Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

That’s so much to process Seb, wishing you the very best care and speedy attention to get this managed. Lots of love, stay strong :two_hearts:


286 days. Checking in.


Hey all, checking in on day 1578. I hope everybody has a good one!


Just checking in, grateful to be alive, sober, learning & growing odaat… :seedling::sunflower:

Have as good a day or night as you can sober fam! :v:


Day 222!

Better, brighter morning. I so wish I didn’t have to wade through the pain and abuse in my past. Yesterday was rough. But it is past. As my new life grows, it will get better. So much was thrown at me that I couldn’t control. Forward now.



Day 1390,

Just checking in, feeling bit lonely. People reach out to me, but the feeling of being not heard myself is arising from deep within :pray:


@dvantran Your post made me laugh. How did the cold plunge in the ocean go? You can join our friends on the Cold plunge thread if you would like to make this a regular thing :smile:

So right Pamela – all we can do is stay sober and let our actions speak for themselves. Our addiction created much destruction in its path and we won’t be able to mend it but can grow and heal from it. It will take time and patience. Don’t let the past keep you feeling sad and guilty as this is what the addict mind feeds on. Be proud of your sober time and your new path. Stay connected and keep fighting for another sober day!
@timetochange How are you doing today? Sorry your dealing with some issues at home – hope you are able to talk them through and start feeling better mentally soon :hugs:
@twizzlers How did physio go? It is hard to not be able to do your normal routine after 3 weeks but you have to remember that 3 weeks is not a long time. You did have major surgery and the body needs time to recover. Sending you comfort and hugs my friend. We are here if you need to talk. I know how frustrating it can be to mentally want to get back into a routine but physically not being able to do so. You will get back to it all soon enough :people_hugging: Congrats on your 158 days :muscle:
@positivethoughts I think that is a brilliant plan. It is funny how quickly we forget the negative effects of alcohol or the person we were in active addition. A constant reminder is healthy to keep us on track. Another day conquered :muscle:
@soberwalker Oh I’m sorry Claudia. It does suck that you are not able to do what will help you get out of the flat mood. Hoping that your foot feels better today. Sometimes listening to upbeat music or watching some stand up comedy helps change my mindset – hoping it may help you too. Sending you hugs. :hugs:
@jennyh Great work on your nearly 3 weeks. I hope all goes well with your scan :pray: We are here for you love :people_hugging: :heart:
@acromouse Way to go with your 2 months no gluten / dairy! Impressive work Aga. :muscle:
@seb Sending you loads of healing energy and glad that you were able to find this and that you are working so closely with the doctors to address it. Keep that hope alive my friend and thank you for sharing this with us. We are here for you and hoping for a quick healing process :pray:
@frank68 You can do it! Day 3 is amazing – keep up the no caffeine momentum! Sorry to hear about your no heat – hope you are able to get that sorted soon. The days are starting to get cold.
@bomdhil No forgiveness necessary my friend. So grateful you found your way out of that trap and are now on 1 week sober ;tada: :tada: Grateful to hear that you have zoom meetings and friends in real life helping you on this journey. Keep connected Thomas ODAAT! :muscle:

I’m sorry Rob. Sending hugs your way. :people_hugging: Are you able to talk out this feeling with someone in real life? Try to see where it is arising from? Feeling lonely can be very depressing, i do hope you are able to find your way out of this feeling :hugs:


Checking in day 205. Hope everyone has been having a great week!


Actually I like the town, even when some of its inhabitants dislike me just because of where I’m from. I guess it’s the same the other way around. And it mainly has to do with football and stupid tribalism. It’s like Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen. Only Amsterdam and Rotterdam are much more interesting places :upside_down_face:


Thanks for this one, I needed it :pray:

Trying to be the lighthouse in the storm that swirls around me and trying to lead by example.


Now you have to share with us some pictures of your football stuff - scarfs, hats, shirts, whatnot :smile_cat:


That’s a big thing to handle Sebastian. We’re with you friend. Wishing the very best outcome for you :people_hugging:


I have so many things to work out, besides my own body weight: the punch bag, elastic bands, weights etc. I was thinking of a spinning bike (I used to do a lot of spinning at the gym), but then again… I have a normal city bike in my garage, that hasn’t been used for a few months! I should get that chain pumped up, and go for it! But in 2 weeks it will get dark at 5:30 pm… no outdoor activities for me anymore during a few months… I’ll start with what I have now! Loads of options! :blush:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
Today was a very stressful and messy day at work! We have this one colleague that is all drama, and I’m no longer into it! But when I ignore him, I’m “a bad friend”…
My “home gym project is moving forward”, now I have to get at it! :rofl::rofl: But it’s been 24 hours that I cleared the room, so no guilty feelings there! Tomorrow I’ll kick off!

Peanut is behaving as usual, little crazy nutter, after his vaccine! Good news!
We have very strong winds here, but compared to what people in Florida are going through, this is just a small breeze… Sending strength to all the fellow peeps affected by Milton… :pensive:


Checking in day 282 AF :blush:


Day 969
Really feeling this number today for some reason lol I was sooo tired this morning. Too tired to even get up and make coffee :sweat_smile: Once i got my son on the bus to school, I drank my cappuchino and then I rested for an hour, which I really needed. Then i got up and vacummed, went to the post office, hit the gym (had a good workout!) and now im home eating protein pancakes and turkey bacon yummm
I forgot to do my morning routine today which isnt good. But im going to do it shortly. Im having a pretty good day so far. And with regards to my financial situation i am going thru, I am just waiting on only 1 more piece of information now to come to me. And then i can print everything off and send it in. I am anxious to get my paperwork in, get the results, and end this crappy situation. I am hoping for a good outcome or ar least not a very bad one.
Hope everyone is doing well. Hugs TS fam!


Thanks for the kind words and positive vibes everyone :heart:


Day 26.64 completely sober and havnt had alcohol in 518 days

Ive been thinking of getting to meetings in person but from where im living and getting there, it isnt happening. I have my licence but cant drive alone because i dont have my own car so it will have to be online meetings which isnt too bad. They help and i can listen as long as i need to so thats what im doing

Family is doing good
Today i have the day off
Shopping is done
Londry almost done

Just taking it one day at a time


Day 473. Some rubbish going on at work above me…not a good vibe.

My course is going well… I’m ok. Have a fab day folks


Checking in Day 59
Doing well overall. One thing I saw on here a while ago is someone said “emotions come and go”. I have been keeping it in the back of my mind and it has been interesting and helpful to see that it is true for me too if I just let it happen.
I have been keeping really busy and don’t have time to post on here or really spend time alone at all to work through my thoughts like I would like to. Or like, pick up a hobby. I want to prioritize that because I don’t want to have idle hands, no matter how mentally strong I feel.
When I do have time alone to think about my thoughts and my life I get sad. I don’t understand my life. The past almost 2 months has been the 1st time since I was 16 years old where I have not been under the influence or dealing with a full blown mental disorder (eating disorder, OCD) - that is 15 years of sickness. It is probably fair to say my choices have been influenced by the demons in my head more often than not in the past 15 years. Now I am taking on the world without any of those vices. Trying to be better, more rational, and make smart choices.
My ex texted me last weekend just the word “Hey” and I read it but didn’t respond. I want to know what he wants but I also don’t want to open a can of worms. The last thing I need is to see him say something that will make me sad/angry. So I tell myself “if he needs something for real he will text again and say more than Hey” and I will deal with it then. I am trying to protect myself and my sobriety. I am trying to keep doing the things I never have done for 15 years.