Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

I send you energy to keep going @Scorpn ! I quit some 20 years ago and it was a real bitch, yet an immense improvement of quality of life - @Mno is absolutely right! Allan Carr‘s book helped me. Needed two tries to break with my 40 cigs a day addiction.


Knowing a little bit of your history that’s only logical. So many of us are like that here friend. Relying only on ourselves, from a very young age. No one is to be trusted, nobody will help us. Only ourselves. That’s how we grew up. Hope you will be better soon. And I hope you can accept the help that you’re being offered and learn to trust others. One small step at a time. To learn we are in this together, all of us. Hugs.


Checking in day 265 :blush:


Day 1072 AF

What’s up, gang.

Happy Sunday.

Another hangover-free weekend. Watched the Chargers game, took the little man to the playground, and just got back from the grocery store.

I’m not doing much right now. Chillin’ at the apartment with the fam. Prolly do some more laundry and go for a walk in the evening.

Finally getting used to my lil man’s short hair:

Have a great day everyone. Stay strong! :muscle:

ODAAT :heart:


Happy! I finally got myself over to a pretty outdoor pool today in my neighborhood. I’ve been scared to go for some reason.

I’m healing and going back to my natural state. I love swimming more than any other sport. I have an ideal build for it. Why not? Every day. I have a spinal disease that makes higher-impact sports a bad idea. I don’t know why I waited so long! Bit of agoraphobia. All gone now. This will save me. My running/fast walking days are over as primary. Duck?:duck: Water is healing. I miss water. :heart:. And people. I actually miss people.

Thank you for reading about my little wins that are huge to me. Everything is suddenly better :kissing_heart:


Well I must have recieved the calming vibes you sent because the other morninf I woke up and boom. Mom is here and Im having a lovely timr with her…I love seeing her with her grandbabies. Xo.


Day 952
Today has been a challenge. I did go to work and then was able to leave at 1pm so that i could go home to my son who is sick. So that was good! But its just been hard dealing with everything that needs to be dealt with. This wheelchair issue is consuming so much of my thoughts. And to top it off, if we cant get a chest strap on hia loaner chair, the accessible bus may not allow him on the bus to go to school. So here i am worrying about that and my son missing school for a month or so. Jeeze. Im praying and praying for good outcomes but it feels like obstacles keep popping up. But i know my HP has my back and will help me thru it. Literally i couldnt do much about anything all weekend bcuz everything is closed. So tmrw will be my chance to hopefully set things straight. I absolutely HAVE to get up at 530am tmrw for the gym. Right now i need my “therapy”. So my plan is to hit the gym in the morning, make a coffee, do my prayer, and then start with the phone calls around 9am. See what i can fix. Hope u all have a great night. I will do my best as well.


Good morning :vulcan_salute:

Only got to sleep quite late last night. Might explain why I felt a bit drained upon waking up and needed to journal for a good while to bring me back to my senses. The HALT acronym (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) is actually a really good guide!

Anyways, time to jump into the day, the weather is great for a change, there are a few people around so I won’t have the privacy I prefer when meditating and working out, but I won’t let that dissuade or distract me… The obstacles we invent sometimes… :roll_eyes: I’m grateful to be on this journey of self-discovery. Odaat… :seedling::sunflower:



Back to work this morning. Yesterday I dropped my friend of at the airport and had a quiet day at home after. And it IS quiet without somebody around. Of course Luna is still here. :heart_eyes_cat: :heart: :heart_eyes:. But still.

Not really feeling working right now. But it will come. It’s bloody early. And dark. First time this year I’m sitting here with my SAD lamp. Fittingly the weather will get progressively wetter and colder this week. That’s OK. Sort of.

I’m going to have as good a day as I can friends. And I expect the same from you all. Let’s make it sober and clean or nothing will come from it. Love from my balcony yesterday afternoon, seems like it was the very last day of summer.



