagging for me.

Worked the Saturday shift. Did laundry. Watched a baseball game. Stayed sober.

Gonna go to the in-lawā€™s tomorrow.

Hope all is well with everyone. Take care! ODAAT :heart:



Home after work, feeling kind of sad, frustrated with weight loss efforts, dissatisfied with the day but bored at the same time, and lonely. I just feel likeā€¦ thereā€™s been nothing of real substance or meaning in my life lately, nothing Iā€™m super interested in doing, I go to work, and donā€™t really know what else to do with my life. I miss connection and feeling like I have someone who Iā€™m close with but I canā€™t say I really have that, not even with any of my friends. Like Iā€™m closeR with some of them, but at the same time, I donā€™t feel truly CLOSE to them.



I ended up doing quite a long ride yesterday, getting cheese from my favourite dairy farm on one side of town, and eggs and veggies and stuff from my favourite growers and organic grocery on the other. The weather was perfect for it but I am rather tired now. One day to recuperate before my workweek kicks in. Eat and rest, do some house chores, pet Luna, that will be about it. And have as good a day as I can of course, just as I expect from all of you. Sober and clean and one day at a time. Love.


Thanks @JazzyS @tailee17 @Just_Laura Vertigo is still pretty bad today unfortunately. The exercises I generally do to settle the crystals in my ears are not really helping at this stage. Hopefully better tomorrow


Just wanna say you have grown so much mentally Mike! :seedling:
Love to read how you are rebuilding your life with new girlfriend, new hobbies and your girls ofcourse.


*Day 2209 :walking_woman:
Proud of myself after keeping my boundaries at work.
Iā€™ve worked for 5 houres yesterday. It wasnā€™t easy with a broken feet but with a co worker doing most of the walking I managed.
Then I saw the work schedule for upcoming week :face_with_peeking_eye: I had to work my houres at monday at my own, so no co worker! What! :dizzy_face:
I think Iā€™m very cooperative to work at all! Is this my ā€œrewardā€? It made me mad and sad at the same time. Almost called in sick for the remaining 75%. But I didnā€™t. Instead of it I contacted the manager and explained her my feelings and worries. Itā€™s fixed now :sweat_smile:

Today? Visithing my mother in law for a lunch in a restaurant.
Have a good sober sunday all :raising_hand_woman:


@JazzyS Thanks for the shout out Jazzy. Thanks for the shout out to all the other peeps too!

Youā€™re right, I was worried about my kids not being able to stay with me but I am starting to enjpy the gifts of sobriety bit by bit. Day by day.

Hope youā€™re well. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Tailee. I never thought I would be almost 5 months sober and my how my life is changing for the better!

Hope youā€™re well. :slightly_smiling_face:


@SoberWalker That elevated footā€™s looking good!
@wahtisnormal I feel you. Sometimes my days are like that. I feel distant from everything and everyone. A daily schedule with things that give me meaning helps me. Even on the days where I donā€™t feel it, itā€™s a good investment, and I donā€™t have too much time for useless rumination. Hope your funk ends soon.
@Scorpn Itā€™s ok not to feel sometimes :people_hugging:
@1in8billion You live in the Bermuda Triangle, isnā€™t that right? :rofl:
@Butterflymoonwoman Sending calming vibes for the present moment.
@Vanessa8 To messy homes!
@PositiveThoughts Like your proactive mindset :muscle:
@Amy30 Congrats of first day of school :books: :tada: Your excitement is really palpable. Enjoy the ride!
@Kareness Enjoy your walk! I hope the weather in your part of the world makes it a nice one.
@tailee17 You are so working your recovery. This is impressive :muscle: :heart:

319 sugar
183 UPF
57 gluten
57 dairy

6 months no UltraProcessedFoods. Body and mind are very grateful for that. Canā€™t imagine the kind of stress this crap put me into.
Did some morning yoga and rowing. The sun is up and shining. End of the week means weekly review: looking back, taking stock, preparing for the week to come.
My daughter has her matinee performance today. I watched the premiere yesterday and was so enthralled Iā€™m going to go a second time today. Dance, music, great costumes, a nice story. Lots of fun.
Not many plans for the afternoon.

Todayā€™s picture is some streetart I enjoyed in Rotterdam this summer.

Whatever comes Iā€™ll go for peace and love for life :lotus:


Happy Sunday my friends!

Make it an awesome sober day!