Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Day 109

Our little guy had swimming lessons yesterday morning which got us up and out of bed at a good time. We stopped by our local Menards and grabbed some supplies for a couple projects around the house.
Today was fairly lazy little man and I watched tv for about an hour and took a much needed nap (I don’t know who needed it more me or him lol) later in the afternoon we washed some parts of a dresser we’re re doing, that pretty much sums up the whole weekend


Still sober!


Day 1388,

Early morning check in. The more boundaries I put in place, the stronger I feel. Which I would have discovered that dynamic a bit earlier in live :see_no_evil:. Visited my parents on Saterday, when it became clear I would go back for dinner the next day with my son I left right away mentioning I will see them tomorrow then. My father made a remark towards my mother like “his time with us is up”. I heard it but well :man_shrugging:. It was up, but no need to respond. I’m emotionally disconnected as the best I can, while I visit them. Some people really targeting my feelings (particularly guilt) when I give them less of my time/empathy or break contact, my peace is more important :pray:.

Have a good sober day :pray::heart::pray:


@Lefty624 Take your naps whenever and wherever you can :zzz: :wink:
@Just_Laura Sending you tons of strength for your phone calls. I hate this kind of thing as well and always procastrinate. Speaking of which, there is a doctor’s appointment I am not looking forward to I have to schedule :unamused:
@Lizziebeth Good to hear sobriety is doing you so much good! Keep it up :smiling_face:
@sarath_unrelax Good to see you here stacking your days!
@Mischa84 Hey there :wave: I am so sorry you are being treated like that. There is nothing - I repeat nothing - in the world that justifys this kind of behaviour. This is toxic and abusive. All of it is on him, none on you.
He is a grown man, he can take care of his needs. And he should support you, instead of using you as his personal punching bag. No, you should not forget about it, and you are trying to protect your boundaries, which he does not care about.
But you also are right: Numbing your feelings is not going to help at all. These feelings are there to inform you, that you are not treated well, that your boundaries are not being respected. These feelings are there to tell you, that something has to change. :heart:

320 sugar
184 UPF
58 gluten
58 dairy

Had an early start here.
My daughter has a special week at school “Fair communities without violence”. There are lots of trips and activities involved. Today they went to one of the top football clubs in our national and also the european league system. They have many youth programs and an extensive violence prevention program. The trip is a big thing for the kids. So we got up early and very excited.

Me, I am going to work more on my game scenes. There is a parent’s meeting this evening at a café nearby. I might attend. Maybe some yoga.

Today’s picture is our local suspension railway with a nice rainbow I managed to catch last spring :rainbow:

Whatever comes, I’ll go with a mindset of peace and love for life :lotus:


Hi All, checking in on Day 17. I wasn’t able to really contribute yesterday as the scan wasn’t good news. I am showing as pregnant but have either lost the baby or it is ectopic, need further tests with the hospital. I just stayed in bed most of yesterday processing it, but feeling tentatively OK today. Not looking forward to next steps but I know I will cope.

I need to stay focused on my health and not let this be a reason to give up on all the progress made. This feels very unfair in one way as I had to cancel my gallbladder surgery for this, and now it was for nothing, but I don’t want to waste this opportunity for sobriety.


Ooooooh my @JennyH …. Oh my, I am so sorry.
Thinking about you as you go through the further testing. ODAAT.
Big hugs.


Fuck @Just_Laura you deserve a break on this shit. Sorry about the issues with the money, you really don’t need that crap. I see you working so hard… Life is so unfair like that. Those with money and shitty attitudes always seem get the extra money or opportunities, right? But they don’t have class or grit … Keep fighting, I hope this swings your way soon, my friend :heart:


So sorry Jenny. Sending you lots of love. Here if you wanna talk :pray:t2:

  1. Feeling low. This latest depression just crept up on me. I haven’t been to the gym in 6 days or left the flat in many days. I’ve pretty much spent it in bed mostly, reading. I’m not sleeping at all at normal times, just snatched hours randomly here and there. I’m so tired of myself. There’s a snapshot of sun outside so maybe I will try to take a steady walk out. :dove:

That’s a situation that can give to infamous powerless feeling. Hope making the phone calls will give some clarity and also some tension relief, at least that is how it works for me when procrastination hits in for calls like that :pray:


Hey all, checking in on day 1576. I hope everybody has a good one!