Had a pretty good day. My daughter wanted to play with her friend she doesn’t see much now(bc of school) so I didn’t get outside as much as I’d liked(it was HOT anyways :hot_face:). I did run some errands and clean a little more of the house, happily :upside_down_face: I always feel good after the fact. I just need to remember that when I lack motivation. My backs a bit irritated now, but luckily it’s almost time for bed. Not much else to say really. Have a good night :heart:


Busy weekend! I’m somewhat tired now (6am Monday) and sore from training hard. I feel satisfied that I got some good value out of this weekend. Back to the grind at work today but it’s all good.
Family are happy and healthy and I’m likewise and that’s the overriding goal in everything I do, so we’re good.
Have a great day :pray:


Checking in day 95

I worked most of the weekend and that was pretty much it :slight_smile:
I hope everyone has a great Monday morning


296 days
Hurt my back yesterday at the gym. First round but foolishly kept going as it wasn’t too bad at the time, as soon as i stopped and cooled down it was no good.
Oh well as a result I’m off work last night and tonight.
Not all bad as I’m again currently lying on the floor of the kids room listening to music with them while they go to sleep. Grateful I get to spend times like this with them


@MrFantastik Aw man, I am so sorry your back is wrecked. I get how you kept going even if it hurt. Usually the real pain starts later and some discomfort during a workout is not unusual. Hope you get to feel better soon. Sending healing waves over all those oceans :ocean:
@Mno I moved my desk to the part of the flat with more sunlight, but I am quite sure I’ll have to take out the SAD lamp out of the basement in a few weeks. The fun of seasons :grin:
@1in8billion Had some BS dreams last night and woke up pretty disoriented. Some yoga, a run and meditation helped. Quite sure your practice will make you feel better :lotus:
@Tyland Yeah letting go of a broke relationship is just hard. So many difficult emotions. Sending you a hug :people_hugging:
@Lighter So nice to hear you are finding your vibe with the pool :ocean: :smiley:
@GOKU2019 OMG! That hair! Amazing! Also gorgeous kid with short hair. You’re lucky to have such wonderful kids :smiling_face:
@Scorpn I remember being beset by fleas. No fun. I hope the flea bomb works its magic. Stay strong :muscle:

306 sugar
170 UPF
44 gluten
44 dairy

New week, new fun. Did my morning run. My legs feel slightly sore after yesterday’s hike. My daughter is still suffering from a migraine and is staying at home.
Today comes the second part of my seasonal celebrations. Yesterday I went on an equinox hike. Today I am going to do a seasonal review. Looking back on summer, tying up loose ends, taking stock, looking forward into autumn.
I have a class at late noon with the younger kids. Looking forward. Yoga in the afternoon. Recovery Dharma in the evening. Stuff inbetween.

Going for peace and love of life today :lotus:

My spidery companion from yesterday’s hike for you.


Day 224
Today, I just wanna run away.
I’m sure most of you know how big Australia is and I’m really tired of the the cold weather down South and just wanting to be on my own. I would love to pack up my belongings and move 1,800kms North to Queensland which has a much warmer climate. I have my family here, my partner but at age 52 I just want to challenge myself and sometimes just want to be without anyone…end rant


Checking in :wave:t2:
Today I’m off, and I decided to go for a walk. When I left we had blue skies and sunshine, but as I continued it started to get darker and darker. I had left everything wide open at home, and as I started to hear thunder and the first rain drops fell I decided to run to get home asap! :rofl: Turns out I can run quite fast and far, if there is a necessity! :rofl::sweat_smile: I used to go for runs in the past, before gaining so much weight. Maybe it’s something I should start doing again, little by little! Anyway, small lesson I learned today; I’m capable of more than I believe! :muscle:t2:


Day 457.working 7-3 today

Weather is pants. I’m keen to get into thr working week slowly :joy:

All OK here. All good. Watching the hobbit trilogy again


Happy Monday!

I’m not hungover, im not shaking, and I’m not worried about what I did while I was drunk all weekend. I’d call that a great start to the week!

Make it an awesome day my friends!!


Heyy sir

I hsvnt gotten my big book in the mail yet. Just my 12 step book. I should have it in a few days.

I will do what you said though

Reading these books, even a little at a time, uplift me so much


Hey all, checking in on day 1562. I hope everybody has a good one!