Starting day 13. Usually check in at night but felt like a morning check in today. Hope everyone has a great sober day today!



Happy Monday!!

Another sober weekend under my belt. I have a giant to do list and because of the program Im working I am not overwhelmed but excited about it.

Today Im starting 30 days of no caffeine. Im at the point it really no longer has an effect on me (I can go to sleep right after drinking a cup). Well, it does have negative effects because of the amount I drink. It does cause me to shake and I’m sure some anxiety. So wish me luck. I have warned everyone around me haha.

Have an awesome sober day my friends!!!


Howdy sober fam,

Just checking in. Today was a good day I’d say… Couldn’t be productive unfortunately as it’s national holiday (labour day) so most things were closed, but I went to the botanic gardens and did a whole lot of walking instead which was nice, and a relaxing little break from the hussle. Nothing beats nature. Going to sleep early tonight, maybe put on some documentary about space or something to fall asleep to if I can find my earphones. Tomorrow will be an early morning and busy day.

ODAAT friends… :seedling:


A nice walk is good :slight_smile:

Sometimes the littlest things can make me most greatful

Have you delt with this be4?
What coping skills do you have for this?
Are there tasks you can do to help you feel better?

When i wake the morning at 5:30 be4 work i say to myself, i can be tired and unmotivated, or, optomistic.
Sometimes pausative self talk goes a very very long way. If you genuinely mean the pausative self talk it kicks in quick :slight_smile:
Give it a try be4 you go for the walk :slight_smile:


That is very tough. Absolutely need to focus on your own health, next step at a time.


Hope you can get out and get some fresh air and movement. It sucks to get started, but I don’t think I have ever regretted it. :purple_heart:


Checking in on Monday morning. I had a great weekend. Did a lot of fun stuff - festivals, flea market, bowling - and necessary stuff - shopping, meal prep, cleaning. I even bought a new refrigerator. It will be delivered Friday. I bought the one i have now used about 12 years ago. It’s barely holding on, so a new one is definitely needed. It will also match my stove, which will be nice.
I got to work early to do some billing and paperwork, now I’m headed out to see clients. I have a full schedule today. Actually, my whole week is pretty busy.
Hope everyone has a great sober day :purple_heart:


@spgand28 that’s great to hear Sonia. Sounds like you have a great start already for your health and fitness…hope you are able to start the week off strong :muscle:t4:. I am doing well enough. Trying to keep my head filled with positivity and work on healing.
@Just_Laura I can’t believe they have not gotten to the bottom of this by now. You brought it up and now it’s their responsibility to fix the issue. This would make me so angry and frustrated. I’m sorry you are going through this and that the insurance company is not stepping up to remedy it. Wishing you luck with the phone calls today
@rob11 glad to hear that you are finding peace and are in a healthy place. Still - I’m sorry about that remark…that is not ok especially from a parent.
@jennyh so sorry to read this Jenny. Sending you love and hugs! Hope all goes well with the next steps and know we are here for you. :people_hugging::people_hugging::pray:t4::heart: One step at a time. Hopefully you will be able to reschedule your gallbladder surgery for a sooner date. Do stay connected through this…you are making great progress on your sobriety :pray:t4:
@Tragicfarinelli big hugs TF :people_hugging: sorry you are feeling so blah. Are you able to make small changes at home like change up your outfit, different music and watch some comedy. I find small things like this help me get out of my depressed mindset (enough to be able to get outside and then the world is at your fingertips). Sending love and strength and positivity energy your way


Thanks @JazzyS I showered. I know that sounds minimal, but it was actually almost impossible. I’m going to try for an hour’s walk soon.